"U.A? Are you sure? You can just go to a private program instead, you know like your big bro." The tall blond was asking when she pulled up the pamphlet. The younger blond rolled her eyes as her arms dropped to her side.
"Look, if you're worried about our name getting out, I can just go by Feathers like always. I'm sure the pros will understand." The young teen was saying, she was eager to go to U.A. eager to meet new people and gain a new perspective besides sticking to her brother while he was busy with some pro hero work. She wanted to be just like him one day, to be able to help him alongside the work he did.
"That may be a little of the reason, but you have to understand the work I do can be dangerous. Even more when names are involved. You could be targeted." The pro hero was saying to his sister, as much as he didn't want her to leave, for both of their sakes, it would go against all his wise words.
"If you've got wings, you should stretch them out and fly. Right?" She was asking, a smile widening on her face.
"I do not sound like that." Hawks pouted jokingly with the over exaggerated voice. "Look Saku, I won't deny your choice to go to U.A. Just remember all the stuff your big bro taught you alright?"
"Be lazy and fast?" She raised an eyebrow, earning a eye roll from her older brother. He grabbed her head and ruffled her hair, earning an annoyed groan from the teen.
Sakura Takami, otherwise known as Feathers from the outside, she's the younger sister of the number 3 hero. Hawks, a protective family member who has great intellect and speed. Sakura agreed to her older brother on keeping the name out of the public for his sake, and for the sake of the two being associated to their father, who was a criminal.
She was dubbed Feathers, as that was the nickname Hawks kept calling her since she was young. Although they are only half siblings, the two got along smoothly. She was practically raised by him since his young age, the perfect bigger brother. Busy in many different ways, but he always made time for her.
"Alright. Maybe not that, but the other stuff you know. Be free like the little bird you are Feathers." Hawks smiled down at his sister, slightly sad to know that she'd be leaving the nest. It's a long distance, but they can make it work for her. "We'll have to discuss living arangm-"
Hawks halted for a moment, his hand on his chin. His mind lit up like a light bulb. "I'll call in my favor."
"Which one?"
"Oh- wait. Him? Now you've got me worried Kei. Don't tell me..." Sakura's stomach churned slightly, what living arrangements was she going to be stuck with. No. Any sacrifice was worth it if she was going to be able to stretch her wings at U.A.
"Eyyy! Endeavor. You know about that favor you owe me?" Hawks started on his phone as he glanced out the window of the room the two were in. "Yea I'd like to ask you something." As the conversation went on, there was a lot of convincing Hawks had to go through. A lot of wincing from the yells coming through the phone, as he held it about a hands length from his ear. But eventually he conceded, Hawks managing to convince the hotheaded number 2 to agree.
"Good news, if you make it past entrance exams, your in." Hawks grinned looking to his younger sister. She seemed to pout at the idea of doing the entrance exams.
"What? No recommendations?" This caused Hawks to laugh.
"You think I'm going to let you go that easily? The recommendation exams are far to boring for you to take. Let them see you from a fresh perspective Feathers. Not from your older brothers shadow!" Sakura seemed to nod at that, adjusting her pink wings behind her. She gave a thankful smile to her brother, and a surprise hug.
"Thank you Kei. I'll go read up on the exams, and pack my stuff. I know for sure it'll be easy to pass." She had said as she left her brother alone in the glass filled room. Hawks stood there for a moment when she was gone, his bright smile vanished as if it never existed. A slight sadness washed over him as he turned back to his desk calling in his side kicks, a patrol will clear his head more.
─── ❄️ ·🔥· 🪶 ───
Red and White, a sigh drifted from the women as she adjusted her long hair in a better position. It was hard to style the two-toned hair sometimes, and she honestly debated on cutting it down some size. She seemed to just work with what she had before looking over her eyes. One of them shining blue like her fathers the other gray like her mothers.
She couldn't help but place her hand on the side of her mothers, her mind drifting to thoughts of her brother. They were twins, with very similar hair, however a moment in time where it scarred her brother forever and they no longer looked similar in the face. She wasn't scarred by the past mistakes, but she did come to an agreement with him.
While her brother, Shoto Todoroki and her had the same quirks, it was mirrored. His was Half-Cold Half-Hot, it was the opposite for her. Yukina Todoroki, Half-Hot Half-Cold. Shoto uses his right side for his Ice powers while Yukina used her left. Both of them were refusing to use their other half, to spite the horrible father they had, the pain he caused the two did not help how they were raised.
She left the bathroom, and noticed her older sister just kinda was waiting there awkwardly. Yukina seemed surprised, she thought she was home alone tonight, as everyone else had been out.
"Oh sorry Fuyumi, did you need this bathroom for something? Didn't mean to hog it." She had apologized, as Fuyumi just shook her head and waved her hands.
"O-oh no! I was just wondering if you'd like to eat together, I made some food. Since your the only one here right now I was just going to invite you to join me." Fuyumi was saying, hoping her younger sister would accept. Yukina thought for a moment then decided to agree. It may be awkward for her to actually interact with family, as she didn't really know how to with Fuyumi.
The teen never really got a chance to be a 'sister' to anyone besides Shoto, who was practically the only sibling that she interacted with on a daily basis. "Sure." She had said, earning a bright smile from her sister. She followed her to the dining area where the two ate, mostly in silence until Fuyumi spoke up.
"So I heard Father had recommended both you and Shoto for U.A." She suddenly said, watching her sister flinch ever so slightly. Yukina shoved another chopstick full of noodles into her mouth before responding back.
"Yep. Endeavor did do that. We passed easily, so it wasn't a problem." Refusing to acknowledge the fact that the man was indeed her father. Fuyumi just seemed to brush it off, understanding the utter coldness her sister gave to their father. Yukina just closed her eyes, mind drifting to her thoughts as Fuyumi moved on.
"So where's Shoto right now? It's not often I see the two of you apart." Yukina's new sore subject. Shoto recently had a minor argument with her about U.A.
"He went on a run, said he needed to clear his head." Yukina sighed, angry with herself for arguing with her twin. Fuyumi just gave her younger sister a smile, hoping to cheer her up.
"I'm sure he'll be back soon. You got nothing to worry about. When do classes start for U.A?" Fuyumi just wanted to get to know her more. She couldn't help but ask questions about her younger sister, interested in hearing what she had to say.
"In a couple of weeks I think. Is that your phone ringing?" Fuyumi didn't even notice, a ringing echoing in the room. she stood up from her spot at the table and went and grabbed her phone of the shelf she set it on. She put the phone to her ear when she answered.
"Hello?.. Oh hey dad." Yukina was no longer interested, she just focused on her food as she overheard the conversation on Fuyumi's end. "Yea the spare room is cleaned. A guest? How long- Yes I understand. I can get it ready for her arrival. Okay. Goodbye."
The click sounded as Yukina looked up at her sister walking back over. She acted uninterested but it seemed like the gaze she sent Fuyumi showed the other way around.
"It seems like Hawks' little sister may be living with us for a bit. Feathers? I don't know the whole story but it seems like Father has allowed her to stay here since she wants to go to U.A. like you two." Fuyumi said, grabbing her dish from the table. "Did you enjoy the meal? I feel like it's getting better by the day."
An ever small smile drifted on Yukina's face for her sister as she looks down at the empty bowl. "It was great Fuyumi. Thanks again." Her mind drifted to the fact some other random teen was going to be living out here. She also stood and grabbed the dish she had, nabbing the one Fuyumi was holding as well. "I'll do the dishes, I heard you were getting that room prepared or something. So I can at least do this."
Fuyumi almost protested, but the look in Yukina's eyes decided otherwise. Instead she just decided to thank her, before wandering off to the spare room in the Todoroki house.
─── ❄️ ·🔥· 🪶 ───
The deal Endeavor made with Hawks was only going to be put in place if Sakura managed to pass these exams. She would have to go through this entrance exam and then patiently wait for an answer.
The auditorium was full, Sakura had sat with her pink wings folded as she eyed the stage in front. Pro Hero Present Mic was waiting for those here to be seated, and when they were that's when he had started his speech.
"What's up UA candidates. Thanks for tuning into me your school DJ. Cmon and make some noise!" He was saying, the whole auditorium completely silent. Sakura winced, second hand embarrassment hitting her. "...keeping it mellow huh? That's fine I guess. Let's just skip to the main show then. Let's talk how this exam gunna go down yea? Are y'all ready??"
Again silence took over. A teen with shaggy green hair a couple rows ahead started mumbling to himself. Practically shining as he watched Present Mic ahead of them all. Sakura seemed to hold in a little laugh as some stared at him.
"Like the application said, today you'll be out there conducting 1o minute battles in super urban settings!" Present Mic continued, the screen behind him presenting the plan while he explained it. Arenas A-G were set up for the exam, and Sakura looked down at her own. Arena A. "After I drop the mic here you'll head to your specific battle center you got on your cards."
Again ahead the two sitting next to each other, a blonde and the green haired fellow were muttering to each other. The blonde on looking more aggressive while the green haired one being a little nervous. Sakura eyed the spiky haired blonde a little with disgust, but kept listening.
"Let's check out your targets. We have three types of villains in each center. Each giving out certain points from one to three. Each have their set difficulty so choose wisely! The goal is to use you quirk to defeat these villain and raise your score! Make sure your not attacking other examiners, that's not very heroic is it?" A man stood up raising his hand after this.
"Excuse me sir but I have a question." The man had deep blue hair and glasses.
"Hit me!"
"On the print out you have four specified villains, not three. If this print out is wrong, and error on official U.A. Materials, I can't stand how shameful this is." Sakura rolled her eyes figuring that he just hadn't got to that part of the explaining yet. But the man kept on with his ranting anyway. The man with glasses turned to the green haired fan kid before calling him out. "You with the unkempt hair, you've been muttering this entire time. Stop that. If you can't bother taking this seriously then you shouldn't be here."
That kinda set her off, Sakura stood up glaring at the kid who acted quite rude. "You know you pointing that whole situation out in the first place is quite rude of you. If you can't be respectful yourself to your fellow peers you can't act all high and mighty yourself. If you had shut up for one moment I'm sure Present Mic would have explained the whole robot situation in the first place." The boy looked to her next, almost looking shock that the girl had spoken up as well. She shot a smile to the green haired boy, who glanced over before turning away, his face turning pink in the darkness. Present Mic decided to stop the point there.
"Alright Examinee 7111 and 5354, sit back down. Thanks for your request, the fourth villain is worth zero points. That guy is just an obstacle course so just stay out of its way." The speech ended up ending in the awkward silence again when Present Mic asked for a Plus Ultra. Then everyone was sent to their arenas.
Sakura was stretching, both her body and her wings. She looked around at her competition, noticing the blonde again that sat next to the green haired fan kid. People seemed to whisper to each other as they glanced her way, and Sakura could hear brief moments.
Feathers. Related to Hawks? She was already getting recognized. She just sighed as she saw a couple more. Another spiky haired teen, yellow hair with a black bolt. She tilted her head but soon turned towards the door. The second they started she zoomed off.
She grabbed one long feather, as she sent a few out scouting for villains. Sakura made quick progress for her score. She avoided sending to many pink feathers at once, as she needed to be able to fly still. However following the sounds she got from her stray feathers she went and struck down each bot with her long stiff feather-blade. In the matter of 7 minutes she had already gotten about 47 points
In one encounter she ran into the spiky haired man. Who seemed to be exploding the robots he was fighting. In a swift action she took down a 3 pointer that the man was luring in a different way. This seemed to annoy the teen as he yelled up at her in the air.
"Hey you bastard! That was mine!" Sakura just gave the teen a bright smile.
"Should get quicker then! Bye!" She zoomed off before the kid could say anything else. 52 points and 2 minutes left. She didn't have much feathers, in fact she couldn't be airborne for much at this time. The ground shook though, as the a large robot came into play. The zero pointer.
Sakura's eyes widened as she looked up at it. It was way bigger in person. She pushed herself in the air as much as she good, with a not so graceful landing she pushed forward and got away. She glanced back towards the way it was stomping from. The teen she saw earlier, the one with yellow hair and the black bolt. He was wandering around, looking a bit out of it, and with a glance up the robot was going to crush him.
Sakura looked to her wings, barely any feathers, but she may be able to manage at least a little more. I need to be fast. She pushed forward back into the fray as she kicked of the ground, zooming as fast as she could towards the dumbstruck teen. She grabbed the back of his shirt as she dragged him away, out of the crushing zone.
Sakura tackled the man away from the destruction, the landing again not being a great one. She sighed as she smiled at the teen, who seemed to snap out of his, mood?
"No worries, the angel you called is here. And she'll be watching over you for a while!" Sakura joked with a wink at the man. He looked up at the destruction he just avoided and back down at the not rugged wing woman. Surprised that he had been saved by this beautiful teen in front of him.
"Thanks. Sorry about that!" He smiled brightly scratching the back of his head as the time ended and was called out. I don't even know how many points I managed to get from my shocks. "I'm Denki Kaminari by the way."
Denki put his hand forward towards Sakura who glanced down at it.
"Feathers." She said, shaking the teens hand back. Denki seemed confused over this name.
"Just Feathers?"
"Yep." She said, popping the P. "That's what everyone calls me. It'll be my Hero name as well. . .I think." If Denki didn't know personally of Hawks' sister Feathers, Sakura wasn't going to tell. She didn't want to have to bring it up every time she talked to someone about it. She nodded to him before walking off. "Good luck. Hope you passed!" She called as she continued away.
52 battle points. She hopped it was enough, she wonder what the ranking was. It would be a while until she heard. She pulled out her phone and called up Hawks as she walked.
"Yo?" Hawks picked up, his voice sounding as if he was flying currently.
"You doing hero work?"
"Kinda. How did the exam go?"
"Nailed it, I don't thing it was that bad. Pretty sure I'm in the top 10 at least." Sakura sounded cocky in a joking manner. A laugh resounded from the other side.
"I'm sure you did great. I'll see you at home. Next part is just waiting for the results." The wind was getting louder through the phone. He was flying faster. "Gotta go, another one trying to steal some jewelry."
"Kay." Click. The call ended as Sakura continued. Walking to the bus as flying was no longer an option. Not that it was in her case anyway, as that would be unauthorized quirk usage without a license.
The time went by, and as Sakura was in her room looking over some of the newest books she bought, her bedroom door was slammed open. Keigo stood there with a letter, and a grin on his face. Sakura had looked annoyed at him, as she was genuinely frightened by the door opening as such.
"Don't open my door like that again please. You almost gave me a heart attack." She said snagging the letter from his hand. The letter form U.A. had finally come.
"I'll try next time. Now go on. Open it!" He said as he stood there eagerly. Sakura just shoved a hand in her brothers face and pushed him back.
"Alright just back up. Holy. It's like you want to be the one going to U.A. Not me." She laughed as she sat down at her desk. Opening the envelope. Inside was a disk and when she pulled it out, it bursted to light.
"I AM HERE! As a projection!" Sakura blinked at the projection. It was of the Number 1 hero, All Might. The symbol of peace, and a powerful Pro. "Greetings young... Feathers?" He was looking at a script for a moment before continuing. "Forget that! Anyway there was a lot of eyes on you in the festival. It's not every day we see someone of your skill level do entrance exams instead of getting in on recommendation. That's right! I, All Might, am now a teacher!"
Sakura blinked at the hologram. One of her teachers was going to be the Number 1 Hero himself? This'll be interesting. "Anywho. I would like to personally congratulate you on passing the entrance exam! In fact you've done far past the expectations of what the faculty had seen. In the top 10 you were right on top!" The screen paused for a second, as the top 10 scores were now shown to her.
1 - Feathers - Villain Points: 52 Rescue Points: 30 (Total: 82)
2- Katsuki Bakugo - Villain Points: 77 Rescue Points: 0
3 - Eijiro Kirishima - Villain Points: 39 Rescue Points: 35 (Total 74)
4 - Ochaco Uraraka - Villain Points: 28 Rescue Points: 45 (Total 73)
5 - Ibara Shiozaki - Villain Point:36 Rescue Points: 32 (68)
6 - Itsuka Kendo - VP: 25 RP: 40 (65)
7 - Tenya Ida - VP: 52 RP:9 (61)
8 - Izuku Midoriya VP: 0 RP: 60
9 -Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu VP:49 RP:10 (59)
10 - Fumikage Tokoyami VP:47 RP:10 (57)
This surprised Sakura more then she knew. Rescue points huh? From saving the Denki kid? The one below me didn't even get any RP, interesting. "As you can see there wasn't just Villain points given out. Heroes need to know that it isn't just about fighting the bad guys! But also about saving people as well. During the exam you saved a fellow peer in need, this rewarded 30 rescue points that managed to put you right on top!" He pointed to the screen that had shown a replay of the save. This made Sakura feel slightly warm inside, and a smile drifted on her face.
"So I'd like to personally welcome you, Feathers, to join us at U.A. Highschool! You've passed!" All Might gave his signature smile with a thumbs up. As the hologram faded she glanced over to her brother who was standing right behind her watching.
"I've passed." She said happily. Hawks was happy for her, but this pit in the stomach was not going away. He still smiled at her, hiding his emotions in a lock box in his heart. She would be fine. He'd hope.
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