Birds of a Feather
"Everyone has their costumes correct?" Aizawa was asking as the class clenched their briefcases. When the affirmation was given Aizawa continued. "Make sure you mind your manners with the other heroes during your internships. Now get to it."
Yukina turned to her brother, as Sakura jogged over to Tokoyami. The Todoroki twins hadn't been apart from each other in a while. Besides some of the training sessions that Endeavor refused to have Yukina partake in.
"Be careful Shoto." Yukina was saying a small smile appearing on his face. "Don't get frost burn." She teased, earning a nudge from her brother. But his eyes were focused after the amusement left.
"Stay safe." He requested with his rough voice. Yukina nodded, the goodbye enough as she would catch up with the other two. Sakura had guided them to their terminal, excited to get a chance to go back home for a bit.
"You know it was expected for him to ask for me, however you two are the first students Hawks has asked to intern. It's quite curious what he may be thinking!" Sakura was saying as they got onto their train to Kyushu.
"I'm honored he chose me." Tokoyami was saying, in his normal humble tone. Yukina did think it was interesting how she got the number three hero to request for her.
"To be fair I think Yukina got chosen because Hawks is a huge Endeavor fan." This made Yukina sweat drop when she heard it. However she didn't let it get to her, learning from Hawks will improve her better than anything she'd get from her father. "However Tokoyami, I did say that he may be interested in you as well, remember?"
"I didn't think you were serious." The bird man stated, earning a slight hurt look from Sakura.
"I'm always serious!" She said slightly joking. "However I suppose I should warn you both about Hawks." She stopped as she looked to the two. They were sitting in a booth spot on the train with Yukina and Tokoyami sitting side by side.
"What is it." Yukina encouraged, wanting to hear the information she was about to give. Sakura leaned on her knees as she started.
"He can be a bit much at times. Man doesn't slow down. Just stick with him, he may have some underlying teaching methods but he is pretty smart. He taught me a lot." Sakura had a genuine smile thinking of her brother Keigo.
"Great! I'm so excited for you to meet him. You'll love him, until he irritates you and then you'll hate him." Sakura stated as she clapped her hands together.
─── ❄️ ·🔥· 🪶 ───
First impression, by Yukina's standards, was unimpressed. He was rubbing Feathers hair roughly as he looked on his other two interns. Sakura was groaning, trying to get free of his grip to no avail.
"This is what you get for not returning my calls." He was saying as he eyed the other two. "Hey. Names Hawks, but you already knew that. Why don't you introduce yourself to me by your hero names yeah?"
Watching Sakura still trying to get free, Yukina introduced herself first. "Temper. As in tempering steel or other metals." She didn't say more as Tokoyami introduced himself with a bow.
"Tsukuyomi. It's an honor Hawks." Hawks waved his free arm, as if dismissing the formal introduction.
"No need to be so formal. Relax a bit." He was saying. He could hear a muffle come from beneath him and glanced down at his sister. "What's that? I can't hear you with all that stru- Ow!"
Sakura got free by stomping her foot into his. Before escaping with speed, she landed behind the other two students, crossing her arm in an almost pout.
"Aw come on Feathers I was just teasing. Come give big bro a hug." Hawks spread his arms as a scoff came from the younger sibling.
"Yeah right, like I'm going to fall for that again. And it's not Feathers right now. My hero name is Hummingbird." She pointed out, earning a slight mockingly hurt look from her brother.
"You wound me." He turned his mood around in almost an instant, however. As when it came to introducing his sidekicks it was a speedy introduction. Instantly he told the three to get their hero costumes on. He turned to his sidekicks as he sent a smile their way. "See you out there!"
Hawks went ahead as Sakura rolled her eyes. The three got in their hero costumes and out they were on the field. The first day was a struggle for Tokoyami and Yukina. They continued to chase Hawks across the city, Sakura had glided just barely behind her brother with ease as they talked.
"So you going to tell me about the USJ Incident?" He mentioned again, his eyes focused as he sent feathers out to capture petty thieves on the street. Sakura scoffed, using her wings to slow herself down. Instead of giving an answer she just asked another question.
"I assume you aren't actually going to teach them anything?" Hawks glanced back at his sister between the feathers of his wings. His eyes squinted briefly before he answered her back.
"Not yet." He hummed, watching the two on the ground run after them a long distance behind. Yukina was not using her quirk, as if she didn't want to cause a hazard with her ice in the sidewalks. Tokoyami was hard focused on Hawks in front of him, as if trying not to lose sight. "If you won't tell me anything however, I'll have to ask them."
"Go ahead, also twelve-o-clock, looks like a robbery." Sakura stated, almost irritated with his persistence. Hawks turned back and caught the villain with ease, glancing at the time on his watch. He halted on a pole as sent the villain in the arms of his sidekicks.
"Let's stop here today. You three go back to the agency. I have somewhere to be." Hawks glanced to his younger sister who had landed next to her classmates. Her wings were folded behind her, and an unreadable look was on her face. "Get the paperwork done. I'm counting on you!"
Hawks took off again, as Yukina and Tokoyami looked to Sakura. "Is he always like that?" Yukina had asked as Sakura nodded, watching him fly off. She knew she probably upset him, not confiding in him at all. However, talking about her Manipulation ability with Hawks kind of brought a sore subject for them. If she had gone into detail about the encounter at the USJ, she'd have to also bring up the whole situation.
─── ❄️ ·🔥· 🪶 ───
Paperwork wasn't fun, and the next day turned to be just that. Paperwork and chasing after a flying bird man. Yukina was highly annoyed, alongside Tokoyami. Sakura groaned as she rubbed the sides of her temples, looking at the paper.
"That's it, let's go. He's nearby, lets catch up with him." Sakura started, dragging the other two out of the office. The Sidekicks glanced at each other and just shrugged. The three were on the streets, and Sakura was flying, keeping an eye out for Hawks flying around.
"Look, he captured someone." Tsukuyomi was saying, watching the air as one of Hawk's feather life's someone in the air. Yukina, well Temper, was honestly impressed a feather could hold such weight.
"You know it's been like a day, and I feel like he hasn't really taught us anything. Besides half the time we are just helping with his paperwork." She sighed, catching her breath as Hawks landed in front on the building in the air. Sending the villain down to the sidekick who had caught up with the two.
"There's another one down the street. Hurry up and don't fall behind." He said with a smile as he took off with immense speed. Yukina groaned slightly, almost annoyed with the top third hero.
"Feathers, I'm going to roast your brother." She had called up to Sakura who apologized in the air. After a couple of days of the same thing, all they did was chase after Hawks half the time, determined. In this time Tokoyami and Yukina actually got closer, finding the time to bond over this frustrating experience.
In the end the three had to learn from each other, even Sakura was getting the cold shoulder from her brother. All three were in the break room, eating their meals as they just complained to each other. Yukina was eating chicken, probably because of the current situation. She had a resting annoyed face at this time.
"Why the hell are we even here." She started, breaking the silence. Yukina sent glare towards Feathers, who just raised her hands innocently. "What the fuck, is your brother just running us around like little ants?"
"Do you think I would know? He's giving me the cold shoulder too if you hadn't noticed. I'm just lucky I can catch up with him. I've just been watching his movements." Sakura mumbled, eating her food as she eyed what Yukina was eating, a little fearfully she may add.
"I'm going to talk to him tomorrow." Tokoyami stated, eating his meal with a slight anger in his eyes as well. "Perhaps there's some meaning behind all of this. I need an answer though."
The next day.
"I can't let things get worse while I wait for you guys just so you get practice." Hawks said in response to the questions that the duo was now throwing at Hawks. Sakura just stood off to the side with her arms cross, eyeing her brother down.
"Then, why'd you ask me to intern with you in the first place?" Tokoyami asked, Yukina was standing right beside him. Hawks was playing with one of his feathers while leaning sideways on his seat.
"Because We're birds of a feather." ... Was that a bird joke? It kind of burned Yukina's soul as the silence drew on a little bit. She felt the stiffness from Tokoyami as he processed it.
"Is that a joke?" Tokoyami asked, as Hawks made a full turn towards the two.
"Nope, I'm 20% serious." Hawks continued, "Halfa the reason was because I wanted to talk to someone from Class 1-A. Was interested of those thugs from the League of Villains who attacked you. To make things easier on me, I figure I might find a solid recruit who can keep up with me." Why'd he pick me as well then. Yukina stepped forward a little irritated from the fact, Tokoyami deserved far better than what this Pro Hero was causing. "Feathers over there wasn't giving me a full answer, so I suppose you two were the next best thing."
The two glanced over to her at this as Sakura just looked away. She knew this was partially the reason that Hawks had asked these two along. Sakura felt apologetic to them, after feeling the hurt and anger flutter from them. She dipped down in a bow.
"While I'm here I'm going to go get something from my room." She stated, looking for any excuse to dismiss herself from this awkward moment. She left the room swiftly, as Keigo watched her go silently. He turned his attention back to the two in front of him.
"I wanted to see the potential of the offspring of Endeavor. Thats why you are here 'Temper'. Now back to the original conversation yeah? Why don't we start with how the first attack went down. You know, at the USJ." Tokoyami seemed to clench his beak, not really pleased on the reasoning behind this internship. Yukina twitched, angered about the Pro-Hero causing such disturbance in her new friend.
The Todoroki Twin could care less about the reason of her being here, however Tokoyami had actual great potential with his quirk. The Least the Pro-Hero could do is give him some tips. Tokoyami answered his request, explaining on what the whole USJ incident was all about. Yukina would add input where it was needed, as she was with Tokoyami when in the dome.
During this time Sakura glanced at her phone, earning a message from Izuku. A location all the way in Hosu. She looked at it questionably, confused of what the message meant. Was Izuku in trouble? She wasn't going to be able to meet up with him if that's what he wanted. She sent a message back.
'What's wrong Izuku?' In the end she wouldn't get a message back until the morning. Sakura laid back in her bed in the room she had in the Agency. She was the only one that, her room, was where she lived. The others bunked together.
She thought to herself as she stared at the ceiling. It had been only like four days and there were still three more. She turned to her side, staring at her phone before thinking for a moment. She opened up her texts and scrolled to a number she had yet to message.
Hey, how's the internship Poprock?
Sakura looked at the message before sending it, she shook her head and mumbled incoherently to herself. She deleted it before editing the message again.
Sup, Bakugo. Having fun with Jeanist? She nodded to herself as she sent the message, as her heart seemed to race slightly. She wasn't one for being nervous when it came to talking to others, but Bakugo had sparked something within her. With Bakugo, she actually felt herself, not what people around her thought.
It was a moment before her phone vibrated in her hand, causing Sakura to flinch briefly. She scrambled to look at her phone as she read the response.
ITS SHIT, THIS WAS A WASTE OF TIME. Sakura looked at it with a small smirk. A small laugh escaped her lips as another response game. Wait why the fuck are you up Birdbrain. It's nine.
Sakura, and what are you? Like five?' She sent before continuing. And by that logic shouldn't you be sleeping too then?
Three dots popped up, indicating that Bakugo was planing on responding. It disappeared briefly. before a large rant came after the whole message was put through. Throwing many annoyances about needing sleep and blah blah. Sakura just scrolled to the bottom.
What's with the stupid nickname anyway. Why do you go by Feathers. Sakura looked at the message thinking about it for a moment.
I'll tell you if you tell me
what's wrong with
you and Izuku.
. . .
Well? And no bullshit
about him being weak.
I know you don't
feel that way.
Fine but no
speaking a word of
this you hear me?
I'll kill you!
Goes both ways,
The two went back and fourth with each other for about an hour. Bakugo getting down in the details and Sakura returning it in kind. The two confiding in each other throughout the time. Sakura's smile never left her face, a genuine smile, and when she got Bakugo's whole reason for the 'Deku Drama' she had made a goal for herself.
You know, after all this
texting, come to make
me want to do
something. Katsuki Bakugo,
I'm going to bring
out an actual smile
within you!
Not those creepy angry
smiles you always give.
I want to see a genuine
We'll see! A knock came from the door as she sent one final message. Gotta go! Rest well Bakugo!
Goodnight. . .
Sakura locked her phone as she looked at the door, it opened with Hawks standing in the doorway. She rolled and sat up stretching nonchalantly as she sent a small smile his way.
"Got the information you need? So, no more pouting Keigo?" She was saying as Keigo shut the door behind him. He didn't say anything as he entered the room, and finally when reaching arm's length, pulled Sakura into a tight hug.
"I just want to know you're safe, Saku. Your quirk can severely danger you if others know what it does." Hawks said not letting go of his sister. "You could have really gotten hurt. Or worse."
"I get it Keigo, you're worried about me, but this is why I'm going to U.A. Right? To get a better handle on my quirk away from the Commission. I promise I'll be careful. However, I don't want you treating me like a kid anymore, okay? I'm training to be a hero. May not be a prodigy like you, but I'm just as fast. Soon I'll be in your spot, perhaps even past it." Sakura said, it was slightly muffled by the squeezing that Hawks was doing.
"Then I'll treat you like an Intern." He mentioned as he backed up, his hands still on her shoulder. "You have some interesting classmates Saku. Get some rest, you still have three more days."
In the end, both Yukina and Feathers got news that Izuku, Iida, and Shoto had encountered the Hero Killer Stain while in their internships. Worry had filled both the girls for different reasons, however it seemed like the Pro Hero Endeavor had saved them.
The three continued their internship for the last couple days. Frustrated that Hawks wasn't teaching them at all. Sakura understood this was more as a test from her brother, to see how far he could push the others. So she didn't take it too harshly.
She was just ready to go back to classes. Final exams were just around the corner.
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