I-Island Expo
"DIE!" The spiked haired blonde shouted as he destroyed several robots within a small time. He finished his run, only getting fifteen seconds before Sakura was next. He was first place currently, however that didn't last.
"That line's getting pretty old!" The female blond was complaining. However she didn't lose focus as she destroyed several robots. The result came in, ten seconds, causing a smug look to appear on her face.
"Looks like you're still slower Kacchan!" The announcer had announced Feathers winning as she looked over to him. However it was just a blinking outline, slight confusion came to Sakura before she noticed he was above her yelling at someone. She glanced at Kirishima who was also on the crosswalk.
"So you guys going to try this villain course too?!" He called as Sakura flew up to see who they were talking to. She noticed Deku, Iida and Ochaco with a blond.
"Don't try it!" Bakugo was saying. "There's no way you'll get a better score then I did."
"I just beat you by five seconds." Sakura stated with a deadpanned expression as Deku responded back.
"You're probably right." He said nervously, avoiding a fight with the explosion boy.
"I dunno, only one way to find out!" Ochaco said.
"You're probably right," he repeated again, his eyes still clench shut. "Wait what-!" Bakugo jumped over the railing approaching Deku tauntingly. He started shouting making Sakura sigh again.
"Hurry and get your pathetic attempt over with you damn nerd!" Sakura grumbled to herself, this was some 'vacation'. "Then you get outta here!"
"Ugh, I didn't drag you to the I-Expo for you to start fights with Izuku. It's already bad enough we have a third wheel."
"I'm just starting a fact Kirishima." She shrugged, slightly pouting at the vacation going sour. "I was hoping to get a smile from him here! And not one of those angry smug ones he's been giving. I just got him opening up with me."
"R-right I'll do that!" Izuku said determinedly. As Izuku got down on the arena. Sakura watched with her elbow on the railing. She hadn't realized how many U.A. students were here until Momo and Jiro showed. Did the whole class just show up?
Sixteen seconds, and third place. Bakugo seemed annoyed he was actually close to beating him.
"Wow Izuku that was amazing." Ochaco said as Iida agreed. Midoriya seemed proud of himself as Sakura stood near Bakugo.
"I didn't think I'd be able to get so close to Kacchan's time!" Izuku was saying as Bakugo spun around angrily. He started shouting making Sakura wince and cover her ear.
"What?! No way! I'm going to blast your score to ash!!" Bakugo was saying as Sakura patted his shoulder.
"Whaaa! This is insane fourteen seconds!" Bakugo spun around again, and the U.A. group got even larger. Sakura still held first place, but there was an impressive ice structure behind them. The Todoroki Twins came after all?
"Why is everyone here!" Sakura groaned as she watched Bakugo blast his way over to shout at Shoto. It was her turn to earn a pat on the shoulder from Kirishima. She ended with a sigh as she looked apologetically to the others.
"I should go get him." She grumbled as she hopped over the railing followed by Izuku and Kirishima. Kirishima used his hardening as he was trying to tug Bakugo back and Sakura got a smirk on her face. Maybe. . . She gave a close eyed smile as she leaned in, kissing Bakugo on the cheek.
The blond froze as the boys around them all looked shocked at the winged girl. Even though Sakura was also blushing, some of the boys had slight blushes on their face, she looked to Kirishima with a smile.
"He's off guard let's take him!" She told the redhead, bringing him back into reality. Kirishima nodded dragging him away as the others got off the field. Shoto met up with Yukina who was also here with him.
"What are you doing here Feathers?" Izuku was asking as Sakura just gave him a closed eye smile.
"Oh, after winning the sports festival I got invited here with a plus one. I decided to take Bakugo. Was hopping it would be alone with him, but Kirishima had tagged along. However it has been fun still I suppose." She shrugged, finally getting to the realization that it wasn't going to be her and Bakugo. However the girl did get a sense that, with the other U.A. students here, her trip would get more exciting.
─── ❄️ ·🔥· 🪶 ───
"Come on Kacchan. What can I do to convince you to go to the party." Sakura pouted as Kirishima was pacing at the edge of the bed.
"Maybe if you kiss him again I can drag him." Kirishima teased earning a pillow in the face by the spiky headed blond.
"Yeah right!" He shouted as his face slightly turned a shade of pink. He laid back down with his hands underneath his head. He closed his eyes as he laid in his casual clothing. "Plus why would I want to go to a party. It'll just be a bunch of old geasers I don't know giving speeches. Sounds pretty lame to me."
"But we could eat as much gourmet food as we want." Kirishima was trying to bring up as Sakura sat on the bed looking over Bakugo. She was dangling one of her pink feathers over his nose, tempted to tickle him with it.
"It's not like I brought any fancy clothes." He was saying still with his eyes closed. Sakura lowered the feather ever so slightly, before the light tickle, the male blonde grabbed her wrist in a fast speed. Sakura flinched a little as Kirishima continued. Sakura was just making eye contact closely with Bakugo, and her cheeks started to heat up a bit.
"I figured you wouldn't." Kirishima was saying as Sakura looked up at him. Looking for a reason to hide her red face, her wrist was still in the other blonds clutches. The redhead was holding two suits. A smile spread across her face as Bakugo sat up suddenly. He was still grasping Sakura's wrist as she cheered.
"Maybe the Third Wheel is more like a wing man! Super manly Kirishima thanks." Kirishima just kept his smile as Bakugo shouted towards him.
"You gotta be kidding you spiky haired idiot!" Sakura pouted as she turned her head to be in front of his face.
"Aw come on Kacchan! Pleeeeease?" Bakugo looked at Sakura's begging eyes, still an annoyed look on his face. He grumbled and sighed.
"Fine, but not like I'm going to like it." Both Kirishima and Sakura cheered as she grabbed his hand that was clenching her wrist and thread her fingers between each other. She squeezed his hand briefly before she let go, heading to the door.
"I'm going to go get ready!" She waved bye leaving for her own room. Meanwhile while she was readying herself Shoto and Yukina were doing the same.
Shoto had knocked on the door of the bathroom, as the two twins were sharing the room. "Yukina, you ready yet?" His voice echoed behind it. Yukina grumbled, not eager to exit the bathroom in the fancy dress Fuyumi forced her to bring.
"Yeah." She said, opening the door revealing her outfit. She had a small smile as Shoto looked back. She wore a black gradient dress and her hair was pulled back in a high ponytail.
(Without scar and hair color reversed. Art by:Wolfy1298)
"Do I really have to wear this." She said as her smile fell. She felt too nice and the heels were killing her. Shoto actually enjoyed seeing his sister dress so nicely.
"Yeah, it's a formal party. Come on, the others will be waiting." Another sigh came from Yukina as she walked on the heels which were very unbalanced for her. She followed Shoto to the meeting spot as both Mineta and Denki cheered at her entering.
"Best night ever!" They were saying before freezing at the cold glare she was sending their way. Iida complemented Yukina briefly as they entered fully.
"Where's Midoriya and the others?" Yukina brought up, as Iida shrugged.
"I don't know but they are late! Tardiness is not a proper etiquette of a hero!" He was saying earning a small eye brow raise from the Todoroki twin. The group waited as the other four came in, with Denki and Mineta doing the same reaction for the other girls.
"I'm just glad you're not in a T-shirt." Denki was saying to Jiro, overly appreciative of the girls outfit. Mineta mentioning something on the side as Jiro gave the two a little stun.
"Hey! That was a compliment." Denki complained, a little off put by the sudden attack.
"No it wasn't." Jiro denied her arms crossed. The interactions ensued as Iida tried to calm the classmates down. Yukina just crossed her arms as she noticed both Izuku and Uraraka blushing at each other.
"Oh good! I thought I was gunna miss you guys!" The final girl was running in, Melissa was wearing a cute blue and white dress with her hair up. She was no longer wearing her glasses. Denki and Mineta swooned over them. "Let's get downstairs to the party!"
"What about Feathers, Bakugo and Kirishima?" Yukina mentioned, noticing the three weren't here yet.
─── ❄️ ·🔥· 🪶 ───
"Which way was it again. . ." Sakura mumbled as the three were walking down a hallway. The three, in all honesty, were lost. They were in their fancy wear, as Sakura was wearing a more leggings than an actual dress. She didn't like the constructions dresses had on her movement, so she wore something easy to move around in. It almost looked like an outfit she could kick some ass in but look good while doing it.
(This but without the sleeves)
"You don't even know the damn direction? You two were the one who wanted to go." Bakugo grumbled annoyed as Kirishima sheepishly looked back.
"I left my phone back at the room, so we're going on instinct." Feathers eyes widened as she patted herself down.
"Shit I forgot mine!" Sakura sighed dejectedly. annoyed at herself for forgetting such a vital communication connection.
─── ❄️ ·🔥· 🪶 ───
The original group were readying themselves to continue on without the trio. However, before that a loud announcer was interrupting. The closing of the shutters above them confused the group. Shoto glanced at his phone, no signal.
"I'm not getting any signal, it may be getting blocked."
"Elevator's not working as well." Jiro piped up pointing at the elevator.
"Whats going on right now." Mineta was almost about to cry, like always.
"Its strange the system is on high alert. That's not the protocol when there's a bomb." Melissa was saying, a hand on her chin as she thought about the issue.
"Iida, lets check out the party, All Might should be there right now." Deku had said to Iida. As everyone seemed to agree he turned to Melissa next. "Do you know where there's a way there without the elevator?"
"We can use the emergency stairs." She pointed to the corner door. They followed Melissa to a balcony above the party, where they could see most of the hero's tied up with a neon blue restraining belt. Midoriya was trying his best to signal All Might through the glass. Jiro had her ear jack on the floor, listening closely before All Might delivered a message to her.
"This is bad Midoriya." Jiro relayed the message as the classmates retreated. They discussed the situation at hand. It wasn't like they were able to fight back without their licenses but at the same time telling the hero's outside would be hard.
"Aren't we trying to be pros ourselves." Shoto spoke up, looking at his hand. Yukina glanced at her brother curiously as Yaoyorozu spoke up.
"Yea but we can't work at hero's, you know that."
"It's not like we can do nothing at all though." Yukina responded to that, as Shoto just clenched his hand. Momo seemed to think on that after Yukina spoke up.
"I want to help." Deku mentioned, lifting his head up as he looked at everyone. "I want to save them. We don't have to fight, we just need to find a way to rescue the other heroes, and All Might."
"Thats easy to say." Denki mumbled both Mineta and Denki weren't fully convinced in themselves.
"I still want to try. We can figure out the best course of action and keep the criminals from winning. We can save everyone." Melissa seemed to take the determination to heart as she focused even more.
"i know where the security system is." Melissa spoke up, "it's on the top floor of this tower. If these criminals managed to take control of it, then the authentication and passwords have probably been disabled. I should be able to restart the system ourselves. We just have avoid the criminals on the radar until we can get to the top floor. If we do that, the whole island can be safe again."
"Then it is possible" Deku confirmed, a boost of confidence rose in the green haired team as the students looked to Melissa.
"But how do we keep on the low for that long?" Jiro asked, as Melissa turned to answer the girl.
"The security system hasn't discovered us yet. That means the villains may not know how it works very well." Shoto stood there with his arms cross as he thought.
"So, we avoid fighting anyone and get the place back to normal. That could work." He was saying as Yukina piped up.
"I think it's pretty doable, however there are a lot of us, it'll be pretty hard to go too unnoticed." Yukina mumbled also debating in the dark room they were hiding in at the time.
"Also, many of our enemies must be gathered on that top floor." Momo mentioned as Deku aimed to make the others just as confident as he was in the moment.
"If we are fast, we won't have to fight them!" Everyone turned to Deku again. "When the security system goes back to normal All Might, and the others will be free. They'll immediately jump into action and save everyone."
Iida had been quiet the whole time, however now he was looking at Deku with a new focused. Ochaco was cheering, also charged with the confidence that was showing outwardly from Deku.
"Midoriya. I'll go with you." "Same here. . ." The Todoroki twins said together, as Jiro agreed. Iida sighed from the side as he looked on.
"The moment i think we've gone too far it's over. If that's something you can agree to, then you'll have me there."
"That may be hard considering." Yukina mumbled quietly as Deku just agreed to go along with it. The rest of the group agreed, in fact even Melissa was going to join them. After all she was possibly the only one who was going to be able to change anything on that security console. Midoriya would return to the balcony almost relaying his message with eye contact towards All Might. The two almost exchanging a whole conversation through each other's eyes. He ran back the group in the hallway. It was time for them to show the world the future pro heroes of Japan.
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