☁️: Midoriya [shy type P2]
I'm going to be so late!!! Of course I had to do a million things after class!! And i couldn't just meet up with him looking like a dirty mess, so i had to find another way out of campus to avoid the front gates so i could take the long way home! I couldn't find my beanie so I'm wearing my old white and red trucker hat, so I had to make my outfit match with that and it's all just a big ol mess.
He had texted me after he left to meet up at the coco shop near campus, so I hope he's still there. I ran inside the shop, a panting slightly sweaty mess before I look over to see Midoriya waiting patiently. He's looking out the window with a slight frown on his face. Normally I'd walk past that window if u went the normal route, but I didn't.
I walked over to him and did a small wave. "H-Hey." He jumped in his seat before realizing it was me. He sighed as he smiled. "Hey (Y/n)! I thought you wouldn't make it." I scratched the back if my neck was I took a seat. "S-Sorry about that...I didn't mean to make you wait so long."
"Oh that wasn't a problem. I just got here a few minutes ago myself.", he said' straightening out his plain white tshirt. "Oh. G-Good.", I said and then the awkward silence came over us like a rain cloud. Honestly...we have absolutely nothing in common... what was I thinking?!?!?
I awkwardly cleared my throat and sighed. "Im... I'm sorry Midoriya-kun. We dont-"
"Whatre you apologizing for?", he asked with genuine curiosity and I scratched the back of my neck. "T-This..." He laughed and played with a napkin. "Well, I was the one who asked you out so." I blushed. "Y-You said it would only be a hang out!", I said, my face turning crimson as he smiled. "It is!" I covered my face with my hands and he laughed.
"So, who's your favorite Pro Hero?", he asked and I automatically called out Eraserhead. "The materials in his scarfs are unbelievably strong while still keeping that simplistic look! And the way he utilizes it without having the need to use his quirk with it is amazing!"
I clamped my mouth shut and looked down. "I-I mean-"
"Yeah he's cool, but have you seen All Might?!", Midoriya said and I looked up, seeing him rambling on about the number one hero. I smiled, thankful I wasn't the only one totally obsessed with heroes.
The rest of that hangout went very smooth. We talked, laughed, and learned more about each other. Since he had to head home soon, he walked me to my house. "This was, fun.", I said softly, trying not to let any squeaks or soft cries of joy out. "Yeah! Can we got to the bowling alley next week?! I heard they have prizes for Pro Hero merch that you can only get there!"
I blushed and nodded. "S-Sure! Consider me there." He smiled and gave me a tight hug before saying bye and running off. Doesn't he know what he does to a girls heart?! I thought as I clenched my shirt where my heart was, smiling and blushing deeply. But now I've got more things to look forward to.
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