Survivor! Shigaraki x Survivor! GN! Reader || Will you stay? || Request
Survivor! Shigaraki x Survivor! Gender-Neutral! Reader
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Will you stay?
Requested by @BooksForLifeBowties on Quotev.
I am not very familiar with Shigaraki's personality, so I apologize if he is a bit OOC because of this. Also, since you (BooksForLifeBowties) used they/them pronouns for the reader in the request description, that's what I'll be using here.
Second Person POV
You didn't expect much to come out of etching around a relatively small horde of the undead in the streets, but then again, nobody would've even expected the zombie apocalypse to arise either, so it really shouldn't have surprised you as much as it did.
It's been about a year and seven months since the world ended, and you were the only one to survive the first true wave of the flesh eaters in your friend group.
Around three months into the initial beginning of the end, a horde like no other had appeared and wiped out nearly everyone that was left in the city. That was during the time when the heroes were managing to get the first few known cases under wraps.
A cruel twist of fate, really.
Regardless, you are here, and you are alone.
Well, you were alone.
In the midst of escaping a rogue walker, you rounded a corner and slipped into the nearest unlocked door you could find, getting away from the monster right before it turned the corner, too.
With a tiny huff of relief, you shuffled around and halted, rigid as you have a stare-off with three vaguely familiar strangers.
Luckily for you, you had just unknowingly entered the current hideout of three of the most notorious ex-villains (who had survived) from the LOV.
After some long moments of stunned staring, the blonde chick, who was the closest to you, abruptly lunged in your direction.
Given no time to react, you were slammed against the closed door by the girl, who is adorning a broad and creepy grin, as she dangerously stabbed her dual knives into the wood on either side of your head.
Despite having wide eyes and a panicked heartbeat, as well as ignoring the brutal reminder that you don't have a quirk to assist you in this situation, you remain calm.
Your kept composure leads you to think fast, thus enabling you to swiftly plant your hands on the girl's shoulders and ram your knee into her gut within a matter of milliseconds. Then, you harshly shove her off, causing her to stagger and collapse onto the floor, painfully wheezing.
Next, your palms dart up to grab both handles of the knives that are lodged into the door and you rip them out, pushing yourself away from said door and getting into a fighting stance. Preparation for if either of the other two before you decided to attack, too.
The blonde girl simply gawks up at you from her position on the ground with her face a bright pink, impressed as she wipes the blood she had coughed up, that was previously splattered onto her fingers, onto the floorboards beneath her.
You didn't notice this as your attention was caught by the male with black hair and purple scarring as he charges straight for you. Waiting for the right moment, you dodge his attack by zipping over to the left, only for you to get your right arm snatched by him anyway.
He then yanks you towards him and pins you against the wall once more, his grip on your wrists tight as he begins to use his quirk, gradually increasing the heat on his palms in order to burn your skin.
The shock of the sudden burning sensation forces you to drop one of the blades in your grip, much to your dismay.
Acting on instinct, you headbutt the man so hard that he releases an agonized and irritated exclamation, "Argh!"
Having temporarily dazed him, including putting a short pause on his quirk usage, you crash your body into his and make him lose his balance. Due to this, he stumbles away from and lets you go.
Still in survival mode, you instantly swing the remaining knife you have at him and manage to slice open a minor injury on his outer bicep. He lowly yelps from the agony, pressing his free hand against the wound to slow the bleeding.
A short breath falls out of your lips as you and the male glare at each other, both ready to make another move of attack when the final, baby blue haired male, who had previously been watching the scene in analyzation, orders, "Enough."
With an defiant grunt, the purple scarred man stays put as the blonde girl stands, placing a hand on her hip as she continues to smile madly.
Removing your death glare from the purple scarred guy, you look at the blue haired, scabbed guy instead, waiting for him to say something else.
"Who are you?" he demands, not missing a beat.
You retort distrustingly, "You first."
"I'm Shigaraki," he drawls out, patient. "That idiot's Dabi, and the blonde's Toga." His eyes trail back to yours, disregarding Dabi's scoff, and he concludes, "Now, what is your name?"
You hesitate, and Shigaraki growls, "I'm not going to repeat myself."
"YN," you slowly reply, finally recognizing the lot of them as prior LOV members.
"YN," Shigaraki repeats, partially testing the name, "—what are you doing here?"
"Pack of undead outside," you inform quietly, realizing that it'd be best to comply from now on.
You remember this man's quirk, and not to mention the run-in you just had with Dabi and his ability, so you'd rather not mess with them any further.
"How many?" he questions.
"Enough to be an issue," you anxiously state, trying your best to not wince from the throbbing in your wrists.
Suddenly, banging ensues on the outside of the hideout, the gurgling of the zombies echoing loudly and startling you four. They appeared to have overheard the struggle that had just commenced between three of you, unfortunately.
Immediately, not trusting the strength of the old door and it's rusty hinges, you press your back against the door to hold it shut as Toga and Dabi swiftly move to assist with barricading the entryway.
Meanwhile, Shigaraki hums, thinking.
As soon as you three got the door blocked, he speaks, "You can stay until the herd passes, YN, but then you're out."
You stiffly nod once in confirmation, muttering to yourself, "I wasn't about to go back out there right now, anyway."
"Oh, oh! Can I patch her up?! Please?! Pretty please?!" Toga excitedly bombards Shiggy, practically bounding up and down in her place.
Noting your blatant discomfort at the suggestion, he tsks, shaking his head, "No. Knowing you, you'll try to cut them and taste their blood. I'll help them."
Toga pouts, but doesn't argue as she goes to sit and tend to Dabi's wound you gave him, proceeding to bug him with conversation as the pair glance back at you and Shiggy regularly.
Shigaraki half-heartedly waves you over to two lone seats, and after a second of uncertainty, you follow.
He motions to your chair and you sit, him grabbing a little med kit before doing the same directly across from you. You observe as he rummages through it, sharply lifting your chin up as he curtly aims a scalpel at your throat, threatening, "Try anything and you're dead. Got it?"
You can only bring yourself to hum in response, hiding your terror from him like a professional actress.
Shigaraki removes the blade and tosses it back into the med kit before he pulls out bandages and petroleum jelly, as the burn marks on your wrists aren't terribly bad.
As you observe his gentle movements when he's patching you up, you notice the gloves he's wearing that stops his quirk from activating, and you briefly lose yourself in thought.
You can't imagine the amount of trauma and problems this man must've gone through growing up with the kind of quirk he has.
How many people who must have left him behind or avoided him due to the fear of getting decimated by his hand.
Then, you're pulled back to reality as Shigaraki begins to distract you from the pain on your wrists with a low-volumed discussion. You give your answers with stammered, nervous sentences as your gaze shyly flickers between his movements and his friends.
Your timid behavior ends up making Shigaraki grow a mild soft spot for you, the conversation flowing naturally—effortlessly—and causing the both of you to grow closer without you even knowing it. Both connection-wise and, actually, physically.
Eventually, the banging of the walkers outside stops entirely, and soon enough, the small pack of them turns into a large horde within a matter of hours.
The four of you decide the travel to the upper floors because of their drastic change in numbers, and, before you know it, you're all pushed onto the roof once the undead break through the weak barricades on the bottom floor.
You all are stuck there for the next week, which gave you all time to converse.
Throughout the week, you mainly stayed close to Shigaraki, as you didn't necessarily stand on good grounds with the other two until about two days later.
And, to his surprise, he didn't mind it.
He, rather, enjoyed your company.
It helps that you have a non-irritating personality, in his opinion.
The both of you shared some cute moments, such as the cliché reaching for the same object (in your case, a food item) or him falling asleep and accidentally having his head tilt to rest on your shoulder, and you two also shared some comedic moments as well.
For instance, you sneezed one time on the fifth day and Shigaraki shamelessly imitated the snorting noise you had made. He just had the urge to do so, and it had originally embarrassed him, but your laugh made it better.
Nothing too grand happened between you two, though, however, considering you were still technically strangers at this point.
Although, you did get more comfortable talking with Toga and Dabi, so that ended up being a nice bonus. Especially when that meant that Dabi probably wasn't going to kill you for slicing his arm. Probably.
Alas, the time has come for when the final LOV members had to discuss about whether you must stay or go, as the horde had cleared itself out and left the alleyways and streets barren.
They decided to give you the chance to stay, but, keeping true to your original agreement, you leave them behind and stick out on your once more.
Flash forward to around a month later, the LOV members had managed to get themselves into a trap, since they just do happen to be quite chaotic despite it being the end of the world.
Long story short, Toga and Dabi were bickering as they trailed behind Shigaraki as they were heading back to their new hideout, and Shiggy was distracted when you came to his mind.
He didn't think he would miss you this much, but he does, and it was stuck in his head for weeks.
Anyway, Shiggy ended up setting off a trip wire, which caused a serious of miniature bombs to explode, thus drawing a ton of undead to their location.
You happened to be in the right place at the right time, as you heard the explosions and got the inexplicable feeling of needing to go to it. So, you did, and you found them.
You were able to discover an alleyway that they could escape from, so, you yelled down to them to get their attention and began shooting walkers that were in their way as they barreled towards the escape route you showed them.
Needless to say, you ran to join them and led them out of the area, knowing the place like the back of your hand.
Once you all were safe—well, as safe as you could be—you four had a small reunion, you and Shigaraki smiling at one another.
They, once again, offered you to join their group, and you know what you said?
Just kidding.
You actually said:
"Yeah, that'd be great."
W I L L Y O U S T A Y ?
{ Survivor! Shigaraki x Survivor! Gender-Neutral! Reader }
Sorry for this one not being that well-written! I've been distracted with school and didn't have much motivation to write, so I hope this is good enough! And I apologize for the wait, as well.
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