*~KamiSero~* ~Files Pt. 2~
A few weeks after what Kaminari called "the incident", the two boys sat on the couch in the common room. Mina and Tooru insisted everyone (excluding M*neta, of course) played Truth or Dare. Sero had his energetic boyfriend in his arms, resting his head on the other boy's yellow hair.
"Denki!! Truth or dare?" Mina exclaimed, pointing at Kaminari. He pondered for a moment, considering his choices.
"Truth!" He replied nonchalantly. The pink-pigmented girl giggled evilly, thinking up an equally evil question. She laughed and looked at Kaminari, a malicious gleam in her eyes.
"Denki Kaminari. Have you and Sero had sex yet?" Sero felt his face turn hot. Of course they had! His boyfriend happened to be a kinky little shit, which meant they definitely did. He knew Kaminari would make a remark that would embarrass him.
"Welllllllll, we have, but I can say, in all honesty: Flex Tape here is a bottom."
Sero froze. He didn't know what Kaminari was doing, but he was playing some sort of game. Insulted by the comment, he picked up his little ball of energy and carried him out without a word.
"Hey! What's this for? I wanna keep playing!" Kaminari whined. Sero remained silent. When they arrived at Sero's dorm, he set the small boy on his bed.
"Why'd you say that?" Sero asked, dead serious. He had a lot of pride, and his boyfriend managed to make him sound weak. (Not saying bottoms are weak; I'm one myself)
Kaminari grinned sheepishly. "I just wanted to see your reaction." He stopped.
"You aren't gonna do the thing again, are ya?" He asked nervously. Kaminari and Sero were in a very sexually active relationship, and Kaminari loved being submissive to the taller boy. When they started dating, he had pitched the idea of a BDSM way of being together, to which the raven-haired boy had agreed. As any type of this relationship goes, any wrong-doing would result in punishment. Kaminari was enamored with how serious Sero took his dominant role, and would occasionally doing something bad to see his lover's reaction. One time, to test this, he had asked Shinso to help him with something. His plan was to make Sero jealous by "flirting" with Shinso. After much discussion, the purple-haired boy agreed to "flirt" back.
After that, Kaminari learned something important: never make Sero mad. Yes, the boy was typically silly and playful, but making him insanely jealous was a no-no. To put it simply, Kaminari was left for a week without having sex with his boyfriend.
"No. You've done multiple things to push me, so I've found something worse. It's too late now, so tomorrow, you'll be properly punished," Sero growled, which aroused Kaminari. "Now, we should probably sleep," he added, his voice softening. Kaminari snuggled into his chest, feeling more in love with Sero each second.
Yeah, yeah. I know that I said this part would be smutty, but I kinda like teasing y'all with this. The next chapter is going to be...reminiscent of the first shot in this book. See ya!
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