Finding Names Within
Sakura didn't need to get used to being spotted by the public. She was noticed everyday when she was with Hawks. However it came to more of a hinderance when she ran into every person that wanted to talk to her. She had headed out earlier as she ran towards school, in hopes to avoid the rain. She would fly, however not all of her wings had grown back in the two days of recovery. She knew they wouldn't be as fast, and she knew she needed to work on her cardio.
"Feathers! Congratulations on your win!"
"Yea you were so cool!"
"Like brother like sister!"
"Say hi to Hawks for me, will you!"
"You bet! And thanks everyone! But I'm going to be late!" She called to the passerby's. Even though Hawks tended to keep her away from the media as best he could, she had to pick up tips for they did end up pressing her. Kind and firm, just like Keigo. She did get stopped a couple times by people, but she had stated she was in a hurry.
Finally, she managed to make it to school grounds, and even with leaving early, she showed when people started entering the archway. Sakura sighed as she strolled around, stretching her arms around. She glanced up at the sky, which was heavily clouded, and as if on cue the rain started coming down. Damn rain, my wings aren't even full yet.
She tried her best to use her wings as cover, but with half of them still missing it wasn't too effective. Sakura dashed forward, getting inside near the lockers as she grumbled to herself. She knew she should had brought an umbrella. Sakura moved towards the stairs, heading towards 1-A's class earlier than the rest. When getting there she opened to the empty room as she sat in her seat, 16. The seat in front of Bakugo's.
The pink winged girl pulled out her books, as she thought of the feather she gave Bakugo. Did the blond still have it with him? She could focus on the feather and get her answer, but she liked being surprised by its instinctive movement whenever Bakugo's mood changed. Sakura would be alone for about ten minutes before the class started filling up one by one. Soon the class turned pretty rowdy.
"It was so weird when people recognized us from TV." Ashido was saying as Sakura groaned with her hand in her face.
"Tell me about it, I wanted to get here earlier before the rain but I kept getting stopped by people wanting to congratulate me." Sakura mentioned, as Kirishima nodded. Sero had it rough however.
"You won't believe what some elementary school brats yelled at me." He started exasperated.
"Nice try?" Tsuyu was saying with her head on her desk. This caused Sero to groan in frustration. Sakura turned around from her seat to smile at Bakugo. Who was ignoring the conversation, his face wasn't his usual annoyance. He had his elbow on the desk and head in his hand. He just looked towards the window, his mind elsewhere.
"I'm sure people would had recognize you Bakugo, you left a pretty memorable mark at the ceremony." Bakugo didn't respond to Sakura's smart remark. It genuinely confused the feathery hero, usually the boy would have had a response. She didn't push.
The door slid open and Aizawa entered. He was no longer covered in bandages. "Good morning."
"Good morning Mr. Aizawa!" The class stated As Tsuyu was the first to mention the absent of bandages.
"Ribbit, Mr. Aizawa, you don't have bandages anymore. Thats good news."
"The old lady went overboard with her treatment." Sakura couldn't help but shiver thinking what that meant for her professor. "Anyway, we have a big class today, on Hero Informatics."
Dread washed over the students. All were praying it wasn't a quiz, or information on laws and other stuff. No one really enjoyed the classes that were all about lectures. The class was more of an "In the moment," learning way. The silence was deafening, worry filled the room more before Aizawa opened his mouth again.
"You need codenames. Time to pick out your hero identities." The dread on his face was common before the relief and excitement flooded the room. Sakura winced at the sudden attitude change, and Bakugo noticed the slight shift in the hero-in-training in front of him.
"This'll be totally awesome!" The class shouted, resulting Sakura's wings to instinctively fluffed with the burst of emotion, almost poking Bakugo behind her.
"Hey Birdbrain! Watch it!" He snarled, another jump coming from the female blond. She turned her orange eyes towards the explosive man behind him in a apologetic manor.
"Sorry, the sudden shift just overwhelmed me. . ." She mumbled, confusing Bakugo even more. He didn't have the full explanation on exactly what she was talking about, but Sakura never gave him anything more. Aizawa activated his quirk and the whole class settled down again.
"This is related to the Pro Hero Draft picks that I mentioned the last class we were in together." Aizawa continued after the rucus calmed down. "Normally, students don't have to worry about the draft yet. Not until their second or third year, however your class is different. In fact, by extending offers to first-years like you, pros are investing in your potential. Any offers can be rescinded if their interests in you dies down before graduation."
He turned to the blackboard. "Here are the totals for those of you who got offers." He pushed the button that controlled the projector and the numbers started popping up on the screen.
Feathers: 4563
Shoto Todoroki: 4123
Yukina Todoroki: 3965
Bakugo: 3556
Tokoyami: 360
Iida: 301
"In the past they are usually more spread out, but there is a pretty big gap this time." Aizawa was pointing it out.
"Thats no fair." Denki groaned when he realized he only had 272.
"Both Todoroki got the most ahead of Bakugo?" Jiro mentioned, almost surprised. Bakugo was second place while the Todoroki Twins only placed third and one didn't place at all.
"The opposite of how it ended up in the tournament." Kirishima mentioned, also confused. Sakura just shrugged as she spoke up.
"Probably because how he was chained up at the end. Not to mention both the Todoroki twins are the children of the Number two hero." This irked Bakugo as he shouted at her.
"If I scared some pro, they were just too weak!" This just caused her to sweat drop at the blond. However, her smile came back when she had roused his old attitude back to what it was. Bakugo was no longer his pouting self. She did notice Midoriya being shaken by Mineta, and she reminded herself the boy hadn't gotten any offers at all.
"Despite these results you'll all be interning pros. Got it?" Aizawa continued, "even those who didn't get any offers."
"So we are all interning?" Midoriya asked, a little hopeful. Yukina rolled her eyes.
"He just said that Midoriya." She had muttered allowed, earning an embarrassed look from Midoriya.
"Yes, you already got to experience combat with real villains at the attack in the USJ. But it'll still be helpful to see pros at work."
I often followed my brother around, yet I was never in real danger then. He was always too fast for me to get into real trouble. But it's different now, I'm fast too. Sakura knew where she'd end up in the end. The only one able to truly train her was her brother seeing as their quirk was super similar.
"So we'll need hero names for that." Sakura pointed out as Uraraka pipped in with her excitement.
"These hero names will likely be temporary, but take them seriously or-"
"You'll have hell to pay later!" Midnight had interrupted, making her way into the classroom. The more. . . Perverted boys in the classroom swooned as she entered. "What you pick today could be your code name for life. You better be careful or you'll be stuck with something utterly indecent."
"Ms Midnight!"
"Yeah, she's got a good point." Aizawa said boredly, still wondering what he was doing here. He started with picking up something on the stand. "Midnight will have final approval on your names. It's not my forte. The name you give yourself is important, it helps reinforce your image and shows what kind of hero you wanna be in the future. A code name you want to represent. Take All Might for Example."
People were heavily focused as the whiteboard were passed around and Sakura thought of the names she was planning. If she wanted to make things easier she would pick Feathers, but that only seemed like a nickname to her. It wasn't truly what she wanted to represent. She wanted to be seen as a hero who brought joy, to allow people to enjoy their life as the continued. She smiled already knowing what she was going to pick.
Sakura jot down the name, eagerly awaiting the time where she'd have to turn it in. After some time passed and Aizawa already passed out in his sleeping bag Midnight spoke to the class.
"Now students, who among you is ready to share?" Devastation hit, we're sharing these? Now? Aoyama had wandered up, and so the presentations began.
"The Shining Hero! I cannot stop twinkling!" Everyone had a look of dread, Aoyama always being outwardly 'out there.' Midnight seemed strange for accepting it however changing it to 'Can't Stop Twinkling.'
Ashido tired going with Alien Queen and Midnight outwardly refused. Sakura felt nervous now. The first two were super strange and she wasn't sure she should go next. Tsuyu was the bravest of them all as she went up.
She announced her name would be Froppy, and people just started cheering. Finally something normal! Kirishima went. Red Riot.
Jiro, The Hearing Hero: Earphone Jack.
Shouji, The Tentacle Hero: Tentacole.
Sero, The Tapping Hero: Cellophane.
Ojiro, Martial Arts Hero: Tailman.
Sakura jumped up next taking place in front of the class. "I picked my name to fit me! The Winged Hero: Hummingbird!" She glanced to Midnight and smiled. "Humming Birds tend to be symbols of joy, and are said to guide people to living life to the fullest!"
"Cute! I like it!" Midnight approved.
Ashido, Pinky!
Kaminari, Stun Gun Hero: Chargebolt.
Yukina watched as everyone announced their name as she looked to Shoto. He was still looking at his board which was also empty. Yukina wasn't even sure what to pick as she thought of some names.
Yaoyorozu chose Creati for her name and Yukina was still lost on hers. She thought for a moment before writing something down. A thought popped in her head and she took the name and stood. She noticed Shoto was already up there and halted.
"Shoto." He said as she shows his name and Yukina couldn't help but smile. She knew Shoto was less creative then here, but she thought he'd come up with something. Midnight was also confused even more when Yukina came up.
"Don't tell me you're choosing your own name too?" Midnight weeped as Yukina glanced towards her as she stood around the podium. She shook her head.
"No, I thought of something else. I wanted to be seen for an hero not because Endeavor is my father. I chose my name to represent being able to continue on through hardships." She said with her slight monotone voice. She turned her white board around. "I'll be known as Temper. Acting like a hard balance in the field." Midnight smiled at the female Todoroki.
"Well done!"
Tokoyami, Jet Black Hero: Tsukuyomi.
Mineta, Fresh-Picked Hero: Grape Rush.
Koda, Anivoice.
Finally Bakugo had wondered up and a slight shadow took over the room. Sakura watched when he turned his whiteboard and she had to try to not laugh. "King Explosion Murder."
"That one's a little too violent." Midnight stated as Sakura called out. "And childish! Why not just King Explosion!"
"No then the whole name would be ruined!" Bakugo shouted turning towards Midnight. "And what do you mean too violent!"
"What about Explosion Boy." Kirishima pipped up and Sakura just bursted out laughing. Now that one fit.
"Shut up weird hair!" He turned to Sakura as well. "And stop laughing Bird Brain!" The shouting continued as Midnight sent Bakugo to his seat.
Ochaco walked up and chose Uravity. Earning a clap. It was just Izuku, Iida and Bakugo who hadn't come up with a name. Tenya slowly walked up and showed his board: Tenya. Sakura could feel that there was something else pushing him in this direction, but she didn't say anything out loud.
Izuku went next, revealing it to Deku. People were genuinely surprised, getting the meaning of a name like so. But Izuku was adamant that this be his name. To prove people wrong in a way. Sakura felt her wings twitch as she glanced back at Bakugo. His eyes were not matching how he was feeling.
This was something Sakura tended to Notice with Bakugo. Whenever it came to Midoriya his feelings were different to what he was doing. When she realized this, it came to her goal to help both Bakugo and Midoriya, the two needed each other to push the other forward. Sakura couldn't help being a factor within that to help them. In the end Bakugo couldn't get his name across and was also stuck with his own as well.
After lunch the class continued. "Now that everyone's decided on their hero names we can go back to talking about the internships. They last for One Week. Those of you who were on the board will choose from among your offers. Everyone else will have a different list." The papers were spread out as he continued. "Each agency has a different specialty, keep that in mind when you pick."
Sakura already knew but she was genuinely curious. She saw a few offers, one from Best Jeanist, another from Edgeshot. It came to no surprise when her brother was on it too. Yukina wasn't surprised when she realized that Endeavor had not put on offer towards her but it did come to a surprise when she saw Hawks on her list. She thought for a moment, knowing Sakura would probably go there too before deciding it may be good to train with the Number Three hero.
Shoto glanced towards Yukina after he noticed Endeavor was on his list. This would be the start of a split in them being together. As if feeling his gaze Yukina turned to him, showing him her list.
"I think Hawks will welcome me well, I understand if you'll choose Endeavor. After the visit with Mom he'll be your best bet. Use his teachings well. We can share with each other what we learn after." Yukina smiled at her twin. Shoto nodded back, he'd use Endeavor to learn more, and then the two may be able to teach each other what they worked on.
Sakura turned around while the other groups were discussing where they were going. However she wasn't to focused on them. She could feel the irritation from Bakugo but she leaned on her chair and looked at him with a smirk.
"So where you planning on going?" She broached dipping her head down to get in eye level. The boy was clenching his papers annoyed by the conversation behind him, but when he noticed Sakura his clench loosened. He squinted at her in confusion.
"Why do you wanna know Bird brain." He grumbled, however the irritation he felt faded when talking to the girl. Sakura's orange eyes seem to glisten as the smile spread more.
"Well obviously to compare notes! You did get a lot of offers after all, I was just wondering which one you are picking."
"Best Jeanist." He mumbled.
"You're not picking him cause he was the highest ranking on your list are you." A deadpan look came from Sakura as Bakugo earned and irk mark on his head.
"So what if I am! If I'm going to be a hero I'm going to learn from the best!" He shouted causing Sakura to wince. When seeing this Bakugo just leaned back and crossed his arms. "Best Jeanist was the highest on my list, and he's the number four hero. So he'll be the best to teach me."
Sakura thought about his words. She'd met Jeanist once with her brother. Come to think of it, it came to her as a surprise that someone of his stature would try and recruit someone so destructive. However she had faith in the Denim hero, and she had faith in Bakugo as well.
"Well, I'm sure you'll learn a lot. Share me the secrets when you get back okay?" Sakura winked at Bakugo as the other blond just scoffed. He wasn't sure why he was feeling such a way, however he came to feel a comfort around Sakura sometimes.
"Yea right, not like you're going to share yours." He muttered, his eyes meeting hers.
"Well I suppose you'll have to see after the internships! Perhaps you'll learn more than me." Sakura nodded in thought. Bakugo didn't say anything after that, and the school day went on as normal. Afterwards Sakura had left to turn in her form with the Todoroki twins, to which she found out that both Yukina and Tokoyami were going to go to Hawks agency with her.
Yukina is joining us. Interesting choice Keigo. Sakura smiled at the news as she headed to her temporary home. It'll be an interesting time, the internships.
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