Hero Training.
The results were on the holographic board.
1. Momo Yaoyorozu
2. Feathers
3. Shoto Todoroki
4. Katsuki Bakugo
5. Yukina Todoroki
6. Fumikage Tokoyami
All the way down to the one in last place- Izuku Midoriya. 20th place. Sakura glanced to the one who had been ahead of her, Momo. I heard she got in on recommendations. The hologram faded as Shoto looked on the class boredly.
"And I was lying, no one's going home." The class looked on with wide eyes. "That was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all in the test." The class looked on, making a shocked noise as Momo and Feathers glanced over to them.
"I'm surprised you guys didn't figure that out. I'm sorry. I should had said something I suppose." Momo had said as Feathers just glanced over to her.
"Nah, I knew, I wanted to see who would sweat the most." Sakura was saying glancing at Izuku. "Plus it was nice to see the others work hard."
The other students started to agree, enjoying the challenge of what they had gone through. Bakugo still seemed to have his eyes glaring towards the one with green hair. As for Izuku, who was unaware, he got a slip from Aizawa and went to Recovery Girl.
That would be it for the first day, as the class changed and started to leave the grounds. Sakura eyed the twins ahead of her, as they were eager to get home. However her mind drifted to Iida and Midoriya talking.
The two were walking a short distance behind, with Ochaco pulling behind. Sakura just smiled a little before turning her her head away again. Seems like he'll fit in just fine. She rushed ahead and wrapped her arms around the shoulders of the twins.
"C'mon guys! Smile! We made it through the first day!" The two had flinched at the sudden grasped. And Shoto gave a side glare to the pink winged teen. Yukina almost looked disgusted in turn.
A sudden chill took to her feet, and Sakura looked down as the twins moved ahead. Her feet were frozen in place by their quirks as she looked down in slight horror.
"Oh come on Todo-Twins! Don't be so harsh! I just wanna see you brighten up." She was shouting breaking the ice with one of her long feathers before rushing after her house mates.
"Don't grab us again." Shoto said, annoyance dripping in his voice. Sakura didn't wrap her arm around them this time, but she did find her way in between the two.
"Alright I respect it! Anyways. I know you two got in on recommendation, but did you see how well your counterpart did? Momo seems like some nice competition." Sakura glanced at the two reactions, neither giving anything away from that.
"She is capable..." Yukina was saying, for the first time showing a thoughtful expression. "But you also weren't that bad... I suppose. I'm surprised your own brother didn't recommend you in the first place."
"I can't rely on him to do all my dirty work. If I'm really going to spread these wings freely I can't be in his shadow." The twins seemed to glance at each other as Sakura said this. They both thought of the same thing. How they were the ones who let their father recommend them for U.A. In the end just two shadows of the hero Endeavor.
"You may have gotten 2nd in the physical testing, but we won't back down. This test proved nothing, we will be better heroes then you." Shoto was saying as a excited gleam hit Sakura's eyes. She just had a smile spread across her face.
"I look forward to this 'competition' you keep talking about." Was all she said as they got their ride back to the manor. As they settled down for the night, Sakura sought out Fuyumi, helping her make dinner while asking if she could do the full meal tomorrow.
"You want to make dinner by yourself?" Fuyumi asked curiously, to which Sakura just nodded with a small smile.
"If that's okay of course, I just think it'd be nice if I could make you all a meal in thanks for letting me live here while I study." Fuyumi returned her bright smile as she gave a small laugh. Glad that it wasn't just her who was so passionate about cooking.
"Sure. I don't suppose that would be a bad thing. However if you need any help preparing it just be sure to ask. I would love to assist, no matter how small. If you give me a list of ingredients I can pick them up before coming home tomorrow as well." Sakura gleamed happily at that as she pulled out a list she already had prepared. She offered it to Fuyumi, while took it and read it over.
"That's quite the variety."
"It's a extremely unique meal."
"I'm sure it'll be great."
The four got together, Natsuo had already moved to the dorms so it was just Fuyumi, the Todoroki Twins and Sakura. They sat around their table and ate their meals. It was some Soba with Unagi as a side. Shoto seemed to give even the slightest smile in content for his favorite of meals.
Yukina, unlike her brother, didn't really care for the meal. However she did enjoy her sisters cooking, so she was happy enough with the food ahead of her. Her sister always managed to spice up the plain meals to give a more lively taste to them.
─── ❄️ ·🔥· 🪶 ───
Present Mic was the class's English teacher. Ahead there was four sentences on the board as he was looking as his book for a moment. He turned to the class after enough time was given and asked them, which of the four sentences contained a mistake.
The class wasn't having it, they were bored out of their mind. However a few were still into the study part. Momo giving the answer after she raised her hand. Present Mic seemed happy when she answered correctly.
Sakura was just focused on her notes, reading ahead in the book they had as she felt the need to move forward. Although keeping an eye ahead as he continued his lesson. Eventually the classes came to an end.
Finally it was lunch time, where the Cook Hero: Lunch Rush, made meals for the classes. Sakura was walking by, finally getting her meal, as Izuku was Fanboying about the pro Hero.
"Mind if I sit here Today? I think the Todo-twins are avoiding me." Sakura asked the three, to which Ochaco nodded, and Izuku responded.
"O-of Course!" Sakura sat beside Izuku as she began to eat her meal. It wasn't as good as Fuyumi's cooking, but it would be good enough to scarf down.
"Todo-twins?" Iida had finally spoken up as she was sticking another fill of rice in her mouth.
"Oh mph" she swallowed her bite. "You know, Shoto and Yukina Todoroki? They are in our class. Ones with white and red hair. You see I lived with my brother a fair distance away, so it would be harder to commune to class here. So he practically begged Endeavour to let me stay with him since he lives closer." Sakura was saying as she glanced over at Izuku, who's seemed to be staring at her wings. "Did you want to feel it or something?"
"N-no!" Izuku's eyes widened as he shook his hands and head. "I-it's just I never really seen Hawks in person before. So I've never really seen his wings up close. But you have the same quirk as he does! So it's quite amazing to see."
"We'll I wouldn't say the same quirk." Sakura mumbles, scratching her cheek. "His is a bit different than my wings, as they have different abilities." She didn't want to say more. As it involved their fathers each had a different form of what they took from their mother's side.
Hawks had gotten a combination of his mom's quirk with his dad and although Feathers' wings acted very similar there were two different reasons why. Seeing as they had different mothers, It was a sore subject and she was sure to shut down any questions before it came up.
"No worries though. It gets mixed up a lot sometimes. However I am glad to be able to attend UA. It's far better than any private institution." Sakura spoke up, eager to get off the subject. The four spoke of how great classes were so far on their second day. Or how they were excited to see what was next when Hero Basic Training came to play.
The class was sitting their seats after lunch, as All Might. The Symbol of Peace and the top Pro hero was standing in front of them. Shouting from his lungs. "I AM HERE! Coming through the door like a hero!" He stated as he leaned into the room. He was wearing his silver age costume as he stomped in.
People were aweing him as he moved ahead of them all. Sakura just rolled his eyes with a small smile, amused that they were all excited to see him. Not that she wasn't either, but she had a number 3 hero as a brother, so this was nothing different.
"Welcome to the most important class of UA! Think of it as Heroing 101." All Might was saying in front of them. Getting some exciting looks from the class. "You will learn the basics of being a pro. Or what it means to fight in the name of good! Let's get into it." All might was over extending himself as he flexed ahead of them to get more of a reaction.
"Today's lesson we'll be pulling no punches!" Fight training was ahead of them. "First let's get you all looking good!" All Might pointed towards the wall as it slid open. 20 suit cases laid throughout, all the hero outfits ready to wear. Sakura gleamed with her smile as she almost jumped out of her seat.
"Get yourself suited up and meet me at Training Ground Beta!" And so the class did. They all got into their hero costumes. Sakura's costume was not really different to what she wore daily. She had goggles like her brother, red shim to the glass with the pink earmuffs just like Aviators wore. Her outfit was mostly of whites, she knew it may get dirty but that's how she would know how hard she'd work. There also was a coat, Incase she needed to fly into colder settings. While her inner shirt was a normal pale pink T-shirt to match her wings.
Yukina on the other hand, wore a outfit resembling the deviation of her power. Half of it icy blue, while the other half a pale red. She thought it fitting as she didn't use it, to have it seem as if it was a fading off the fiery red it would be. It was mostly a skin suit, but it was adjusted to loosen up in small areas to make it more comfortable.
She had one fist band on her ice side, to assist in using her quirk with more mobility. The class were all entering the training ground as All Might waited their approach.
"They say the clothes make the pros. And you guys are the proof!" He was saying, enjoying the class express themselves through their costumes. "Take this to heart! From now on you are all heroes in training!" He seemed excited as he looked at everyone in a proud manner. "I'm so hyped up! You all look so cool! Now let's get started you buncha newbies!"
All Might began explaining the exercise that they were going to be going into. Soon everyone was assigned to a team of two. People asking a lot of questions along the way, worried about their safety but at the same time just intrigued all together. After the draws, the teams were prepared.
Team A - Midoriya and Ochaco. Team B- Shoto and Shoji. Team C - Mineta and Momo. Team D - Iida and Bakugo. Team E - Ashido and Aoyama. Team F- Yukina and Koda. Team G - Jiro and Denki. Team H - Asui and Tokoyami. Team I - Ojiro and Feathers. Team I - Kirishima and Sero.
The first teams facing off. Team D as the Villains, and Team A as the hero's. Feathers raised an eyebrow at that. Bakugo and Izuku hm? That'll be interesting.
The rest went to the monetary room, prepared to watch the whole thing go through. The five minutes starting for the villains to set up their stuff inside while the heroes discussed their attack plans.
The class was echoing with predictions. Wondering which team would win against the other. People were commending Bakugo, discussing how Midoriya was the person who came in last the other day.
"I like to think there's more to Midoriya the you all think." Sakura was saying, as they watched the 5 minute timer click down. The class glanced over at her, she even got the attention of All Might as she just stared at the screen where Midoriya stood. She saw the confidence in both of the duo's eyes. This just made Sakura smile determinedly as well. "Just watch. Midoriya has got this in the bag."
Hah. All Might smiled, glad someone else could see the potential he saw in young Midoriya. Although he wasn't planing on playing favorites much longer, he did want to guide his successor far. "Let's begin this indoor combat training. Team A and Team D your time starts now!"
"Watch closely, it's time for you to watch. Think about what you would do in the situations like this." All Might was saying to the rest of the glass as they watched the monitors. The time ticked by as the two 'heroes' made their way through the building.
A sudden surprise attack from Bakugo threw the two of guard, earning some comments from the class. Sakura just stood and watch, eyes glued to the interaction ahead. If only I could send my feathers in to see what they were thinking.
Midoriya grabbed and flipped Bakugo when he charged. Causing the 'villain' to flinch in pain as he pushed himself up. Midoriya was shaking, even after throwing the man down with ease, but he still stood his ground.
It was hard to tell what exactly was going on with no audio. All the same the fight went on normally. Uraraka left Midoriya alone with Bakugo as she left to find the weapon. Midoriya kept Bakugo busy, easily moving without using his quirk.
Midoriya turn and ran, as Bakugo pursuing him obviously angered by something. I am not sure about their relationship, but they may have some sort of past.
Eventually they faced off. At first it seemed Bakugo was on top, getting praises left and right. However Sakura was only focused on the screen, ignoring the comments the class was saying. None were agreeing with what Sakura had said at the beginning. The two charged at each other, Midoriya powering up his quirk as he punched upwards creating a hole into the building, breaking his arm. Ochaco in the end being able to touch the weapon. The heroes had with won the 2v2. The first battle had been finished.
The class was silent, watching the screen with shock. A wide smiled spread across Sakura's face. All Might called it, the hero team won. Midoriya had been taken to recovery girl, and the next two were on.
Team B vs Team I. Shoto and Shoji versus Ojiro and Feathers. Sakura cheered to herself, and entered the field. She met up with her partner inside the building, she'd be one of the Villains.
"First things first! I'll send out feathers to be our scout if you'd like Ojiro." She turned to her partner, making sure he'd be okay with her strategy.
"How does your quirk really work?" Ojiro asked curiously, as the two set up their weapon in a room. Sakura turned to her partner, giving him an explanation.
"I can use my wings to fly, along with that I have a telepathic link to my feathers and can send them distances away to detect vibrations and voices. If I concentrate hard enough on them though sometimes I can hear peoples thoughts. However let's keep that last one between you and me alright?" She gives a small wink to her class mate as Ojiro nods his head.
"Then I think you sending your feathers out would work great." Ojiro said thoughtfully. He was glad he got Feathers as a teammate, as even if she had more skill then him, she still thought of him as her equal. "I'm not sure how this will end up. However I'm sure we'll do okay."
As the time started Sakura immediately detected their presence coming in the front door. She relayed this to her teammate, focusing on the feather as she moved around the room. She understood that Shoji may be able to detect her, but it was better knowing they were coming ins-
She froze, focusing as she notice Shoji leaving the building. She lifted herself in the air as the room got cooler. Her teammate's feet were frozen to the ground. "Sorry I didn't have time to react." She hissed to him, as she flew above the door, ready for the Todoroki to enter.
His footsteps came slow as he walked to Ojiro a half smile on his face, not noticing Feathers behind him in the air. "Feel free to pry yourself up, but don't expect to fight me with no skin on your fe- omph."
In a second he was bound himself. A scoff heard from above as he was face planted on the icy floor. "If you wanted to end it so fast, you got your wish." Sakura smiled at him, holding the roll tape she had just fastened around his wrists. Shoto glared up at one of his rivals.
"Looks like your out of commission, just your teammate is left." Sakura was continuing, pulling a long feather from her wing. She slammed it down on her partners feet, cracking the ice that bounded him. "That better?" She looked at him.
Ojiro looked up at her in shock. She was extremely fast, when seeing how she bounded Shoto with ease. He didn't even have time to react. "Thanks. My feet are cold but otherwise I'm fine. I think."
"Well don't get comfortable yet, we have this man's teammate. He knows we are up here so we just have to wait." Sakura glanced down at Shoto, who was no longer making eye contact with anything. He was frustrated how he got taken down so easily, and how he got to cocky about the outcome.
In the end Shoji would end up being captured by both Ojiro and Feathers, and the Villains had won the round all together.
"It's not your fault." Sakura slightly mocked down at Shoto. "We are just on different levels." She quoted him, she had heard him say it once in the courtyard to his sister. Ever since then, she'd show Shoto that pride is nothing to hold over people.
Shoto huffed as he was uncuffed, and went and melted the ice from the freezing building. Shoto eyed Sakura on the way out as she went up to her partner commending him on the teamwork they had pulled. Ojiro shook his head as he looked at her.
"I think you did all the work there Feathers."
"Oh no I didn't! If he wasn't focused on you he would had noticed me in the air ready to tackle him. So if anything that couldn't had happened any better." Sakura stated once again thanking her classmate. She left to go back to the class, getting commendable comments.
"Wow! Shoto didn't even have time to react when you landed on him from the air!" Denki was saying as she approached. Sakura just nodded to him with a smile.
"My brother and I would always race each other while flying. I just got used to speed with my wings." Some of her feathers were missing, frozen from the storm of ice that was thrusted upon them. However her balance was still maintainable.
She sat waiting to watch the next fights to come. A few eyes, Bakugo, Shoto, and Yukina, all were watching her as she stared ahead. If the day were to come when she became one of the top heroes. It would be her that would be on top of them.
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