Chapter 10 Non-Cannon
When we got back home I told everyone that I'm going to be out for some time. As I went to alleyway you said Id create a random world.
Welcome gamer to Fairy tale
All the information had been download. Good luck Gamer.
Y/n: Wait why the fuck I am falling from the sky shit! Right I can fly.
As you took out your wings and start to fly around to find a town or village as you were flying around you saw a big white rabbit's they got some people and one of there hands turn in to a bag. The other one put the people inside the bag and turned its hand to blades and start to blend the villagers.
Y/n: What the fuck!! Is up with those bunny's Observed.
Killer Bunny
Lvl: 45
Titles: The white death, Monsters
Hp: 460
Mp: 245
Sp: 9871
INT: 250
STR: 8992
AGI: 1000
END: 600
LUK: 124
Transformation- Can turn any part of its body to anything.
Blood Lust- Go to rage like state all stats multiple times three.
Y/n: Holy shit!! This is a good time for me to test out greed.
(A/n): This is how greed looks like if you forgot.
As you took out greed you flew to one of the KB(killer Bunny) and sliced it apart It felt as you were cutting butter. When the other one saw one of its friends get killed. They all stop what they were doing and they all went into a blood lust and start to go and attack you one of them turn there hand into a blade and start to swing it all over the place. As you swing through the air the killer bunny was sliced in half. When killed it easily you put away greed and you start to punch the last two all that it took were five blows to the head and they died.
Name: Y/n Midoriya
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Title: Devil's luck
Fame: Killer of pricks, Devil's Slayer, Angels Slayer, Fallen angel's Slayer
Lvl: 15
Hp: 1001840
Mp: 126244
Sp: 561749
Ki: 422
STR: 1036530
END: 802665
AGI: 24348
INT: 51254
LUK: 22071
Skill's gain
Blood Lust
Y/n: That was easy But was this supposed to be fairy tale why is there killer bunny's here?
ERROR ERROR portal has been found closing.
kill the Rabbits
Twenty are alive
Summoning magic
Unknown egg
Location: Magnolia Town
Y/n: Well at least it tells me where they are.
Time Skip
Y/n: Well I'm here now where are you overgrown bunny. Oh, there you are!!
When you got closer you saw the fairy tale guild fighting killer bunny's as you flow by transformed your hand into a blade you start to slice them apart. When the main protagonist saw a blue hair child was trow in front of one of the KB as it was about to grab her you. When you one thought that she was taken(Get it ) But you appear holding the blue hair girl start to blush.
When you put her away from danger you made a Ki blade and flew to one of them and start to swing as ki like blades start to strike out of it and when you turn around it exploded
Y/n: Hey are you okay.
Wendy: y-yeah t-thank you for saving me.
Y/n: Can you stay here um.
Wendy: Wendy.
Y/n: So can you stay here Wendy.
Wendy: yes.
When you went back you saw that they were getting overrun than you see that male in the guild were throwing the females in front of the Killer bunny's so they can escape when you saw that got you pissed as you used your new skill blood lust you became stronger as you end up killing all the overgrown bunny's in a flash as you appeared in front of them with a pissed of look.
Y/n: What the fuck do you think you are just drowning your guildmates just to use them to save your own pathetic life!
???: How the fuck are you and why don't you main your own fucking business.
Y/n: What is your name?
???: Grey fullbuster.
Y/n: Thanks now I know how the name of the person I'm going to kill!
When you said that all are one got chills because you were releasing killing intent and slowly walking to him. As one sends a fire attack at you. When the one that fired that attack start to laugh thinking that he killed you But then they see someone walk out of the fire without any burn marks as you create a spear of destruction and send it to the one that fired that attack and it exploded and killed anyone that was near him and only left one person left.
New Skill acquired
Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
Iron Dragon Slayer Magic
Lightning Dragon Slayer Magic
Fairy Law
Beast Soul
Grey: You are going to pay for killing them!!
Y/n: let's try this Fire Dragon's Roar
As you fired it was about consumed grey but someone throws him out the way out of danger but the one that saved grey didn't make it out alive.
New Skill Acquired
Ice Devil Slayer magic
Grey: How were you able to use Natsu magic. (in his mind) How saved me?
Y/n: Sorry can't tell it a secret and it's not like your going to need to know because you're going to be dead soon.
Grey: I won't go down until I avenge them!
That was lasting that he said before you punched his face and it exploded. When you turned around you forgot that girls were still there.
Y/n: Sorry about that, but I have to go bye!
??: Wait! Can you take us with you now that we don't have anywhere to go?
Y/n: Sure, what you guys names.
??: Erza Scarlet
??: Lucy Heartfilia
??: Mirajane Strauss
??: Lisanna Strauss
??: Levy McGarden
??: Cana Alberona
??: Juvia Lockser
??: Evergreen
Wendy: you already know my name.
A/n: This it for this chapter and hope you guy's like it
Word count: 1037
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