Halfwit - bnha one-shot(?)
Contrary to popular belief, Denki Kaminari was not an idiot.
Despite the jeers and taunts about his intelligence, Denki Kaminari was not stupid.
He simply had more trouble focusing than others.
He'd tap his fingers in class listening to the steady beat, ignore the teacher in favor of the bird flying across the window.
Who were the others to assume he was a complete dolt.
He hated to admit it, but their constant mocking got to him.
The blonde tried to tell himself that he would never let them hurt him, but the insults found a way to worm into his head.
He tried to study, to cram every ounce of knowledge into his head to stop the mental abuse, but he could never focus enough to learn.
He sometimes asked himself how he even managed to get to highschool.
A slow learner was all he was.
He was just like everybody else, but just because he wasn't as quick to memorize a subject marked him as an idiot.
As a complete and utter fool.
Denki thought it would be different when he got to UA.
But no.
The moment his grades were shown, they teased him. They never meant any harm, just a fun little joke about the dumb friend.
Though it felt awful.
The blonde wouldn't dare ask the smartest in the class for help. Well, maybe he would Izuku, but the others perhaps not. Katsuki would yell at him when he didn't remember stuff, and mock him when he got a question wrong. Momo would be willing to help, though he felt bad enough about constantly asking her to make him things.
Even though Shoto was starting to gradually warm up (hah, pun intended) to his classmates, he still gave them mostly a cold shoulder. (fear me)
Ask the teachers, they'd try and help, them eventually give up when he wasn't doing it right.
Denki Kaminari was not an idiot.
He just didn't know how to show that to people.
"Oi Dunceface! Don't let the Tail Fuck get behind you!" Katsuki screamed into his earpiece.
Why of all people for hero training did he have to get paired up with Katsuki. Don't get him wrong, he likes Katsuki, and he's good with the whole hero business, it's just the insults.
"I'm trying!
He delivered short shocks to Mashirao, but it didn't seem to bother him all that much. "Bakugou, what do I do?! I can't short circuit out this early on!" His arm barely had time to move up to block his face when Mashirao swung his tail.
He winced when the impact came. That was definitely going to bruise.
"Figure it out you dimwit!" A small explosion popped in the background as he spoke.
Denki winced at the nickname.
'Whatever' He needed to deal with Mashirao, and help Bakugou sneak past cameras. He'd deal with the teachers backlash later. Taking a deep breathe, the familiar electric pulse of his quirk strengthened, and he let it all out.
"1.3 million volts!"
"Wait Kaminari-" Before he could finish, Mashirao was fried. (not dead tho lol)
"Wheeeey~" And there he was.
Dumbed down and stuck in his own little world for about an hour.
He could practically hear everyone in the observation room laughing at how ridiculous he looked.
Denki Kaminari was not an idiot.
"Hey Midoriya?" The blonde shyly asked when the greenette opened his door.
A look of worry quickly flashed across the freckled boys face. Denki never comes to his dorm. "Yeah? Are you okay? Do you need help? Did something happen?"
"A-ah no! I was just wondering if you could. . .um. . .help me. . . study." He felt his voice become quieter as he spoke, and his face heat up with embarrassment.
"O-oh, is that it? Of course! Did you want to study in my dorm or yours?" The greenette was quick to jump to the Denki's aid. The blonde felt bad, because he knew that the boy would eventually stop the whole study thing when he realized that Denki was impossible to teach.
"Um, how about we just stay in your dorm. I'll g-go get my stuff right now!" They both flashed each other award winning smiles, and Denki was off.
About 10 minutes later, Denki showed up once more, a heavy looking backpack slung over his shoulder. "I hope you don't mind that I have a lot to work on. I'm sorry. Just saying it in advance. I'm not the fastest learner, heh." He sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. His ADHD probably would help the situation either.
"That's fine! Everyone learns at their own pace! Plus, we can work together on a few things." Izuku said, pulling a few All Might themed pillows to the ground.
A small smile graced Denki's lips.
Perhaps this wouldn't end in total flames.
Izuku was an even better teacher than he previously thought.
He talked with him and carefully lead him through subjects he didn't understand, making sure he knew what they were studying before moving along.
A week into their little study sessions, and Denki's grades were already improving.
Not by a lot, but for his standards, he might as well have been winning the lottery.
He was so used to getting F's and D's, that whenever he got above that, he would proudly show it to Izuku, who applauded him like a parent with their child. They'd also set up a kind of reward system.
It was specially designed by the greenette to suit whatever Denki's level was. (don't come @ me, if I had this system, you bet your sweet, juicy ass *lip bite* i'd be doing my best)
Getting an A on a test was a fro-yo trip, where he got just about every topping he could imagine.
A B was a lunch trip.
A C was small gift, like a charm or plush.
Anything below a C didn't warrant him anything but a study session.
The hard part was asking his friends to stop with the degrading nicknames.
It had already been a few weeks into the whole studying thing, and Denki was working up the much needed courage to confront his friends.
Izuku said he'd be with him as long as he wanted, and he was thankful. The boy had practically become his emotional support person.
Denki fidgeted nervously with a stretchy string. Something Izuku got for him of course.
One hand was under his shirt, thrumming a beat onto his stomach. (i do this too, idk why)
"Hey, it'll be okay. Just steady breaths, and say what you want to say." Izuku lay a gentle, comforting hand on his shoulder. The blonde gave a nod in return.
The Bakusquad came into view, all hanging out on the couch in the common room. Denki cleared his throat to gain their attention.
"Hah? Dunce what the fuck are you doing with shitty Deku?!" Katsuki yelled out.
"I in, wanted to talk to you guys about something."
"Well spit it out already! Stop wasting my time!" The ash blonde yelled out, and Eijiro timidly held him back.
"Bakubro, be nice! Go ahead Kamibro! We're all ears!" The read head flashed a sharp-toothed smile.
"It's just. . . I really want you guys to just stop calling me stupid! I don't like it and it hurts me mentally. So just, I'd really appreciate it if you'd just come up with less mean nicknames. And. . .maybe stopped making fun of me. . ."
". . ."
". . ."
"Why didn't you say so earlier bro! We're so sorry! We didn't realize it hurt you!" Ashido dramatically ran to hug him. Jabra soon joined in the drama pile, with Eijiro not far behind."
"I guess I was just a bit nervous, heh."
yes yes, i know it's shit - depresso
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