Multi-Character x Reader || Truth or Dare?
Multi-Character x Reader
Truth or Dare?
Shoto Todoroki
Your POV
Why did Mina have to drag me to an empty classroom for this..?
I mean, seriously, truth or dare?
For reference, I'm currently seated in a chair in a circle with the rest of 1-A, positioned between Momo and Todoroki. The candy cane just so happens to be my crush, which I know for a fact is what Mina brought me here for.
She's going to try to expose me or some shit, just watch.
Surprisingly, as the game goes on, I'm not asked by anyone about who I've got a thing for, or if I do, or anything of the sort.
What does happen, though, is me noticing Todoroki side-eyeing me on many occasions.
Hell, I even met his gaze once or twice. I definitely blushed, but that's not the point..!
Anyway, whenever I get picked, if I choose truth, I'm usually questioned about topics like hobbies, embarrassing moments in my past, who I would kill in this room if I had to pick someone—you know, the normal stuff.
This time 'round, Todoroki gets asked, snapping him out of his stupor, and he decides on truth.
"Alright..." Sero trails off, pondering his question for a moment until he glances at me. Then, he looks back to Todoroki and knowingly inquires with a smirk, "Why do you keep staring at YN?"
I blink, feeling my face burn as I dart my vision to my lap, flustered.
Why the hell would he ask that?!
I knew I was gonna be exposed tonight—
"Because I want to kiss her," Todoroki casually answers, no ounce of shame or hesitation in his words.
His boldness makes me bite back a smile as realization hits me like a ton of bricks.
Sero wasn't trying to expose me—he was trying to get Todoroki to confess!
The girls suddenly squeal from my crush's response, the boys getting riled up themselves from the excitement, and as everyone's distracted with being their chaotic selves, the world around me seems to fade as I'm snapped out of my thoughts.
A hand had been placed on my chin, gently turning my head so I can look Todoroki in the eye, our faces now only mere inches apart.
My breath hitches in my throat for a moment, body slightly stiffened at his actions as I instantly get lost in his beautiful, heterochromic orbs.
He's like the calm in the storm, as if we're in the middle of it together. The safe point. It's unlike anything I've ever experienced before.
I nearly miss what he utters next, but I manage to understand as he quietly requests, being the gentleman he is, "May I..?"
Having difficulty with words, I opt to softly nod, in a daze, as a silent agreement. My confirmation gives him the extra confidence to lean in and press a delicate kiss to my lips, our eyes simultaneously fluttering shut.
He's hardly applying any pressure as our mouths lightly graze one another, slowly reconnecting again and again.
In the midst of the yelling among our friends, someone spots us and wolf whistles, causing everyone else to take note and grow even louder, but I couldn't give a damn as I hold Todoroki's free hand in mine.
Honestly, I couldn't ask for a better first kiss.
"They didn't even need a dare to do that! I'm impressed!"
"Shut it, Kaminari! They're having a moment!"
Izuku Midoriya
I can't believe I accepted that dare.
Well, I mean, I didn't exactly have much of a choice if I did decline it.
See, last night, my friends in 1-A and I were all sitting in the commons area, playing this game called "Truth or Dare."
The problem with that is that the final dare I was given before we went to bed was to kiss my crush the next day—aka, today.
Yeah, thanks for that, Mina.
Oh, and I can't forget, there's one condition: If I don't complete the dare today where at least one other person from our class can see it happen for proof, I'll have to do something even more embarrassing in front of all of UA instead.
Yep, that's right.
In front of all of UA—not just the hero courses.
Knowing my friends, I don't want to take that chance more than I don't want to risk ruining things with my crush.
I've been hesitating throughout the entire day, not wanting to humiliate or put pressure on Midoriya when I kiss him, as well as being due to my fear of rejection.
By the way, yes, Izuku Midoriya is my crush, if that wasn't obvious.
I've had a thing for him ever since we met at the entrance exams, really.
Anyway, each class seemingly took years to pass me by, and, finally, towards the end of the day, I'm reminded of my fate if I don't do this oh-so-simple task.
"Remember, dumbass, if you don't complete the dare, you'll have to do something embarrassing in front of the entire school," Bakugo taunts, and I snap.
Shutting off my fears, I abruptly stand and march over to Midoriya with a determined expression.
Thankfully, class just ended, so this shouldn't be that big of an issue if this goes haywire.
Midoriya looks up at me, startled and very evidently nervous as he fiddles with his fingers, still sitting in his seat.
Before I could stop myself from my doubts, I halt before him and grab him by his shirt collar, lifting him up off his seat some as I lean down to meet him halfway, firmly kissing him with my eyes slammed shut as soon as we made lip contact.
He yelps a bit in surprise and I pull away before he could respond, taking that as a bad sign. However, before I could walk away after releasing him—causing him to fall back onto his chair, mind you—he grabs my wrist and tugs me back, using one of his knees to prop himself up on his seat as his other is planted on the ground between us.
With the swift movement he just made, he confidently kisses me again, this time shocking me.
His hand gingerly trails down from my wrist to my hand as my eyes close once again, his fingers entangling with mine. My free hand, the right, reaches out and holds onto his other upper arm, whose hand is set on the surface of the desk so he won't accidentally fall over.
My heart races inside of my chest as he etches me closer, my body trembling from my nerves. I can tell that he's shaking a little, as well.
That's when I finally hear the class cheering in the background, and he apparently does too, as we both pull apart from the noise.
I can't help the grin that stretches across my face, and, from the looks of it, Midoriya can't either as he uses his hand that was on the desk to cover the lower half of his face, cheeks flushed a brilliant red.
"Date later?" I whisper to him, and he shyly, yet frantically, nods, making me stifle a giggle.
Katsuki Bakugo
This seems like a...fairly decent plan.
The teachers are sure it'll work, so all I have to do for the moment is just play along.
The plan basically consists of a fake party for the hero courses of UA, which is supposedly to be a well-deserved break for us with all of the villain shit going on lately. Overall, the goal here is to lure the villains in to attack, then perform the rest of the phases of the plan as we practiced.
Where are the rest of the UA students?
I'm not entirely sure; nobody truly thought to ask after Aizawa mentioned that they'd be somewhere safe with some of the other pro-heroes.
I'm just hoping that it works.
Anyway, I'm dressed in formal attire, but I didn't feel like wearing a dress, as that would alter my mobility in combat.
The other girls wore gowns and such that they can just rip off to reveal their hero costumes underneath, but I, personally, didn't feel like destroying a perfectly good dress, either.
Instead, I went for a suit.
My hero costume is under my white collared dress shirt (that has the top button undone), black tuxedo jacket with a red rose in its front pocket (multiple of its buttons are undone as well), slick black pants and shoes. For accessories, I'm wearing a black lace choker and jeweled rings on a few of my fingers.
Not much makeup, though, as that'll likely get rubbed off anyway during the fight later from my hero costume. All I did was a red lip and mascara.
Throughout the night, I've just been spending time with Bakugo, my best friend and crush.
We've just been enjoying each other's company and letting loose for a bit; I was even able to get him to smile and laugh a few times!
We're currently on the dancefloor, where we end up playing a game of truth or dare to pass the night.
As the game goes on, the questions we ask and dares we give get more and more interesting, and we bring ourselves closer to one another without even realizing it.
Just too lost in the moment, too lost in one another's eyes and movements to care.
We're shoved together when the crowd around us gets tighter, presumably due to more people joining in on the dancing, making me bump into Bakugo's chest with my hands up to protect my face.
His arms dart around my waist as he stabilizes us, and when I look up, part of me expects to be yelled at, but I'm proved wrong as he simply throws his head back a little and laughs.
I grin and laugh as well, us breaking apart with very little space between us, and we continue the game. Biting back my blush, I shout over the music and people, "Truth or dare?"
Bakugo cockily smiles, staring directly into my EC eyes, "Dare!"
I mischievously smirk, with a hint of flirtation, and state, "I dare you to do whatever you've been wanting to do the most tonight!"
And he does just that, sooner than I would've expected—he quickly grabs me by my hips and holds me against him as he roughly smashes his lips onto mine. With a slight gasp, I close my eyes and loosely slither my arms around his neck, reciprocating the gesture.
The kiss is passionate and mildly aggressive in terms of pacing and pressure, but this is Bakugo we're talking about, so it makes sense that his kiss would match his typical energy. Not that I mind, though; rather, on the contrary, I find it to be quite attractive.
His grip on my hips tighten by a smidgeon as we break apart, lightly panting from the kiss.
Before either of us could utter another word, the villains break through the ceiling and cut the "party" short.
With a challenging sneer, I peer up at Bakugo as our friends fend off the villains, "Ready to go kick their asses, babe?"
He smirks back, preparing his quirk as I remove my suit jacket, "I've been itching for a fight."
Eijiro Kirishima
"Hmm... Do you have a crush on anyone?" I inquire with a small smirk, leaning back on my hands as I intently stare back at Kirishima.
He's sitting directly in front of me on his dorm room floor, our legs crossed beneath us as we play the notorious "Truth or Dare" game together.
Earlier, we decided to have a sleepover in his dorm since it's Friday, which is why I'm here.
We've been playing this game for a few minutes now, and it's ever so slowly been escalating in intensity since.
Kirishima nervously chuckles as he rubs the nape of his neck, "Yeah, I do."
"Ooo," I tease, and he playfully rolls his eyes with a lopsided, shark-toothy grin.
"Truth or dare, YN?" he retorts.
"Truth," I answer, tilting my head.
"Do you have a crush on someone?"
"Indeed I do... Truth or dare?"
"Heh," I chuckle. "Am I...close to who you have a crush on?"
"Closer than you might expect," he softly nods, giving me a knowing look. "Truth or dare?"
"What's your type?"
I coquettishly grin, feigning thought as I briefly look off to the side, "Manly redheads who remind me of boulders." Peering back to see his grinning, flustered expression, I ask, "Truth or dare, sharky?"
"Truth," Kirishima responds, still giving me that fond look.
"Who do you have a crush on?" I confidently question, never removing my gaze from his.
He answers with zero hesitation, though he sounds a bit dazed and anxious, "You."
My heart flutters, but I don't have much time to process this as he asks, "Truth or dare, pebble?"
"T-Truth," I stutter, my nerves getting the best of my speech.
"Do you have a crush on me, too?"
"I do," I respond, mostly regaining my composure. "Truth or dare?"
"How long have you liked me for?"
"Ever since the Sports Festival," he admits, no longer seeming somewhat tense. "Truth or dare?"
"Dare," I state, voice lowered as we continue to stare at one another.
"Kiss me," Kirishima softly orders, catching me off guard for a split second.
Though I could see this coming, so it wasn't too big of a surprise, despite my body taking that blow quite hard as my figure begins to tremble from my excitement and nervousness.
I immediately sit up on my knees and balance myself out with my right hand on the floor as I pull Kirishima in with my other hand cupping his neck, fervidly kissing him and fulfilling the dare. However, we don't stop after just a tiny peck, no.
Kirishima grabs me by the waist and pulls me to sit on his lap, my legs bent at either side of his crossed legs, my calves under his knees. He holds me here as my arms trail up to rest on his shoulders, my hand lightly grasping on my wrist behind his neck.
His hands shift to settle themselves securely on my hips for some time, until he removes one of them to plant onto the floor behind him as he starts to fall back with me in pursuit, catching and keeping us steady before that could happen.
Butterflies swarm the inside of my stomach like a typhoon as our lips collide over and over again, my fingers reaching up to entangle themselves with his hair, that it let down after he had his shower before I arrived.
Pulling apart, we slowly open our eyes and keep our faces only mere centimeters apart as we gaze into each other's eyes, our warm breaths mixing from how close of a proximity there is between us.
"Truth or dare?" I whisper, our lips grazing as we speak.
"Dare," he mutters back, entranced.
"Go on a date with me tomorrow at noon."
T R U T H O R D A R E ?
{ Multi-Character x Reader }
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