Cheater! Bakugo x Kirishima x GF! Reader || Romantic Revenge
Cheater! Bakugo x Kirishima x GF! Reader
I do not condone cheating; that is not a takeaway you should get from this. Cheating is bad regardless of how it happens.
Romantic Revenge
Your POV
Going to the new coffee shop in the city seemed like a good idea at first—well, it still, inevitably, was a good decision, but I digress.
I had just walked up to the quaint little place when I had spotted a familiar mop of blonde hair at one of the window seats. Peering inside from a distance, I realized that it was my boyfriend, Katsuki Bakugo.
However, he wasn't alone.
He was with a girl that I had never seen before, but who looked to be around our age.
I assumed that she was just a friend or a relative at first, not wanting to jump to any conclusions, but that's when they started to inch closer to one another's face, leaning across the table.
Without even thinking twice, I whipped my phone out and took a few photos before switching to a recording, capturing their kiss on camera at just the right moment.
It hadn't even registered that I was crying until a passerby asked me if I was alright. I made up some stupid excuse about having allergies before I rushed away from the scene.
After making a totally necessary pit stop at a grocery store to grab some comfort items, I practically sprinted back to UA at the speed of light, hoping to not have any more confrontations with anyone I knew, or didn't.
As soon as I reached my dorm room, I entered and made sure to close the door without slamming it before leaping onto my bed and sliding under the covers. I had also double checked that I locked the door as well, so I wouldn't have any surprise visits in such a state as I was in.
I rewatched that video I took again and again and again, muffling my sobbing with my hoodie's sleeve. My stuffed teddy rested in my lap, but I ended up throwing it in the trash as if I was an NBA star since Bakugo was the one that got it for me.
The reminder of the little gift hurt too much for me to bear—though that recording definitely stung worse.
The pair had kissed, pulled away, opened their eyes, grinned at each other, and then kissed once more.
Eventually, I carelessly tossed my phone onto the floor before turning on the TV to watch some comedies. No matter what I put on, nothing cheered me up.
Even shoving a whole load of candy into my mouth and clutching onto some other random stuffed animal didn't help.
I always kept my pained agony quiet as not to draw any attention to myself, not wanting any of the girls to get suspicious.
For the remainder of that week, I managed to put up a facade around my friends and soon-to-be-ex boyfriend, convincingly pretending as if I was still my normal self.
There was only one person who saw through my lies, and that was my other crush—Eijiro Kirishima, the shark boy himself.
The one who I had spoken to Deku about a short while after I first began dating that cheater, confiding in him since I was scared that Bakugo would lose his shit about it if I had discussed it with him.
I mean, I liked him and his best friend!
How was I supposed to know how he'd react to that news?
Deku was supportive and promised not to tell anyone of what I told him, which was such a relief.
Back to the subject at hand, though: Kirishima didn't succeed in getting a straight answer from me about my mood. I made sure of that.
That brings things to the present.
Today is the end of Friday and I had invited both Deku and Kirishima to my dorm to have a little group meeting.
Those two are my absolute best friends, so of course it was them I asked over.
My ears perk up at the sound of knocking coming from my door, and, after inhaling deeply to calm my nerves, I stood up and let the guys in.
Kirishima hugged me tightly and Deku just gave me a shy, verbal greeting before we got down to business.
"Okay, so," I begin, lightly swinging my arms back and forth so my palms brush against my jeans, "I've been keeping something from everyone for about a week now and decided that it's time to come clean about it.
"Basically, last Saturday, I caught Bakugo cheating on me with some other girl."
The boys gasp loudly in shock, but before they could respond, I cut them off, "And before you ask, yes, I've got proof, and yes, I know it wasn't a misunderstanding."
I pull out my phone and hand it over to them, "Look. See for yourselves."
Deku gently grasps onto the device and swipes through the photos with Kiri peering over his shoulder, dismay in their eyes. They look especially stunned and angry after watching the video.
Deku hands my phone back before slowly inquiring, "Where was this..?"
"Who cares where it happened!" Kiri blurts out, startling the broccoli boy and making me blink in surprise. "What I wanna know is who she is and why Bakubro would do something like this to her! That's so not manly!"
He had motioned to me on the final "her," and I temporarily looked away.
When I meet their expectant gazes again, I arch an eyebrow and cross my arms defensively, "Hey, don't look at me! I don't know the answer to either of those questions." After a pause, I add softly, thoughtfully, "Maybe I just wasn't good enough..?"
Out of the corner of my eye, I see Deku frantically shaking his head in disapproval before my eyes dart to Kiri, who had instantly stepped forward with a stern focus as his hands settled on my shoulders.
He protests, "Hell no! Don't you ever think like that!"
"Y-Yeah!" Deku agrees, finally regaining his voice. "You always have been and always will be good enough!"
"He's just too blind to see your worth, YN," Kiri concludes, and the way my name slipped out of his mouth sends shivers down my spine.
My face burns as I nervously chuckle, shifting my gaze to the side and quietly replying, "Alright, alright. Thanks guys... I get it."
Kiri stares at my face for a moment longer before reluctantly stepping back, noticing how close we had gotten. I catch Deku smirking at us on the sidelines with a knowing expression, but I don't comment on it.
I break the silence when I say, "Well, this is the part where I ask for your help, I guess."
They look in my direction, wordlessly urging me to continue, so I do. "Listen, I know this is gonna sound petty and everything, but I wanna pull a revenge prank on Bakugo."
A mischievous glint shimmers in Kirishima's eyes, almost appearing to be proud to hear me utter that sentence. He trails off, intrigued, "We're listening..."
Relaxing my posture a bit, I now apply most of my weight from one foot to the other as I speak, "I want to pull a stunt that'll piss him off before I break up with him. So, one of you will take a picture of me with the other as we get super close in some crowded, public place in a few weeks time.
"During these next few weeks, the one I'm going to be in the photo with and I are going to fake getting closer—like, always standing next to each other, subtly flirting, staring at one another while the other isn't looking, or even when the other is, etcetera. All of these little things will lead to taking that photo.
"About a week into this plan, the one who is gonna take the photo will go up to Bakugo and express some concern for how close the other and I are getting, just to make sure he will start to pay more attention to the finer details. If he asks either of us that'll be faking getting closer about it, we'll say that we're just friends and nothing more, acting as if he's just overreacting.
"I'm even wanting to get the rest of class 1-A in on this so they can whisper amongst one another about spotting me with the one who'll be faking getting closer to me in some random location, or commenting about how close we're getting whenever Bakugo walks by, but not too often as not to seem suspicious. Just enough to put him on edge.
"The one that'll be with me in the photo and I will dismiss ourselves from the group at times so we can hangout together, alone, to hopefully aggravate Bakugo. Once the three weeks are over, we take the picture—or pictures—and then the one who took it will run to find Bakugo and show him what they saw.
"As soon as they're done telling him, they'll run off and text me saying that they just told Bakugo and they will delete the photos off of their phone, being sure not to let Bakugo get any copies of it whatsoever. This is so he won't have any evidence to prove that our prank even happened.
"That's when I'll send him a message saying that 'we need to talk' and to 'meet me at this location in fifteen minutes,' and myself and the one who's in the photo with me will be waiting there. When Bakugo shows up, I'll break up with him, saying that I want to be with so and so more and we'll leave together, preferably without getting blown up by his quirk, and yeah.
"We can just pretend that it never even happened and if anybody ever asks about it, we can just shrug and decline the assumptions. So...what do you guys think? Will you help me?"
Deku and Kiri are speechless for a second until confident grins stretch across their faces, exclaiming in unison, "We're in!"
I smile, relieved, "Great! We just need to decide who takes what position, and then we can get started."
Long story short, Deku suggested that Kirishima takes the photo with me because, for one thing, he's dating Todoroki, and for another, Kiri's Bakugo's best friend. This means that Kiri's betrayal will cut even deeper than Deku's ever could, despite him and the porcupine having grown up together.
I knew that the freckled boy had an underlying motive to his suggestion as well, but I'm hoping that Kiri didn't catch wind of it.
Said boy even had a mild panic attack over what "Kacchan" would do to us if he found out it was a prank, but Kiri and I chilled him out pretty quickly with our reassurances.
I even made a group chat with everyone except for Bakugo to inform them of the situation, feeling too lazy to meet them in person about it, too. Needless to say, they agreed to assist me without any objections.
Kirishima and I plan to start tomorrow, us going to be hanging out by ourselves.
The day soon rolled around and I was in the halls when Bakugo approached.
I sneakily dug my nails into my fingertips when I saw him, praying that I wouldn't lose my cool too early in this game for one.
Well, this game for all but one, I should say.
"Hey, babe," Bakugo casually greets and leans in for a kiss, which I hesitantly reciprocate. Luckily, he didn't seem to notice and continues, "Do you want to hangout?"
My lips part to respond, but I was stopped by someone wrapping their arm around my shoulders. I glance up at the offender and see that it's Kirishima, who's wearing a bold smile as he cheerfully tells his friend, "Sorry, Bakugo! YN and I are actually gonna hang today! Hope ya don't mind!"
Bakugo raises an eyebrow at us before shrugging it off, walking away with his usual cold "whatever."
I breathe out a sigh, grinning up at the redhead, "Thanks, Eijiro."
His cheeks fade into a bright pink as he replies, "N-No problem, YN! Let's get going!"
The week goes by smoothly, and phase two is switched into gear.
Kiri, Iida and I hide behind a wall as we all eavesdrop on Deku and Bakugo's conversation. Deku knows of our presence, having us be here as backup if chaos ensues, but the blonde doesn't have a clue.
"Remember what to do if this goes haywire?" Kiri whispers to the male with box glasses, who places his hand on his chin before murmuring an answer back.
"I charge in there and stop the fight! Correct?"
"Perfect," I reply, Kiri and I briefly glancing at one another with matched grins.
"Kacchan!" Deku calls breathlessly, gathering our attention as we press our spines further against the wall.
"What do you want, nerd?" Bakugo retorts.
"I just- I wanted to talk to you about something!"
"Tch, what is it?"
"I... I'm getting worried about YN."
"What about her?"
"She's getting really close to Kirishima, don't you think?"
Deku adds, faking concern like a pro, "It just seems like she's more interested in him, is all. I-I thought you'd oughta know, if you didn't already. I could be wrong, but- better safe than sorry, right..?"
More silence.
We wait in anticipation for Bakugo's response, but when we hear Deku screaming for his life with explosions to follow, Kiri quickly shoves Iida out there.
Iida springs into action, yelling, "Boys! Boys! No fighting in the halls!"
Ever since Deku's "talk" with Bakugo, the blonde started to watch me and Kirishima much more closely. He glares whenever Kiri even speaks with me.
It's a Sunday and all of class 1-A are hanging out together in the commons area, and Kirishima nudges my hand gently with his own. I meet his gaze before smiling lightly, looking back to the group as I dismiss us.
Everyone waves goodbye, secretly smirking at Bakugo's irritated facial expression. He seems to bite his tongue, which is unusual for him, but no matter.
Kiri leads me out of the room, being sure to grab my hand as we're leaving so Bakugo can only see it for a split second. Maybe it'll make him question if he actually even saw it.
Once we're far enough away, we burst out laughing to relieve some of the tension.
"Did-Did you see his face?!" Kirishima sputters out, haunched over with his hands on his knees.
I collapse, covering my mouth in a futile attempt to stop me from practically heaving my lungs out of my body. I can't even reply, I'm laughing so hard.
Kirishima kneels next to me, a pesky strand of his hair falling over his face as his head is tilted towards the ground. It's nearly impossible for me to not admire him in this moment, my laughter slowly subsiding.
His dies down as well, syncing up with mine as he peeks at me. Noticing my stare, he lifts his head to turn my way, our mouths shut with tiny grins as we just sit in blissful silence.
Little did we know that we were being watched in that surprisingly very intimate time.
Week three comes around, and Bakugo finally confronts me about the whole Kirishima situation.
I tilt my head in feign confusion, replying, "What do you mean?"
"I mean exactly what I said!" he growls, using his hand to comb his hair back. "What's going on with you and Kirishima?!"
I cross my arms, giving him a dubious look, "Katsuki, we're just close friends. That's all. I really don't see the big deal about it."
Not giving him a chance to argue, I spin on my feet and uncross myself arms as I walk away, my hands slipping into my pockets.
Bakugo's cut off by Kirishima yelling out to me excitedly, "YN!"
I grin, rushing over to meet him halfway, us colliding in a warm embrace, "Kiri!"
Deku and Todoroki stroll up with their hands interlocked, the icy hot remarking teasingly, "You two sure are happy to see each other."
That only proved to tick off Bakugo even more as he watched us exit the vicinity, listening as I bark a counterattack, "You're one to talk, Todoroki."
"Yeah! Whenever you see little Midoriya over here, you practically shower him with kisses!" Kiri adds, his palm resting on the small of my back.
"I do not know what you're talking about."
The final day.
Picture day.
No, not for school, but for the revenge plan.
The three of us chose to go to this karaoke place with the rest of UA, excluding Bakugo, so here we are.
I'm watching Mineta trying to seduce one of the girls with a horrendous song in amusement until I feel a tap on my shoulder.
I twist around at a steady pace, realizing that it's Kirishima. He gives me a grin and bows before me, outstretching a hand as he requests, "May I have this dance, M'lady?"
I giggle and take his hand, spotting Deku pulling out his phone with Todoroki at his side, replying courteously, "Why, of course, my good shark."
He chuckles and I join in, him straightening before leading me to some open space where a few of our other classmates are dancing. Thankfully, Mineta isn't the one on stage anymore, and instead, it's Mina and Ochako.
I'm unable to identify what song they're singing, but it's catchy and upbeat and that's all I care about in terms of music.
Kirishima starts wiggling his shoulders and I snort, us both dancing together in whatever way we feel like in the moment.
I do a little spin and meet Kiri's eyes, my smile widening as I softly ask above the noise, "What?"
He shakes his head, giving me another toothy grin as he confesses, "Sorry, I just got lost in your eyes for a sec."
I bring a hand to my chest as I laugh a bit, looking off to the side. When I look back at him, my breath hitches at how close he is.
His hands find their way to my waist as we sway back and forth, my arms wrapping themselves around his neck as we pull each other closer.
The rest of the world vanishes as we move as one entity, virtually no space between us remaining. He presses his forehead to mine, and after a second, I decide to be a tease and pull away, performing another spin as I reach back out to Kiri.
He laughs and takes my hand, rotating me around him and then back into his chest, a few inches between us. We swing our hips in unison from side-to-side, his hands sliding down just a bit.
This turns back into us just swaying back and forth, chuckling at our antics as we draw ever nearer.
My left hand cups the side of his neck as the other is at his nape, his own still resting on my hips. He bites his lower lip as he studies my face, and I unintentionally copy his actions, though mine are more subtle.
As we both lean in, I can hear the girls squealing in the background and some of the guys whistling, but they fade into the background once again as I feel Kirishima's warm breath caressing my skin.
We're so close now that I fear he can hear my heartbeat, though even if he can't, part of me still wants him to.
"Let's give 'im a show, little pebble," Kiri mutters coquettishly against my lips with a smirk before giving me a firm kiss.
I respond immediately, my eyes slamming shut as our lips crash into one another's repeatedly. Bringing my arms to fully loop around his neck again, his grip tightens and I involuntarily inhale through my nose at it.
Not that it hurt, no; it just surprised me.
My fingers entangle themselves in his hair and he softly grunts in response, clearly enjoying it as he gently traces patterns on my body with his nails.
When we break apart, we're panting like dogs and I'm almost entirely positive that my face is as red as his hair, just as his is.
God, he's so cute when he's flustered.
I'm snapped back into reality when he dips me back just enough so that one of my feet barely dangles in the air. He then smashes his lips onto mine once more, going for round two as if he's dying of starvation, cheers erupting from our surrounding classmates.
He gingerly brings me back up, our bodies and mouths still connected for a few seconds longer before we ultimately pull apart, much to my disappointment.
Off to my right, I hear Deku announce victoriously, "I got it!"
Kiri and I glance at him and laugh before hugging one another, elated.
"I didn't know you were such a good kisser, Eijiro," I joke, peering up at him.
He smirks, nuzzling his nose with mine as he replies in a similar tone, "Same goes for you, YN. We should do this again sometime."
Despite my rattling heartbeat and flushed face, I keep my confidence as I reply, "We should. Be sure to schedule a time with me later. I'm a very busy lady, after all."
He laughs lightheartedly and it's so contagious that I find myself joining in.
The next day comes around far too slow for my liking, as I'm just wanting to cut all ties with Bakugo once and for all, but it was definitely worth the wait.
Kirishima and I are cuddling on a park bench when my phone dings, alerting me of a text.
I swiftly open it, Kiri reading with his chin planted on my shoulder.
[ Deku ]
I just told him. I deleted the evidence too, by the way, but I'll send it to you first. In case you might want the memory. :)
Sent at 4:07 PM
True to his word, a few attachments were linked in the next text from him.
"Showtime," I murmur to Kiri as I switch contacts.
[ YN ]
Bakugo, we need to talk.
Sent at 4:07 PM
[ YN ]
Meet me at the park in fifteen.
Sent at 4:07 PM
His response comes almost instantaneously, and my nerves spike tremendously.
[ Filthy Cheater ]
Sent at 4:08 PM
I release a shaky puff of oxygen and Kiri hugs my waist tighter, whispering to me soothingly, "It'll be okay, YN. I'll be right here the entire time."
I nod and snuggle up into him for a few minutes, then I pull away and softly push against his chest. "You might wanna hide behind a tree or something. I can handle this."
"Are you sure?" he asks, a worried tinge in his beautiful fire orbs.
I hum before continuing, "I'm sure. It's probably best if he doesn't see you just yet. He may end up trying to murder you."
He humorlessly chuckles before softly kissing me, then he stands. "Alright, but if he threatens you or something, then I'm coming out!"
"I wouldn't have it any other way," I smile adoringly and wave him off.
He grins back and trots to hide, an anxious aura emitting off of him.
When I see Bakugo storming over, I breathe deeply and get to my feet, taking a few footfalls closer before halting. I slide one of my feet back by a smidgen, just in case I need to fight him over this.
"YOU CHEATED ON ME?!" Bakugo screams, his hands crackling in anger.
The good thing is that there aren't really many people at this park today, so he didn't draw much attention.
"YOU CHEATED ON ME, BAKUGO!" I yell back, my temper rising.
We're face-to-face now, glaring daggers as he refrains from using his quirk. I can feel my own trying desperately to be let free, but I don't want to injure him. No matter how much he wounded my heart.
Although, Bakugo technically isn't wrong about me cheating on him.
I didn't mean to actually cheat on him, but that kiss with Kirishima just sort of happened and it was an opportunity I wasn't about to pass up.
At least I'm finishing things now, though.
A day after it went down.
Bakugo chose not to tell me for weeks without even ending our relationship.
"WHAT?!" he shouts, sounding offended.
I rip my phone out of my pocket, unlock it and shove it in his face. "LOOK!"
His eyes widen and he stammers, "WHERE- Where did yOU-..?"
"I was there, Bakugo," I interrupt, now letting him watch the video. "Decided to check out that new coffee shop since you were 'busy.' Guess I got lucky on what I found, huh?"
He doesn't respond, just blankly staring at my phone's screen.
"How long?" I demand, and his eyes meet mine. "How. Long. Bakugo?!"
My heart drops, "Months..." I look to the grass before back to his face, my stare deadly as I raise my voice. "For MONTHS?! WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"
Bakugo screams after snatching my phone from my grasp, chucking it somewhere behind me. I gasp and my mouth gapes at his actions, and I don't hold back as I throw a punch at his jaw.
He stumbles, groaning in pain as I shriek, "BAKUGO!"
He lunges at me and I block his attacks, getting hit once before I swipe his feet out from under him, resulting in his fall.
"YN!" I hear Kiri proclaim as his footsteps pound against the dirt.
The fight happened so quickly that he couldn't even react.
I cough, my abdomen aching as I take a few paces backwards to get some distance between myself and the blonde idiot.
The rest of what went down passed by in a blur, but I know for sure that I broke up with Bakugo somewhere in all of that commotion.
Kirishima's now carrying me bridal style to UA, him having insisted since I got a gnarly gut punch from my crazy ex.
"I'll be fine, Eijiro," I assure him, the pain in my stomach nulling drastically. "I'm feeling better already, and I'm not just saying that."
He sighs a bit before pecking my forehead, stating lovingly, "I know; you're a tough cookie, pebble. But that doesn't stop me from worrying. And hey!"
He shuffles a bit and pulls something out of his pocket.
"Woah, what?!" I proclaim, astonished as he hands it to me before readjusting his grip. "My phone! How did you-?"
"I mayy or may not have caught it," he cheekily replies, mildly yelping when I reward him with a kiss in my enthusiasm and gratitude.
"You're literally the best, Eijiro!"
He chuckles with a playful grin, "I love you, too."
{ Cheater! Bakugo x Kirishima x GF! Reader }
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