Todoroki x Reader || Mystery Meal || Request
Todoroki x Reader
Mystery Meal
Requested by VeraLisle44 !
It's been forever since I've written anything, so don't be surprised if I'm still very rusty! XD
But now, without further adieu: Enjoy!~
Second Person POV
A wonderful, yet anxiety filled, experience.
Your nerves are practically flying through the roof as you scurry about the kitchen, frantically throwing various foods onto their respective dishes before setting them up on the dining room table in an elegant arrangement.
Prior to this scene, it is shown that you had vehemently insisted that you didn't need any assistance with this occasion to your family, who had given you such an offer, hence why you're currently scrambling about like a chicken with its head cut off.
"Everything needs to be perfect," you repeatedly mumble under your breath, ignoring the bead of sweat that persistently threatens to trail down your face.
On this fine Friday evening, your classmate—and boyfriend—Shoto Todoroki had agreed to pay your home a visit for a romantic dinner date that you decided to set up.
As you worked and fumbled and fussed, Katsuki Bakugo, your twin brother, watched with one eyebrow arched in amusement. He analyzed every little movement you made, and, due to his constant supervision, you began to grow a little irritated.
However, through your recent practice for anger management techniques (thanks to Shoto), you were able to get through the process without resorting to some form of a violent outburst to get your brother to leave.
Heaving a sigh of relief, you step back and examine your work, nodding to yourself in pride as everything looks exactly as you planned.
You turn to your brother, parting your lips to utter a sentence when there's suddenly a few delicate knocks on the front door, cutting off your train of thought as nervousness immediately washes over you.
Shoving past Katsuki, you usher over to the door, briefly adjust your hair, take a deep breath, and then cooly open said door. Your eyes instantly fall on Shoto, who's dressed in a casual attire of a white hoodie and black sweatpants, and you have to restrain yourself from revealing just how jittery he makes you feel simply by his presence alone.
You clear your throat before inviting him in, to which he sends you a soft smile as he obliges.
As soon as you shut the door, Shoto pulls you in for a hug and you reciprocate almost instantaneously, melting into his gentle embrace with ease.
Katsuki, who had been closely observing the whole interaction, sneered and rolled his eyes as he looked in the opposite direction, leaning against the frame of the doorway for the kitchen.
Then, after leading your boyfriend into the dining room, you announce that you would be back shortly before disappearing without a trace, swiftly heading upstairs to freshen up.
Shoto, as he's waiting for your return, stares at the ensemble of food—that automatically makes his stomach begin to growl—in astonishment.
The amount of dishes you had prepared was phenomenal, and he had never seen someone put so much effort into something before. Especially not in something that was meant for him.
In his daze, he could vaguely hear Katsuki tossing some light insults his way, but he ignored the snide comments and, instead, calmly asked him, "Would it be alright if I taste one?"
Katsuki smirks in response, "Go for it, Icy Hot."
And so, he did.
Shoto carefully picked up a dumpling and popped it into his mouth, anticipating a fantastical burst of flavor to erupt on his tongue—and, unfortunately, it didn't taste quite how he had imagined.
In fact, it was so horrendous that he gagged as he swallowed it. Not only that, but he also lunged for a glass of water to chug down in order to erase whatever was left of the dumpling in his throat.
Through his suffering, he didn't notice Katsuki's snickering, nor did he recognize the sound of your footsteps casually descending the stairs.
That's when you walked in and paused, inquiring, "What're you guys up to?"
Simultaneously, with Shoto attempting to hide the strain in his voice, both males answered, "Nothing much."
Shoto, being the lovely boyfriend he is, chose to not make any remark on how the food you cooked tasted, not wanting to hurt your feelings (or your pride).
You shrug before waltzing over to the table, as you were a tad bit hungry, grabbing a dumpling and shoving it into your mouth.
Shocked, you spit the food item out into the palm of your hand, disgusted beyond belief at how foul it tasted.
Peering up at your boyfriend, you state in horror, "Please tell me you didn't eat that."
Shoto blinks before replying, feigning confusion as if he were a professional actor, "What do you mean? I thought it was delicious."
Your eyebrows furrow as you retort, "What?! Something must be wrong with your tastebuds if you think—"
Abruptly, you stopped, a dangerous idea coming to your mind as you slowly shifted your gaze to your brother, who was desperately grasping at straws as he tried not to bark out a loud laugh.
Your eyes narrow as you give him one of your infamous death glares, and finally, he cracks, bursting out into a fit of laughter and breathlessly admitting that he was the culprit who swapped your dishes for ones he made to purposefully have an awful taste.
This confession pushes you to reprimand Katsuki for his childish actions, to which he brushes off with a sense of carelessness that causes your face to flare up in anger.
Shoto then interrupts, trying to dissolve the one-sided fight, "Thank god this wasn't your food, YN."
That lighthearted remark brought a question to your head, which was as follows:
'Where even are my original dishes anyway?!'
{ Todoroki x Reader }
I know it was kinda short, but I hope this was good enough anyhow!! Thanks again to Vera for giving me this request; it was loads of fun to write!!! :33
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