Chapter 18
A Little Hero
Real Danger
"Maybe there's only a dark road up ahead. But you still have to believe and keep going. Believe that the stars will light your path, even a little bit. Come on... let's go on a journey!"
~ Kaori Miyazono (Your Lie In April) ~
'Hey' - Thoughts
"Everyone!" -Normal Speech
"Thanks" - Spiritual or Electronic
*For* - Sound Effects or Actions
"Reading!" - Super Moves or Abilities
~ Hiatus Warning... ~
After going to a small cafe in Hosu city, Erza and Izumi returned to the Fairy Tail building to see it almost shimmering as everyone seemed to be relaxing with some beer or food in front of them. None of them seemed like professionals from their attitude to how they dressed in casual clothes or most of them at least. Past that, Izumi seemed to stand out since all of them are friendly with each other and Izumi was the girl who was usually quiet except when she was with Shoto, then it was a complete personality swap.
"Izumi, take a break. We'll take a four-man team next time," Erza said before leaving to sit down at the bar and looking at the rest of Fairy Tail. As for Izumi, she decided to go on top of the roof for some peace and quiet.
Once there, like any normal teenage girl, she went on her phone and saw some pictures of her classmates with their assigned hero. Even Tenya took a picture with Manual despite being all about order and working, though Katsuki and Shoto didn't post one, Izumi kind of understood since Katsuki would hate most heroes he got interned for and Shoto is on bad terms with his dad.
'Seems like they're having fun,' Izumi thought as she looked towards the sun which was setting over the horizon. During that moment, her hair was flowing with the wind, creating quite a spectacle even if her dress stayed down magically. 'Another end to a short journey. Maybe I'll have some fun tomorrow.' She thought before climbing down from the roof and into the guild building as many people already started to leave for their own homes.
Getting back into the building, Izumi saw Erza waiting at a table and looking around the building. "Izumi, you'll be staying with me for the week." She said before the two left the once again, going towards Erza's home.
One short walk later, Erza and Izumi were in a small yet luxurious apartment building that all belonged to Erza. But instead of letting Izumi explore around the building, Erza gave her some old pajamas that were too small for the redhead before dragging her to bed. And oddly enough, Erza made Izumi sleep with her even holding Izumi close to her.
"Erza... why are you doing this?" She asked nervously as the woman held to her small body tighter.
"It's for your protection. So just go to sleep." She responded as the two went to bed, one later than the other for obvious reasons.
~ Time Skip ~
~ Brought to you by Cuddling ~
The next day, Izumi set out on patrol with Erza, Natsu, and Lucy though the last two were quite excited for some reason. Of course, they all wore distinct yet comfortable outfits that showed their Fairy Tail mark somewhere on their body. Without further ado, let's start the rest of the story.
Walking through town was boring, to say the least, even with four people on patrol. Throughout the whole patrol, the group just walked around since the villains finally grew their first brain cell and didn't commit crimes in broad daylight with heroes walking around. So, they spent the day either signing autographs or taking pictures and Izumi saw a mess of blue hair, yet didn't bother to do anything about it.
"Um... Miss? You're Izumi Midoriya, right?" A little boy asked as Izumi saw a small child with square glasses and dark blue hair, eerily looking like someone that Izumi couldn't name at the moment.
"Yes, is there something you need?" She asked nicely as she bent down to meet eye-level with the small child. During this, the three members of Fairy Tail just watched though Erza got a piece of cake from somewhere.
The boy looked nervous as a graying man in a suit walked up to them, but didn't say anything as he watched the infamous UA student and blue-haired child. "Midoriya-san, do you know my Aniki, Tenya Iida? I haven't seen him since he visited Tensei-nii." The boy said as Izumi sighed out and pat the boy on the head, finally, someone in this story was shorter than her.
"Iida-kun, huh?" She said which made the boy a bit worried. "He's working with Manual, so you have nothing to worry about. He's even in this city, maybe you'll see him." She cheered up the boy from this comment as she looked at the graying man who nodded at her before leading the child down the street.
Once she turned to look at the three heroes who accompanied her, they either were smiling or eating cake with some cream on the edge of her mouth. So, Izumi whipped the cream off Erza's face with her finger before eating the cream, surprising the three as she walked off in the opposite direction of Iida child.
That aside, finally a villain appeared after lunch should have happened, oddly convenient as the group of four was having lunch. The villain was already running through the mall, Izumi was left to fight him since the rest wanted to finish their lunch. Now the villain was using streams of fire from their hands to fly just above the mall.
'Natsu-san should have done this.' Thought Izumi before a red spiral of flames engulfed her. Leaving the flaming spiral was a redheaded woman with a golden sword and red wings that faded into yellow near the bottom of the wings. "Give up now and I won't have to hurt you too much!" She shouted as she started to fly after him.
The man looked behind him as he saw Izumi chasing him, so he started to fly faster but the girl just flew faster. "The hell! Leave me alone!" He shouted back before flying up and using one hand to create a fireball while he still propelled himself with his other hand.
Then the villain threw the fireball, but with no fear of the incoming attack, Izumi literally let it get close before eating it. "Yeah! Fight fire with fire!" Natsu shouted from wherever he was eating, but Izumi ate the fireball before a small puff of smoke escaped her mouth like a burp.
"Excuse me," Izumi said trying to be cute as the villain was aggravated before he started to fly away again, yet Izumi only chased him again. Without a moment of hesitation, Izumi flew over the villain and grabbed the back of his short, then threw him towards the ground.
He hit the ground with a small thud, before starting to rapidly create and throw fireballs aimed for Izumi. Each of them was dodged and flew further into the sky before burning out into nothing. With the villain starting to get fatigued from continuous attacks, a bubble of water appeared in front of Izumi before she went through it and appeared in a completely new outfit. This was the Leviathan Armor which Izumi used to approach the villain before grabbing his hands and creating a bubble of water around both of them. Another switch of armors later, Izumi froze the man's hands and feet to the ground, before the cops came and took the villain with the ice restraints instead of normal handcuffs.
Another villain down, another day passing by as Izumi and the three heroes who seem irrelevant and lazy by now, couldn't find another villain to fight. And with the lack of creativity produced by the author of this odd story, the group heard a giant explosion and cries for help. Getting towards the more rural part of town, where they saw multiple buildings on fire near the park which was already burnt away.
"I got the fire! Get everyone to safety!" Natsu shouted before inhaling the flames which allowed Erza to pick up some of the rubble while Lucy and Izumi pulled out some citizens.
This process continued as Izumi left after they evacuated an entire building to heal some citizens with her Angel Armor so she still made herself useful. Though a few minutes later, the three heroes found out why there was havoc in the first place. The Endeavor was fighting. Oh, the actual cause for fear not the harm of citizens. It was Nomu like creatures. One could fly, one was jumping on the sides of buildings, and the other was just swinging wildly.
Without a second thought, Izumi flew towards the Nomu swinging wildly, probably because it didn't have eyes. Wait, why doesn't it have eyes? That's a major design flaw!
Anyway, with her Angel Armor and spear, Izumi pierced her spear through the Nomu's chest and knocked it back towards the ground. Yet before she could finish it off, Endeavor threw her aside and grabbed the head of the creature so he could incinerate it and take all the credit. 'And I used to wonder why Shoto hated you.' She thought before her spear was recreated in her hand, while two Nomu still crazed about. 'Right, villains first.' She thought again before hearing a scream of pain from an alley.
As the girl with common sense, Izumi rushed towards the alley which held the hero, Native, slumped against the wall while Tenya was on the ground with a knife in his arm and the Hero Killer, Stain, standing there with two more knives. Letting her emotions control her, Izumi's armor made cold mist appear around her, hiding her new form that was introduced two chapters ago.
"Midoriya, stay out of this!" Tenya shouted as he tried to get up, but Stain used his foot to push him to the floor. Without paying attention to Izumi, he pulled out the knife planted into Tenya's arm before licking out, paralyzing the armored teenager.
And without a second to spare, Izumi created two icicles that pierced the villain's shoulders which immediately made him drop the knives and stumble back. "You... hurt my... friend... " Izumi said as a few tears escaped from her eyes and fell to the ground.
"Come on, hero," Stain said as he grabbed his last knife shakily, not giving up by a long shot. "Show me how corrupt the world has gotten."
More tears fell from her face, but Izumi looked at the Hero Killer, dreading what may happen next. "I don't care about being a hero. All that matters... " She said before seven icicles appeared around her as she walked towards the murderer in front of her. "Is that I protect my friends." She finished as the dragon spirit within her took over, causing her eyes to glow pure white and expel mist. Yet she didn't kill the man in front of her as the author would want, instead, the icicles rounded out and pushed the Hero Killer towards the wall before the ice shackled him to the wall.
Finishing off another cliche, Izumi collapsed as Stain continued to watch her while he slowly bleeds out even if it was being stopped by the ice. With three injured people, mentally or physically, the alleyway was discovered by Erza who immediately called over the rest of her team to help her get the almost lifeless bodies out of the alleyway.
~ And That's It! ~
A/N: Not the best place, but I'll have to stop this project here while I finish up Number Nine and The Villain's Daughter. Both of which will stop at USJ now instead of the original things.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed! I certainly liked writing this at first. Now one last time.
Thanks, For Reading!
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