Izuku checked out items for a man at the register. It's been a slow day, a weekend. It's usually always slow, but at least he has friends he can hang out with.
"Have a nice day Sir" Izuku says with a fake smile.
The man grunted and walked out. Izuku sighed and leaned on the back wall. Izuku was a just a boy, but he was doing a man's work. But it had to be done. I mean, How else can I live? Izuku thought. Izuku heard the bell of the door and looked at the door and smiled. "Welcome to Quick-E Mart! How may I help you-" His smile was wiped off his face after he saw who it was. It was the three kids at school who had bullied him. He regained his posture and welcomed them.
"Welcome to Quick-E Mart! How can I help you?" Izuku asked, still smiling.
"Look at this dump, only poor idiots would have to work here!" The boy said ignoring Izuku, he was obviously the leader.
"It's not that bad.." Izuku said, scratching the back of his head with his remaining arm.
"Yeah, sure. Lets cut to the chase." The leader said. "How about you leaving U.A?" The leader continued.
The air immediately thickened. "W..Why would I need to do that..?" Izuku asked, confused at the question.
"Well, you obviously cheated to get in, and your spot could have been one of my buddies. So you leave, or we force you to." The boy said again.
Izuku didn't know what to say, so he just said "If you are not going to buy anything, than can you please leave? There may be customers waiting."
There was no one waiting.
"Really? Well.. If you wont comply..." The leader turned to a shelf in the door and ripped it down.
"No! Stop!" Izuku yelled putting his hand on his shoulder.
"Get off me" The boy said as he shrugged Izuku's hand off his shoulder.
The continued to break down and tear down everything while Izuku trying to get them to stop with words.
"That should be enough.." The girl said, and they left.
At this point, Izuku was breathing heavily with his hair tangled, well, more than it was. Izuku heard the bell to the store ring, and turned to it. It was his boss, Miataki.
He stood there, looking at the damage.He turned to Izuku, who was a heaving mass of plaster, food, and hair. "Wh..Why did you do this..?" Miataki simply said.
"N..No! It wasn't me!" Izuku said fervently.
"That super hero school did this to you, didn't they..? Made you power hungry.." Miataki continued.
"N..No-" Izuku tried explain himself but Miataki shook his head.
"Now.. Please get out. Don't come back to Quick-E Mart, Please." Miataki said as he went to his office.
Izuku stood in the rubble stunned. He didn't do this, but even Miataki wont believe Izuku. Tears grew at the edges of his eyes and walked out. He slowly trudged his way back to his apartment. He tried not to cry as he counted the remaining money he had left. 267 dollars.. This is only enough to pay one months worth of rent, so no heating, water, or lights for me.. Izuku thought as he put the money away.
The Next Day
Izuku walked his daily route on his way to school. He was starving, but he still needed a roof on his head. He met up with Eri and Usagi and began talking. In the middle of his sentence, his stomach rumbled, interrupting Usagi, and, ultimately embarrassing Izuku. Eri and Usagi turned to Izuku while izuku tryed to cover his face from them as he blushed.
"S..Sorry! I..I had to skip breakfast this morning. I..I woke up kinda late.." Izuku said to them, lying.
"It's cool" Eri said.
"Happens" Usagi said.
Izuku had a mental sigh, they didn't catch on to him. Things went like this for about a week. By this time, Izuku was aching and was always tired. Every time his stomach growled, his stomach exploded into pain. He got some scraps of food from his friends, and he savored those moments. The bullies who made him lose his job smirked at him, seeing his pain.
Izuku had been dizzy all day. He it was hard to see and walk straight. He closed his eyes, and ended up passing out on the desk. Usagi nudged him, thinking he was joking, but Izuku didn't get back up. Usagi had an internal panic. He raised his hand for Ms. Uraraka.
"Uraraka~Sensei! Izuku passed out, and he wont wake back up!" Usagi said in a fierce whisper when he got up to her desk.
"What?! I send the students out and get the nurses to get him.." Uraraka said back in a whisper.
She called the class outside, and levitated Izuku up with her quirk. She expected him to be much more.. Heavy. Usagi and her ran down the hall to the nurses office with Izuku in tow.
"H..He's extremely malnourished, but he will be fine as long as he rests and eats well." Hiaki, The Nurse, Said.
"Why would Izuku be malnourished..?" Usagi asked Uraraka.
"I..I don't know.. I mean He used to eat a lot at lunch.. but I mostly see him chatting with you and Eri.." Uraraka said, puzzled.
"You watch us at lunch..?" Usagi said, making a joke.
"N..No! I just care about my students!" Uraraka said, flustered. "Anyways, let me check his lunch withdraws.."
She hopped onto a computer and typed in "Izuku Midoriya" into the student website for UA High. He had been eating well, but his withdraws started to get less and less, until he just stopped buying food. This Puzzled Uraraka, but she would have to ask him when he was actually feeling better, and well, able to.
2 Days Later
Izuku had woken up 2 hours after Usagi and Uraraka had brought him to the nurse. He had been eating for 2 days, and color was beginning to return back to him. He was laying in his bed when Uraraka came in.
"Hey De- Midoriya, are you feeling any better..?"
"Yeah.. Just beginning to actually.." Izuku said as he sat up.
"That's good, I would just like to ask you a few questions, if that's okay with you.
Izuku had a feeling of what this would be about. "Yes Ma'am, it would be okay.." Izuku replied, dreading this moment.
"Well, it seems that you were malnourished, thats why you passed out in my class a couple days ago.. And I just wanted to know why that was. Are you sad? Is that it" Uraraka asked, concerned for Izuku's health and mental well-being.
"I..I.." At this point Izuku began to tear up. "I couldn't.. afford.. food anymore.. I had a job but I was fired from it.. I'm sorry.." Izuku said, not daring to like at Ms. Uraraka in the eye.
She seemed to stay calm. "You can always talk to me about this stuff, You know that Midoriya. But, why did you get fired..?" She continued.
"Well.. Um.. These kids came in, threatening me, telling me to leave UA, or else they would ruin my life. I asked them why, but they began to destroy the Quick-E Mart, the place I worked. They left and my boss came in and thought I did it.. So he fired me for destruction of property.." Izuku said, avoiding her caring stare.
Why would any of those little brats tell Deku to leave?! He worked harder than any of them to get this far.. Uraraka thought. "Do you know who it was..?" Uraraka asked.
"N..No.. And I'd rather not say.. I don't want them to know They're getting to me.." Izuku said quietly, in almost a whisper, as of not to let tears fall down his face.
Uraraka clenched her fist, but then let them go. "Do you have enough money to pay rent..?" She asked, ignoring the fact the he was being bullied.
"How'd you know I needed to..?" Izuku said, surprised.
"The school is required to know where students live and their living conditions. It happened because of an Incident a couple years back.." Uraraka Said, talking about Izuku's Incident.
"Oh.. Well, can you offer me a job..? I need money, and rent is due next week.." Izuku said, still quiet.
"No! We can't do that!" Uraraka yelled.
Izuku looked to be on the verge of tears. "Do you know w..where I can get one..?" He continued.
Uraraka shook her head and smiled. "UA has dorms you know, free for the students to live in. It's a bit early to offer you this, but you can live there, free of charge. We can even give you free meals."
Izuku's eyes lit up, excited for the offer, but he lowered his head. "It wont feel right if I just mooch off of UA.."
Uraraka was touched by his sweetness. So she offered him one. "You can always take the janitors spot in cleaning class 1-B's dorm building. Is that okay with you?"
Izuku was in tears, and he shook his head yes, and hugged Uraraka with his remaining arm. "Thank you thank you Thank you Uraraka~Sensei! I wont let you down!"
Uraraka jerked back a bit at the contact of the hug, but eventually hugged him back.
"No problem Midoriya, no problem."
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