Study 'Date'
When everyone had returned to the classroom of 1-A stories spread like wildfire. All the students were talking about their internships and what went down. Sakura came in to a laugh fest of Kirishima and Sero. She couldn't exactly see what the were laughing until she got to her desk in front of the blond.
She blinked. Thinking the image, she'd saw would go away. Bakugo's hair was styled nicely, similar to how Jeanist made his hair. She blinked again. Nope this was real! She smiled as the two boys continued their shouting.
"What the heck Bakugo!" They were shouting, as Bakugo was shaking with anger. He was annoyed with Jeanist for messing with his spiky hairdo.
"Stop laughing." He said with tightly clench teeth. "My hairs gotten used to this and I can't get it back to the right way." The laughing didn't stop. "Did you not hear me? I'll kill you both!"
"If it's any consolation, I think it looks nice on you!" Sakura said with a bright grin. Bakugo turned to her next and shouted.
"IT ISN'T! I don't care what you think! It's not staying!" He shouted, yet his cheeks seemed only a little flushed. Sakura just shrugged as she set her stuff down at desk in front of the hot headed blond.
"I'd like to see you try! 'Pretty boy!'" Sero taunted as Bakugo shouted back. When he shouted it seemed like his spikes returned to his head. "WHAT DID YOU SAY?!"
"There it goes!" Kirishima continued laughing. As the class continued to talk to each other. Tokoyami was talking to Koda and Yukina. While Tsuyu was talking about capturing drug smugglers. Ochaco was steaming from the mouth as she was punching the air. Mineta was just shaking, probably PTSD related from the internship?
"If you wanna talk about the ones who really change it's gotta be you three!" Denki had said out loud looking at Izuku, Iida and Shoto. People around the class quieted down and Sero and Kirishima, who were being dragged by Bakugo, pipped in as well.
"Oh yeah, the Hero Killer!" Sero mentioned.
"Glad you guys made it back alive. Seriously."
"I worried about you too." Yukina was standing in front Momo's desk as she had said that. The class somewhat surround the three. Sakura had grabbed Izuku by the arm in a grip similar to how she was grabbed by Hawks earlier that week. She ruffled the green hair in a small pout, not letting up the grip as she muttered.
"Yeah you idiot! Running into trouble like that! You're lucky you didn't get killed." She grumbled. Keeping her grip on him as he struggled.
"S-Sorry! F-Feathers!" He waved his arms around in able to get free. She sighed and let him go.
"I suppose you were Lucky that Endeavor showed up and saved you." Sakura mumbled crossing her arms. Yukina knowing this wasn't true, due to the fact she practically beat it out of her twin, had stayed quiet in this moment.
"Yeah, that's right." Shoto was saying looking down at his desk. "He saved us." He's lying. Sakura deducted, her wings giving off a different feel to the Todoroki twin. The two others nodded at him with a small smile.
"Did you guys hear the news about the Hero Killer? Everyone been saying he was somehow connected to the League of Villains." Ojiro brought up as attention turned to him. "Can you imagine how frightening it would've been if that creep had been there when they attacked the USJ?"
"He's scary, but did you see him in that weird video? It's all over the internet." Denki mentioned almost disturbingly excited.
"I didn't even know there was a video of him." Ojiro replied.
"Yeah. Stain's a pretty evil villain but like super tenacious. He's almost kinda cool to be honest." This shocked many people, and a horrified look came from Sakura.
"Cool? You say this Villain is cool?" A chill filled the air ever so slightly as Sakura orange eyes just glared towards Denki. "This villain will cause more to be encouraged. Encourage the villains that hide in the shadows to emerge. More like Stain. So, you think it's cool? What happens when we find ourselves yet again in a position like the USJ. But instead of what we originally faced, it's that of ten times the worst enemies just like Stain." The words hung over the classmates, and Denki most of all felt horrible for what he had said. Iida looked over his bandaged arm, reminded by the pain he felt fighting the Hero Killer. Just a heavy air felt suffocating in the air.
"Sorry." Denki flinched, realizing exactly what he said. Before Iida nodding in response to her heavy words.
"Indeed." He started thinking back on it. "No matter how many people see him as cool... he's killed people, and that cannot be condoned. To keep anyone else from suffering like me, I promise to be a perfect hero." Iida's hope rises as he told people.
"Yea let's do it!" Midoriya brought up as Iida shouted to the class.
"It's time for class to begin! Everyone please takes your seats!" Sakura smiled as the students got into a more positive mood. Iida taking up his role as the class representative. People began to mutter as Iida continued to give instructions.
─── ❄️ ·🔥· 🪶 ───
In hero class the group was brought to a new training ground to practice in a 'rescue' race. They were going to show off all they learned from their internships over the week, to which frustration came from Bakugo, Yukina and Tokoyami. All three weren't really happy with their time at the internships.
The first group was Sero, Iida, Midoriya, Ojiro and Ashido. People were shocked to see how much Midoriya had grown in the aspect of his quirk. He was using his form he called 'Full Cowel' to leap quickly through the training field. Sakura felt a inner pride, that her friend was able to fully master the ability to handle his quirk. It took a couple weeks, but it seemed he was able to only use a small percentage at a time.
However, the one who won out of the five was Sero. Seeing as Midoriya had fallen. Bakugo was even more angry as he watched. Angered that not only Midoriya was using his moves, but that he was falling behind. Sakura just patted the teen on his shoulder, to which he just brushed off frustratedly.
Class went on as normal, and Sakura noticed a thoughtful look in Midoriya's eyes. Seems like All Might is at it again hm? The final class of the night was going over the plan for the month break between the terms.
"Well, its almost time for summer vacation. Don't get too excited. You can't just relax for an entire month." He was saying, his normal tired look on his face.
"Does that mean?!" Denki had started before the teacher continued.
"You'll be training while you're camping in the woods." The class cheered, this seemed like a exciting camping trip for everyone to be involved-- in. Sakura thought for a moment, she'd had never been camping before, it would be an interesting experience.
"HOWEVER." Aizawa had said and all of the class settled down. "Those of you who don't pass the final exam before the semester is over. . .will have summer school."
"Everyone does your best!" Kirishima shouted.
"This is so stupid." Bakugo said annoyed.
"You better pass ladies!" Mineta was saying, shaking Izuku who was in front of him. Disgusting. . . Yukina scrunched up his notes at Mineta. The day came to an end as people discussed the future exams.
─── ❄️ ·🔥· 🪶 ───
A week before the exams came faster than people thought. Aizawa was standing in front of the class as he was picking up a stack of papers. Class had just finished, and he was addressing the teens.
"All right, Thats all for class today." He started as he straightened the stack of papers he was looking down at. "There's only one week left before your final exams begin. I'm sure you're all studying constantly, right? Don't forget to keep training. The written exam is only one element. There's also the practical to worry about. Good luck"
Aizawa left the room, and the second the door closed Ashido and Denki freaked out.
"I've barely even taken notes this semester!" They had shouted in unison. Both of them were at the bottom of the food chain, Ashido being the 19th in class while Denki was dead last. Ashido was laughing, probably in denial on the inside. Tokoyami mumbled to himself also worried.
"Its true we haven't had very much time lately." The poor bird was only fourteenth in the class. Mineta was pretty smug in the back, even if he was only 10th place. This confused the heck out of Ashido and Kaminari, as Midoriya charmingly brought up another point.
"No need to worry guys! We've still got time to study." Midoriya was ranked fifth. "That way we all get to go to the training camp together!"
"Yes! As class rep, I have high hopes that we'll make U.A. Proud!" Iida, who was ranked third was saying as Yukina was standing near Shoto when he had responded.
"It's pretty hard to fail if you pay attention." Shoto was ranked sixth while Yukina was ninth. She grumbled to herself a little, annoyed with her not being able to get higher. "I still need to work hard though." She spoke.
"I'm sure we'll be just great guys! Let's all just try out best!" Sakura attempted to cheer them up, wanting the gloom in the room to go away. She was ranked second overall with Momo in first place.
"Yeah, don't worry about you two. I can catch you up to speed on the important topics if you want." Ashido and Kaminari swarmed Momo excitingly. However, Yaoyorozu seemed gloomed out about the practical one.
Other students came to Momo in hopes that she would assist them too. Eventually Momo had seemed to make a whole study group that would work with each other for the week. Sakura had spun around in her chair, leaning on Bakugo's desk with a charming smile.
"What do you say, wanna study together Bakugo. I mean I know you're pretty capable being the Fourth over-all but," Sakura glanced up to Kirishima who had strolled up while listening to Momo's study group.
"Sounds like I should be studying with her." He smirked down at the two. As Sakura saw Bakugo's eyebrow twitch slightly.
"You think we don't know enough?" He was saying, including Sakura as she laughed slightly. "Maybe I'll beat the lessons into your skull."
"I'm counting on it."
The class went to lunch, and Yukina had sat next to Tsuyu across from her brother. Eating a nice bowl of ramen while they were discussing the practical part of the exams. They weren't sure what to expect until Kendo and Monoma from Class 1-B told them it was possible they would be facing robots like in the Entrance exam.
They had relayed that to the rest of the class the next time they were back in the classroom. The class had been even more excited after hearing that. Seeing as they saw it as a easy pass. Bakugo, however, had another view on it as he was readying himself to leave in the end of the class.
"It shouldn't matter if its robots or actual people. Why are you morons so excited?" He was muttering, offending Denki.
"Who are you calling a Moron?!"
"Shut up Sparky! You need to learn how to control your quirk." Bakugo stopped and turned around. His glare stayed towards Midoriya next. "Hey! Deku!" A tense air filled the room. "I don't know what's going on with your power, but I saw the way you're using it now and I want you to know. It's seriously pissing me off. "
A small pause came as Ochaco pointed out how Deku looked like Bakugo when he was working during the race training.
"I won't have another half-assed win like the festival. We'll be getting individual scores in the upcoming finals. New rankings. So we'll all know exactly where we're standing!" He was pointing at Deku at this point as Sakura just sweat dropped over the whole ordeal. "I'll show you how much better I am." He turned to Todoroki next. "And Todoroki?"
Yukina glanced up confused, but realized it was her brother he was addressing. "I'll kill you, too." He declared. He just stomped off as Yukina just glanced at Shoto with a question mark above her head.
─── ❄️ ·🔥· 🪶 ───
Over the week Bakugo, Sakura and Kirishima headed to a cafe to study. Sakura sat there with an apologetic look on her face towards the waiter while Bakugo was smacking Kirishima's head across the booth.
"Um, do you think we could get some small chocolate cakes?" Sakura was asking politely as the waiting just jotted down the order and hurried away.
"What the hell are you doing Birdbrain. We aren't here to eat." Bakugo turned to the winged teen. Sakura laughed at that.
"If I'm bird brain and your ranked lower than I does that make you dumb as a rock?" She questioned before continuing. "Besides if you didn't want me ordering anything why we studying in a cafe? It would've been a nice place for a study date if Kirishima wasn't third wheeling."
"H-huh?" Both boys looked at her as she shrugged. She took a drink of the tea she had ordered earlier as she glanced over the paper Kirishima was working with.
"Mock question number five is wrong." She had said with the cup an inch from her lips. Bakugo's head swung back to check as well before returning to smacking his head.
"You idiot! I told you to carry the six!" Sakura just smiled as the comment faded back in the background. Her smile grew however when the sweets came to the table. She clapped her hands together as she looked pushed the treats closer to the boys.
The three continued their session over the week, as well as Yukina hitting the books harder than she had. The Todoroki twin would go to her older sister, who was a teacher, for help on some concepts. Shoto wasn't the best at explaining things, and although he was high up in the rankings teaching the concepts wasn't his strong point.
Fuyumi was glad to help though, it allowed her to have some real time with her sister again. The eldest was reminded of the times the four would play briefly before seeing Yukina run after Shoto and Endeavor and snaking herself into the training the two would do. She hadn't got much time with Shoto, but Yukina had been involved with the siblings at least a little more than he had.
The study week passed and it was time for the written exams. Although it seemed pretty easy with how Class 1-A was studying, the real challenge was about to arrive. The time of the Practical Exams were now here. Confusion hit the students when they saw all of their teachers in front of them, and Sakura had a bad feeling about the situation. I'm starting to think the robot information wasn't the truth.
"Now then. Let's begin the last test." Aizawa was saying. "Remember, it's possible to fail this final. If you wanna go to camp, then don't make stupid mistakes."
Everyone were in their hero costume, and Sakura had adjustments made to hers. She no longer had the goggles in her eyes, and her headphones had a slight feather design to the top of them. Her suit was now striped black and white with pink bands on her arms. Her blond hair was still long, however she thought she'd get it cut before she'd go to camp when it came to it.
"Uh why are all the teachers here?" Jiro pipped up also confused by the fact.
"I expect some of you have gathered information and believe you have some idea of what you'll be faced with today." Aizawa continued as Ashido and Denki got over excited.
"We are fighting those big ol' metal robots!" Denki had said a little too overconfident with his thoughts.
"Fireworks, s'mores! Here we come!" Ashido also included. A muffled voice and movement came from Aizawa's scarf as the Principle, Nezu had come out.
"Actually, this years tests. . . will be completely different, for various reasons!"
"Principal Nezu?" The students said as both Ashido and Denki paled in the background. "You're changing things?"
"The tests now have a new focus." Nezu was saying, climbing down an unfaced Aizawa. "There will be Hero work, of course. But also teamwork and combat between actual people. So what does that mean for you? You students will be working together in pairs and your opponents will be one of us!"
Everyone seemed to hold their breath that the same time in that moment. There it is. . . Sakura thought to herself, yet she kept her smile on her face. Feeling the worry come from the others did not worry her as much as Ochaco pipped up.
"We're. . . fighting the teachers?"
"Additionally, your partners and opponents have been chosen. They were determined at my discretion based on various factors." I wonder who's my partner. Both Sakura and Yukina had the same thought as Aizawa was continuing the explanation. "First, Yaoyorozu and Shoto are on a team. They'll be going against me. We have Midoriya and paired with Bakugo, there opponent being. . ."
"I AM HERE TO FIGHT!" A large man from above came, All Might had landed in front of the duo paired up and Sakura had her eyebrow raised at the two. Well, that'll be interesting.
"We're up against All Might?" The two said in unison.
"You're going to have to work together boys, if you want to win." Anger arose in Bakugo, a little annoyed with the pairing as he glared towards Izuku. The announcement went as normal. Feathers and Kirishima were up against Cementoss together, the two got along just fine so it didn't seem like a bad pair up. Yukina was paired up with Shoji against Snipe.
"For some reason I have the strangest sense of De ja vu. . ." Shoji was saying standing near Yukina. Perhaps reminded of the first hero class they had when he was paired up with the other Todoroki twin.
"No worries, lets go talk strategy then." Yukina just brushed off the comment as the two wondered off, discussing the ideal they would put into play against Snipe. Sakura and Kirishima were to go first, as Sakura looked over Cementoss as she was talking to Kirishima. The practical was going to be quite an interesting event.
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