☁️: Ojiro (secret relationship)
I went into the changing rooms with the girls and shyly began to undress. Since we had asked the school to use the pool, and it was accepted we decided to go. I was... Insecure to say the least. I mean, these girls are so confident in their bodies! They'll compliment each other on how good their boobs look for Pete sake! I just stay out of view, but not completely hiding so it didn't look like I was trying too.
"Woah (L/n)! You boobs are so small and cute!", Mina-chan said, coming up behind me and grabbing my boobs with a laugh. My face heated up as she squeezed. "M-Mina-chan!", I squeaked and she giggled evilly. "Does (N/N) like when I do this?" I squeezed my eyes shut as she continued to kneed my breasts like a cat. A small whimper left my mouth as she smirked seductively. "Mina-chan, you're acting like Mineta-kun.", Tsu-chan croaked and Mina let go with a gasp.
"Sorry! But they are really cute (L/n)! And perky!", she stated and my face burned, covering them with my arms. "T-Thank you..."
"And she does have a very pleasant body shape. The pear shape is what I think it's called.", Momo-chan said in a matter of fact tone and Uraraka-chan nodded. "She's always hiding her figure from us!" I shuffled my feet. "I'm...not that confident in it...", I mumbled and Jiro clicked her tongue.
"Why? Your body is rocking." My face flamed as I pulled on the swimsuit, which because of my small chest was baggy only there. On my hips it seemed to be at its limit. "It's just, you guys have...more curves up here.", I gestures to my boobs and Jiro cleared her throat. "I'm a beanpole." I giggled and Hakagura chipped in. "And even though I have curves, you can't see them that well!"
I nodded and Uraraka placed a hand on my shoulder. "We're all beautiful. Now let's go swimming!" We all cheered and I giggled, following them out.
"Why are the boys here?", I asked as I kept my eyes down at my feet. I...I don't wanna look at their chests... "Oh, they're doing training.", Momo said and I looked up, immediately regretting it.
All the boys were in spanx and shirtless, showing off each muscle they had... Well except for Mineta, but nobody will check out the grape. Every movement they made, made more of their muscles flex and I knew my face was red. But my main focus was on Ojiro...he's super sweet and I didn't know he was that fit. "Ooo~ (N/n)'s checking out Ojiro-kun~", Mina teased and I blushed. "N-No I'm not!" Of course i am! We are dating!!! But...nobody can know that yet...
The girls giggled and I puffed my cheeks out in annoyance. "It's true!" They all hummed in agreement before we all walked over to the boys, my arms wrapped around my now more obvious, small chest. "What's up guys?", Mina-chan asked and Midoriya said that they were going to have a swim competition. "Sounds like fun! Count us in.", Jiro said and I looked over at her. "Seriously!?"
She nodded. "Alright then, the girls can go first.", Kaminari said and I was up against Tsu-chan. "I-I feel like she has an unfair advantage.", I said, pointing at Tsu-chan accusatively. "What, can't do it?", Ojiro asked, making Kirishima elbow him softly with a grin.
"I'm just thinking realistically here.", I said back, making the girls oo~. "Stop that!", I yelled, my face turning red. "Then how about boy versus girl?!", Satou said and pushed Ojiro up to the pool. "So it's more equal." I hummed and nodded. "Alright. Let's do this."
Ojiro smiled and stuck out a hand. "May the best swimmer win." I held back my wandering eyes and blush as only looked in his eyes and just his eyes and nothing else but his...shit. I quickly shook his hand and turned away.
"Ready?", Momo asked as we stood at ready. "Set?" Kaminari said and then everyone screamed go, watching the both of us dive face first into the water. Just focus. If you focus, it'll go by quicker...yeah, let's go with that messed up logic. I pulled myself out of the water and raised my right arm up. "YEAH!" , the girls cheered as Ojiro came out. I giggled, but then felt Ojiro push me into the water. I resurfaced and everyone jumped in. "WATER FIIIIIIIIGHT!!" But Iida kept Mineta away, not trusting him.
I grabbed Ojiro by the back of his neck and brought him under with an evil laugh. Everyone was above the surface splashing, laughing, wrestling and pulling people under while I kept a hold of Ojiro. I let go as I noticed his face slightly red. He smiled and I did too until I went up to breathe. I pushed my hair out of my face and Kirishima grabbed me around my waist and flipped me over him. I squealed until I fell into the water.
I resurfaced and laughed, smacking him on the shoulder playfully. "Ow! Oh now you're gonna get it!" , he said and I gasped, swimming away backwards. "No! W-Wait I'm sorry!" , I laughed as he slowly swam towards me like a shark. He even did the Jaws theme song. I bumped into Kaminari and he laughed, joining in. Soon enough, Sero, Jiro, Mina and Mono had joined in. "Guys quit!" , I laughed, but was slightly panicking. I bump into someone's chest and their arms wrapped around me. I gasped and looked over to see Ojiro smiling. "Come get her!"
" WHAT!? NO WAIT! ", I yelled and tried to get out, but he didn't let go. They all swarm in and began to tickle me, making me laugh. I wiggled around, pushing against Ojiro's chest as I tried to go away from their fingers. "Mashirao you traitor!" , i screamed with a laugh and they all stopped. "Did... You just use his first name?" , Kirishima said and we both blushed. "Are you guys not telling us something?" , Mina asked and i shook my head quickly.
Ojiro sighed before kissing the nape between my shoulder and my neck. "Does that answer any questions?" I blushed and tried to hide away from the collective gasp and awe's. "I-I thought..."
"Well, i don't think we could've kept it any longer. ", he said, letting me go as Jiro grabbed my shoulders. " When we're you gonna tell us?! " i laughed and pointed at Uraraka. "When she confe—", Uraraka squeaked and dipped under the water, making us laugh. The girls laughed while the boys were utterly confused...well, except Aoyama-kun. "Actually..." , Midoriya said with a blush and we all looked his way.
Is he confessing?!?!?
"I...Kinda knew you two...were something..." , he muttered and we all asked how, i was more embarrassed than Ojiro was. "U-Um, a few days ago...at the park..." I blushed and looked at Ojiro. "I told you that was him!" He laughed and scratched the back of his neck. "Whoops?" I shook my head at him as the boys pestered him. "It's no fair! What does her thighs and ass feel like?!" , Mineta drooled, but Ojiro smacked him with his tail. "That's none of your business." He said with an angered face, but Mina stepped up.
"So you know how they feel?". I blushed harder and waved my hands in front of my face. "L-Let's get back to the competition!" Jiro wiggled her eyebrows at me as i blushed, dunking my head under water to cool down. Well, i guess it's not a secret anymore...
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