A few moments before
Yukina glanced around eyeing her surroundings. She glanced at the two she appeared with. The one she had been partnered with in the hero training, and a man with a bird face. To be fair, she didn't remember their names, however it seemed they were separated from the rest of their classmates.
Ugh. . . I wish Shoto was here. Yukina walked over to the two who were on the ground. "You two aren't dead are you?" As she asked this the bird man was sitting up, rubbing his head and glancing around.
They were teleported into a urban city, in a constant downpour and rain. Yukina disliked just sitting in this rain, but it wasn't like she had a choice right now. The silent one got up next, also a little disoriented with the sudden transportation.
"Yukina?" The one with the bird head said. Yukina blinked at him, confused. Not knowing what to call him.
"I'm sorry I don't know your name. Or your's silent man." Yukina said, looking to the blond. The one with the bird head sweat dropped, however he probably should had expected it from one of the cold twins.
"Tokoyami." He reminded her, "That's Koda." He seemed to deadpan at her nodding as if it was a whole new introduction, and not a forgetful classmate.
"Sorry." Yukina apologized again, still looking around. "Anyway, I figured that man didn't just warp us here alone. Meaning some villains may be hiding around here ready to strike whenever."
"I think you're right. . ." Tokoyami agreed, looking to the two. "But if they knew the lay out of the USJ, why would they send you here where it's a constant rain?"
"Thought I was going to use my fire? I don't know, I got two parts to my quirk." Yukina shrugged, as Koda seemed to shake nervously. The silent hero-in-training wasn't ready for a fight against real villains. Yukina wondered again how the boy managed to get into a hero course at U.A.
"I don't think they know our quirks." Tokoyami was saying, a little quieter as they grouped together more. "Seeing as they sent me someplace darker. If they knew my quirk, they would have sent me to a place like the Conflagration zone where there was fire."
"What's that got to do with anything." Yukina was keeping an eye out, making sure no villain jumped out at them while they were discussing things.
"Well, my quirk, Dark Shadow, works kind of like backwards solar panel." Tokoyami explained in an easier manner. "In the dark, my dark shadow gets stronger, and harder to control depending on how dark it is. In the light, Dark Shadow is more manageable, however it limits its strength. If overwhelmed with light Dark Shadow is completely useless though."
"I see. So you'll be pretty powerful in here with how shady it is." Yukina understood, nodding as she glanced out the corner of her eye. She saw the briefest of movement. "However even if that's true, they would have sent people that would be great in a downpour, so we'll have to be careful. But if your strength is unrivaled, I don't have anything to worry. Koda, you can stay in the middle, I can't worry about freezing you while we try and get out of this."
Koda nodded his head and stayed in between Tokoyami and Yukina. Without any animals in sight, he wouldn't be able to help on this situation anyway. He just closed his eyes tightly and prayed briefly. Tokoyami was also on guard as they through moved throughout the dome. They didn't know the full layout of the urban setting as they had yet to do class fully, but they were getting an understanding of it as they traveled through.
"Well boys, I'm getting impatient." A man's voice echoed above as the rain almost felt as it got harder. A downpour turning into a harder rain. Dark Shadow moved above the group to block the harsh weather on them.
Three men were on the middle bridge like structure. One seemingly keeping a hand lifted, palm pointing down. Yukina deduced that that one was causing the rain here to fall harder. The other was ready to take down the children, shorter than the other two. A feral look in his eyes.
The last was the leader, as he watched the three below, he formed clones out of the water falling from above making duplicates of himself as he watched the three.
"How about your brats just give up and let us kill you. It'll make this all easier." He had continued, multiples of himself saying this at the same time. Yukina scoffed as she looked over to Tokoyami. Completely ignoring the three up above them. Koda was shaking in between them.
"Is this guy serious. One that can make water clones, one that's obviously causing this hard rain, and one that's a feral dog or something. Is there something I'm missing here." Tokoyami didn't say anything, not really sure if he should respond to his classmates at all. He knew that he shouldn't underestimate the villains here, but in truth with Yukina's ability to freeze things with her left side they were at the advantage. They weren't still sure what the shorter villain could do, so he would keep an eye on him for Yukina.
"This little bitch." The clone villains said as they jumped into the fray. The man causing the downpour would adjust his position to continue to hard rain as he played support. Yukina had noted this as she moved in front of her classmates.
"You shouldn't call a female such a rude term. Did your mother never teach you manners? You also should have made sure your boss did his research. You aren't a match for me." She slammed her left foot onto the ground as the ground quickly turned into a slick ice. The ice froze the clones like statues as the ice continued up. Climbing the rain to the other that was causing a downpour.
The last one Yukina seemed to miss with the shorter one. Looking around she had lost him in a flash. The short one was fast, perhaps from whatever his quirk was. In a crash the shorter one broke a couple of the ice clones, hopping from each of them towards the three teens. Yukina couldn't fully follow the speed; the thought passed her mind that Feathers could have.
Tokoyami took the initiative as he sent Dark Shadow to strike, an ease knocks out came from the powerful beast of a creature. Yukina glanced over at Tokoyami and Koda, nodding to Tokoyami in thanks.
"Alright, I suppose we can get out of here now. Damnit, I hate this fucking rain." Yukina complained as the three pushed forward again, towards the archway entrance they could see in the distance.
─── ❄️ ·🔥· 🪶 ───
All Might wasn't smiling like he usually did in his entrances. However, within an instance he was down the stairs picking up Aizawa, looking over his frail body. All Might turned to the students nearby. Grabbing the four and moving them towards the stairs.
"You four take Aizawa back up where Thirteen is." He said setting Aizawa down gently, not looking at them as he watched the villains nearby closely.
"He was pretty fast but not as fast as I expected. . . Could it be true after all? That you are weakened." The Villain rasped out; his voice shaky as he put the hand back onto his face. The four and All Might listened as Midoriya began to rant.
"All Might! That villain with the brain matter. One fo- I mean when I punched him, I didn't break any bones- yet he still didn't seem to budge at all!" Midoriya panicked, worried that this fight would be too much for his role model.
"I also don't think he can think for himself. He only listens to the man with the hands." Feathers added, as she was picking up Aizawa.
"Midoriya my boy, Feathers." All Might acknowledge the two as he sent them a reassuring smile. "It'll be all right." He as too fast to follow, as he dashed forward aiming an crosscut at the two villains.
The punches All Might was throwing at the Nomu wasn't even phasing it. Sakura couldn't focus on that now, she lifted up Aizawa and called to the others.
"Let's get out of his way so he can handle this better without worry!" She was saying. Sakura did her best to lift Aizawa up with her feathers as she used her wings to glide up the staircase. She didn't fully notice that Midoriya wasn't following the group.
She turned back after setting Aizawa down in a better spot. Midoriya had ran into the fray, before being interrupted but another explosive entrance. Bakugo was shouting at him.
"OUT OF MY FUCKING WAY DEKU!" He yelled, tackling the warp gate maker. He pinned him down, ready to explode him at any point. Shoto had frozen the Nomu all the way up until its grip on All Might
"We've been cornered, and what's more you're all nearly unscathed." The raspy leader was saying, annoyed with the whole situation. "Man, kids these days, at this rate the League will be no more than a laughingstock. . .Nomu. Take out that Explosion boy over there, we need to rescue our exit."
-The Nomu shifted, even with half its body is frosted it twisted. The body shattered, and as it moved up. Its quirk wasn't just Shock Absorption. The half of the body that the Nomu was missing started to reshape and form its muscles. All Might and Deku watched with slight horror.
"What the- Wasnt his quirk just shock absorption?" All Might watched confused as the one called Shigaraki seemed more entertained.
"I never said that was the full extent of his abilities. He has super regeneration too. Nomu is a Human sandbag, artificially crafted to stand your '100%' All Might." Shigaraki was saying as Nomu turned to attack Bakugo. Gotta be fast- Feathers took off, focusing on her speed as she rushed down to grab Bakugo out of the way.
At the same time All Might had rushed as well taking a hit, as he was pushed back. Bakugo seemed shocked that not only he didnt see feathers when she grabbed him, but All Mights dash to take the hit. "I didn't need your rescue, bird brain."
"Do you know no mercy? He's just a kid."
"Just a kid? We had no choice, we had to save our ally, didn't we. And that one with the green hair over there almost tried to kill me with all his strength." Shigaraki was saying. "Who do you think he learned that from hm? Listen here All Might. We are all categorized as either heroes or villains, but at the end of the day 'violence is just violence.' Who gets to decide what's right and what's wrong?"
Shigaraki was spreading his arms as he was ranting to All Might. The number-one hero watched. "The 'Symbol of Peace?" Give me a break. You're nothing more than a bludgeon of oppression yourself. Violence breeds violence. And once we killed you that'll be made known to the world."
"You're insane, you oughtta keep your antisocial viewpoints to yourself." All Might commented, as the six students stood up from where they were at.
"Its six versus three." Todoroki was saying.
"Yea and Kachan revealed the Shadow's weak point." Midoriya seemed determined to help.
"I don't see you able to fight that Nomu alone. . ." Feathers had commented, eying the bird creature from afar.
"No!" All Might had shouted to the five students. Bakugo, Kirishima, Midoriya, Shoto and Feathers all looked at their teacher surprised. "Please get out of here."
"If I hadn't come to support you earlier you would had been hurt." Shoto commented.
"Plus, I'm pretty quick to get people out of the way, I did save Bakugo." Feathers had pointed out as Midoriya just continued to worry.
"All Might, shouldn't you be already out of tim-" He was saying as All Might had cut him off.
"You're right Todoroki and Feathers, Thanks. But now I'll be okay, You just need to watch how a Pro gets things done." He had said.
They didn't continue as All Might jumped back into the fight. As Shigaraki begain to give orders to the mist and the Nomu, All Might and the Nomu began in a constant punch match. A full-frontal blow-for-blow.
"If this thing can withstand my 100% Then I'll just have to give it more than 100%!" All Might was saying as a constant gust of wind was pushing everyone back a little. "A Hero is someone who smashes through every obstacle life puts his way! Do you know what I speak of villain!"
All might wound back up one last strong blow, as it swung at the Nomu, sending it above and through the dome's roof. The five students just watched in a shocking revelation. Silence fell over them briefly as All Might looked to the other two.
"Now then Villain, we both want to put an end to this dance of our quickly don't we. . ." He was saying, a smirk on his face.
"You. . . You cheated!" The child villain shouted, "You got weaker, you lied, we were totally overpowered, how dare you destroy my Nomu. You Cheated!" He was throwing a fit, angry with the Number One hero for winning the fight. All Might watched him curiously.
"What's the matter, where'd your bravado go? What happened to clearing the 'level.'" All Might started, going with a bluff. "Try it if you can." A large dust cloud was surrounding the arena now, and as Kirishima and Feathers were trying to convince Midoriya to keep back Midoriya was just watching on. Eyes full of worry.
Feathers was confused on why Midoriya was acting so intent, eager to help All Might. Even if the pro seemed capable enough alone. The only thing Feathers to feel emotionally from him was extreme worry and focus. Midoriya powered up his quirk in his legs, but before Feathers could react he lept forward.
"Leave All Might alone!" However before anything could come to pass the pro heroes had shown up. Dead shot shooting the hand of Shigaraki as he reached out towards Midoriya.
"We're regrettably late." Princeble Nezu was saying, as the pros entered through the front door. Iida standing next to them all.
"I came back with everyone I could find." Iida was saying. "Class 1-A class representative president Tenya Iida! Reporting for duty!" Iida had shouted as Dead Shot aimed continuous shots throughout the arena, as well as constant shots in on Shigaraki and the Mist. It had seemed that Midoriya was getting pulled within the warp gate.
Feathers took off towards the portal eager to help Midoriya. Thirteen reached up as well, using black hole. Both Feathers and Midoriya pulled out of the portal as the warp gate faded. Feathers landed near Midoriya on the ground.
"Ugh sorry, I thought I had that alone." Feathers was saying raising her head near Midoriya. She blinked when she saw the figure in the smoke. A scrawny skeletal man that looked similar to All Might was in front of them. "Eh?? All Mi- mph?"
Feathers had her mouth covered by Midoriya as she looked over to him. He just shook his head as All Might looked down at the two, still covered in a dust cloud.
"Saved me again kid." He was saying to Midoriya, as Feathers looked between the two with a question mark above her head. Cementoss put a wall between the three and the students who were rushing to help. Midoriya's eyes began to water as Feathers began to stand next to him, helping him by picking him up.
"All Might, I'm so glad you're okay!" He was saying as Feathers grabbed him. Sakura briefly messing with the moment."Wha- F-Feathers!"
"Shut up, you can't walk with those broken legs can ya? Just let me help you." Feathers was saying as she glanced towards the man she knew was All Might. "I won't ask what's going on here, but you should get looked at too, sir. I'll get Midoriya to safety."
"Thank you Feathers." All Might had said, his normal cheerful tone non existent. Feathers just nodded to the Number One hero, before turning and taking off with her wings. Midoriya clung to Feather's outfit as she moved quickly towards the exit.
"S-So fast!" He was saying as she sped. Feathers just looked down and gave a bright smile to Midoriya. She would take him to the transport that would be able to take them to recovery girl. She glanced back towards the USJ, her classmates being rounded up and rescued. She sighed as she thought back to the mindset of the Nomu. If the League could make something that's powerful, she worried on what was to come. As Feathers rode with Midoriya, that was the only thing on her mind.
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