Chapter 11
USJ: The End Boss
"In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends."
- Martin Luther King, Jr. -
'Hey' - Thoughts
"Everyone!" - Normal Speech
"Thanks" - Spiritual or Electronic Communication
*For* - Sound Effects or Actions
"Reading!" - Super Moves or Armors
~ Let's Wrap It Up! ~
Last time on I'll Be A Hero, Izumi Midoriya, Tsuyu Asui, Pony Tsunotori, and Itsuka Kendo escaped the Ship Wreck zone while dragging and throwing along Minoru Mineta. But now they plan to help the students in the other zones before regrouping with their teachers at the gate.
"Hey, anything I miss when I left to the Ship Wreck zone?" Izumi asked as the group ran towards the next zone which happened to be the Land Slide zone.
"Everyone else was teleported away beside Iida-kun who ran back to UA for back up. Only the teachers should be left at the gate, but both are out of commission." Replied Itsuka as they made it to the Land Slide zone just in time to see Denki Kaminari unleash a shockwave of electricity which paralyzed all the villains in sight.
"Hey, brat! You forgot one." A villain said as he rose from the ground as if the electricity didn't affect him.
In an instant, Tsuyu used her tongue to grab Denki as Pony charged at the villain, which knocked him back before they hit the side of a mountain. The villain was unconscious from the impact as Momo and Kyoka removed a tarp off of them.
"You two alright!?" Itsuka yelled out as they nodded before ran over to them. "Okay, we're going to help the other zones, but did you two see anyone from Class 1-B land here?"
"Some girl with vines for hair and a guy whose head was a textbox. But we got separated once the villains surrounded us." Replied Momo as the group had a worried look, except for Denki who just said 'yeah' with the most idiotic face.
"We'll split up." Suggested Izumi out of nowhere. "Kendo-chan and Tsunotori-chan will look for their classmate here as Asui-chan, Jirou-chan, and Yaoyorozu-chan will go to another zone to help the other classes." She said as the girls ignored Denki and Mineta.
"What about you, Izumi-chan?" Tsuyu asked as Izumi looked towards the plaza.
"*sigh* I'll help Aizawa-sensei, but I know Shoto-kun will come looking for me so it'd be my best chance in the plaza." She replied with a shaky smile. "I'll be fine, just get your job done."
"Let's go then," Momo said which shocked everyone that she didn't protest. "Izumi planned out everything by now with our class, so we should follow through. Even if it's dangerous, a hero must put their life on the line, right Omni?"
"Of course!" Izumi shouted as she shifted to her One For All armor and jumped towards the plaza before everyone saw her punch the ground when she landed, making a shockwave between the mass of villains. "Let's go!"
Play Music Now
Back to the other group, Itsuka and Pony left the Class 1-A students as they looked for Ibara Shiozaki and Manga Fukidashi in the Land Slide zone. While the girls of Class 1-A went to the Earthquake zone, only to see Katsuki defeating villains left and right with Eijiro Kirishima by his side. 'Let's let him handle this...' Was the collective thought of the group once they saw Katsuki.
With Izumi, she kicked back a few villains but regrouped with Aizawa as they fought back to back. "Glad you could make it," Aizawa said while throwing a villain into another one.
"Why would I miss out on this much fun?" She answered with a question before flying up into her Angel Armor. But this time, she glowed in the middle of the sky and made a beacon of light that broke through the ceiling. Emerging from it was a golden blonde angel whose hair was parted into twintails but her right eye was red while the other was blue. Now, Izumi had two wings sprouting from her back, an opening created by a small white and gold dress. But, in her hands were a black sword that didn't look all too special and a black spear that was glowing red at the spearhead.
"New form? Sweet!" she shouted before diving into the mass of villains and using her new boots to knock most of them unconscious. "Let's try this new spear!" She said which brought fear into the villains as she threw her sword into the air before twirling her spear over her head, then impaling it into the ground, creating a shockwave that seemed to only affect the villains while healing Aizawa.
In the distance, Shoto shouted for her while freezing some villains into icicles. Then she flew over to him before her sword dropped back to the ground creating another shockwave which blew back the villains even more.
"Shoto-kun!" Izumi shouted before grabbing his head between her breasts and flying over the mass of villains. "Sorry, but help out Aizawa." She ordered before throwing him over there and calling back her sword as the main villains took notice of her.
"Shigaraki, her quirk may be useful." The mist villain said to the blue-haired guy with hands all over his body.
"How so, Kurogiri?" Shigaraki asked the mist villain whose name is now Kurogiri.
"Her quirk allows her to use different powers. So far I've seen two, but it could improve the next Noumu." He suggested as the hand villain grew a sadistic smile.
"Bring out the Noumu... "
With our heroes, Izumi took care of most of the villains at the cost of most of her energy so she regrouped with all the other students at the gate. Left in the plaza, Shoto gave Aizawa some supporting fire with barely any villains left in front of them. But now the mist villain expanded once again, letting a giant, black humanoid in with a beak and exposed brain, who only wore a pair of shorts.
As that creature distracted them, the Hand villain grabbed Aizawa's arm which slowly made the skin fall off before Shoto shot a spike of ice which the villain dodge. "Hey, hey... Where's All Might?" He asked before the black creature punched Izumi all the way to the entrance.
When it did the same to Shoto, Izumi started to walk slowly to the plaza once more with a dark aura surrounding her. "How dare you... My sensei... Then the one I love... "
Saying that only brought a sadistic grin to the villain's face. "If you're so mad, why not come with us? We'll even leave the brats alone."
"Not happening."
As the UA staff finally arrived, they saw Izumi in front of the hand villain before being swallowed up in a pillar of black and scarlet red light. Leaving the pillar of light, a woman in a small black dress and boots appeared while wearing a helmet hiding her face but letting her blood red hair flow out. While she had huge black, feathery wings and a black scythe in her hand that made her an even more intimidating foe.
With everyone watching, Izumi grabbed the blue-haired villain by the neck. "Let me go, you monster!" He ordered as she threw him into the sky only for the mist to create a portal to catch him. "Noumu, attack!" He said as he stood next to Kurogiri and the black creature moved towards the woman who should be Izumi.
When the creature tried to punch Izumi, she flew up to dodge the simple attack. But in return, she sliced off the arm that the creature tried to hit her with, leaving its right arm on the ground. Within the next second though, the creature regrew its arm as it grabbed Izumi before awaiting orders from Shigaraki.
"Kill her!" He shouted across the plaza as the creature started to squeeze her abdomen, without getting a single reaction from her. "The hell are you!?"
After he said that, Izumi's mask started to crack as the face of a menacing yet beautiful woman was revealed.
"I am the hope of the universe! I am the answer to all living things that call out for peace! I am the protector of the innocent! I am the light in the darkness! I am the hero! Izumi Midoriya!"
In an instant, Izumi's eyes glowed red before she sliced both arms of the creature before her scythe glowed and turned into a small ball. Then she used the ball to blast black flames towards the creature's feet which slowly spread all over its body before it burnt its body into ashes.
Without any more words, Izumi's scythe formed again as she slowly walked towards the last two villains. "Any last words?"
"Yeah, Screw you!" He said before backing into the mist villain as they both disappeared, but Izumi fell to the ground as her unconscious form reverted to its original with red hair and small black wings on her back.
Rushing through the crowd of other students, Shoto rushed to her body and grabbed her bridal style, before bringing her back to the staff and other students.
"A true hero has risen today... "
~ Fade to Black! ~
Reaper - Death incarnate takes over Izumi's body for a small amount of time, turning her into a Death Angel. Although the form incorperates a scythe that can also be flames that never burn out unless Izumi commands them to. If overused, Izumi's hair fades to red along with her eyes, but she also sprouts small black angel wings from her back.
A/N: That's it for the USJ arc and Izumi now has 5 armors. Although I really wamt to write more, I thought this is a good cliffhanger.
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