Quirk Capability Test
UA Training Facility
Izuku kept taking breaths in and out. He hadn't been able to train with his quirk much, and if he had, he might have destroyed the place he was living!
"Izuku, calm down. You might have one of the best quirks here dude!" Usagi said while patting Izuku on the back.
"I guess you're right.. B..But these people.. They've been able to train with their quirks more than me.." Izuku said rubbing the back of his head out of nervousness.
"Aw come on Izuku, have at least a smidge of confidence!" Usagi said, trying to cheer Izuku up. Jeez.. I didn't know he was this.. I don't know.. I kinda feel bad for him.. Usagi thought.
"Okay.. I..I just don't want to do badly.." Izuku said, calming down.
"It's cool-" Usagi was cut off by Uraraka~Sensei talking.
"We are about to start! Do whatever you need to ready up! Oh, and by the way, whoever has the worst grade out of you lot, they are expelled from UA." Uraraka~Sensei said with a smile.
"W..What!?" A boy named Enki said. "I..Isn't that against the regulations? We all worked hard to get in, we were better than the other students, I..I don't understand why you would get all 18 of us here if you were just going to-"
Uraraka~Sensei held up a hand and rubbed her head. She was obviously annoyed. "Calm down, just try your best and you wont get expelled, 'k?" She said, with a fake smile plastered on.
The kids were confused as to what just happened, but didn't say anything.
"I..I'm just having a bad day, that's all!" Uraraka~Sensei said as she saw this. "Lets just get started, Plus Ultra!" She said, with a small laugh.
There was a few small 'Plus Ultras' but that was it. Everyone went to the first station, which was the speed test. The students had to run a mile. The time was recorded on a sheet. Usagi volunteered first, since he was that kind of person. He ran over to a rabbit, and Izuku smiled. He remembered this.
"GO!" Uraraka~Sensei yelled, bringing her hand down with a chopping motion, and Usagi was off. He was 5 times faster than he usually was, and he could go much faster than this, with a different animal. He ended up running the mile in one minute and thirteen seconds.
Multiple other students went, the kid who was complaining before, Enki, even brought out a motorcycle from a floating box to ride. There was so many interesting quirks, Izuku just gaped at them all. He started to get giddy. Some over the other kids looked at Izuku weirdly. They didn't expect someone of his physique to be quite like this. It was almost as if he was just a little kid in a candy shop. Some people thought it was adorable, but others thought of it as a sign of weakness. Time came and it eventually became Izuku's turn.
Izuku stepped up to the line, sweating out of nervousness. He wasn't sure about this, heck he wasn't sure about much. But through those thoughts, he put on an uncertain smile. He went into a lunge position, getting ready. Uraraka~Sensei smiled, but quickly covered that smile with another face. It was mysterious. It was as if she just went through something tragic. She brought down her hand, and said 'go' in a small voice. Izuku lunged forward, activating his quirk immediately.
Izuku had flashbacks to the training he did after Usagi left. Fueled by grit, determination, and mourn for his friend, he trained. Every. Single. Day. The small 6 year old quickly became chiseled. The nun's there eventually started to ask him to do the heavy work. Izuku jumped at the chance. He was depressed at his lost friend. Many times, multiple different people looked at him at the orphanage. The same people, he counted about 19. A kid with blonde hair and a black bolt of lightning. A girl with earphone jacks instead of earlobes. But they left. They were disgusted by him. He was just an ant to them. A helpless ant. They looked away as soon as they saw him. Perhaps his training was also fueled by this, but that was deep in his subconscious.
Something boiled up inside Izuku as he ran. Maybe it was the memories? But he surpassed his limits, and went beyond. He was almost a blur. He sprinted passed the finish line, but not without pain. His legs felt like when you hit your funny bone.
This wasn't funny.
Uraraka~Sensei looked at him with wide eyes. So did the other kids. Usagi even looked at him with surprise. "F..Fourteen point eight seconds..." She announced, uncertain as to what happened. There was muttering in the crowd.
H..How did this fanboy beat my time..?! One student thought
S..So cool.. Another one thought.
Izuku stumbled a bit as he got up. He's never used his quirk to this extent before. It was painful. But Izuku wasn't thinking about that. He was looking at Usagi with determination in his eyes. The fire burned bright. He could outshine the sun.
Usagi smiled and sent him a thumbs up back.
"W..Well then, on to the next station.." Uraraka~Sensei said, still flabbergasted about what happened. They went to the next station. Some exceeded in them, others did not. There was a raw power test, where you had to break a 4 ton brick with your quirk. One girl had wires instead of earlobes, and she shocked the brick until it disintegrated into a black powder. She was breathing heavily, but Izuku was on his toes.
"Woah!" He said, she turned around and blushed, but quickly turned around and covered her face. Usagi saw this, and crossed his arms.
Another kid cut it up with wind. It was in pieces by the time he was done. He was wearing a fox hoodie. His name was Whizze. He tried to walk around boldly, but he failed miserably. It just wasn't who he was. Uraraka~Sensei laughed at this, since he was trying so hard to impress her. One of the kids friends patted him on the back for his efforts.
The next station was about being smart. They had to wipe out as many enemies as possible, without hitting a hostage or breaking the terrain too much. One kid, he said his name was Douy, but they could call him Do-Do, like the bird. Threw knives at the enemies, hitting everyone of them. Uraraka~Sensei announced his score, but couldn't say his nickname without laughing. He stood proudly with his eyes closed and his thumb pointed to his heart. Izuku laughed at this, while Usagi just muttered something about how it wasn't that funny.
The next station was pretty normal. It was seeing how many push-ups you could do in a minute. This wasn't really a thing you could do with your quirk, but everyone tried. Usagi touched an ant and had fifty times his original strength. Everyone went, and Izuku had to go last again. People were whispering about him, laughing at him, and pointing at him. He ignored this. He got into the stance and began. His years of training helped him. He went up and down fast, even with one arm. Other students began to lose confidence. He got second place, Usagi got first. But everyone was sure he would have gotten first if it wasn't for.. well, his disability.
There were many other stations, like saving someone from a burning building, throwing a ball, and side jumps. There were always a few kids who were great at them, and kids who weren't very good.
So many of these students have such unique quirks. Uraraka thought as she watched them. She sighed. Maybe they could have done better with helping Izuku out back then.. She pushed that thought out of her head. She wasn't gonna dwell on the past. But still she always thought seeing Izuku again would be a great thing to do. Maybe make her feel better about what she did. She felt like she wouldn't be upset whenever she saw him. But it was like she couldn't breath when she did see him. She didn't know why, just the memories and emotions overwhelmed her. It was better when she saw him in the orphanage, but it sill hurts. She failed him. That word passed through her mind to fill three lifetimes worth of depression and sadness. She snapped out of it when all the kids started to walk towards her. "We're doonnee!" One girl, her name was Light, said in a sing songy voice, ending Uraraka's pity party.
"Right! You all did so good, I just want to congratulate you all-" She was cut off by a girl named Sora. "Who's getting expelled?" She said, with her hands on her hips.
These kids need to learn some manners Uraraka thought.
"I was getting there! Well, no one is actually getting expelled!" Uraraka~Sensei said while giggling. The kids jaw dropped.
"It was just a ploy to make you try your best! Heroes can't afford to be lazy after all!" Uraraka said as she brought up the scoreboard.
Izuku looked at the last of the list, and was surprised to see his name wasn't there. He looked up, and saw his name, right by the number 2 in big, bold, silver letters. His eyes shined with excitement. Tears were threatening to fall out of his eyelids. Usagi patted him on the back.
"Would you look at that Izuku. See where confidence gets you?" Usagi said. He was in the third place, but he felt no resentment to Izuku.
Izuku smiled at Usagi, and Usagi smiled back. At the number 1 spot was a kid named Teien. Usagi knew him. He lived on his block!
Usagi called to Teien to come over. He walked over and smiled at Usagi. "Surprising I got first place, right?" Teien said as he scratched his head.
Usagi nodded. "Teien, this is Izuku Midoriya. He's one of my old time friends." Usagi said. Izuku extended his hand, but Teien's eyes held putrid hate. But just as quickly as it came, it went away.
"Pleasure to meet you, Midoirya." Teien said as he shook his hand. Izuku seemed to be the only one who noticed this. His thoughts were swept away when Uraraka~Sensei started talking.
"Well, you all did absolutely wonderful. The bell is about to ring, so gather your things and you can go home!" She said as the bell rang.
Students rushed so they could get home, but the student Uraraka least wanted to talk to stayed behind.
"E..Excuse me Ma'am..? I'm s..sorry to bother you, I just have a q..question." Izuku stuttered as he thumbed his shirt.
"Y..Yes?" She said. He's adorable. She thought.
"Well, the p..paper said I was recommended.. Why was t..that?" Izuku got out.
"Well the Nuns-" she paused " I got a letter of recommendation saying how hard you worked, and we need people like that. So here you are!" She said with a smile.
"Really!? T..Thank you Uraraka~Sensei!!" Izuku said.
"Mhmm." She said as she waved Izuku off. She sighed, seeing as this was over.
Izuku didn't go straight to his apartment. He changed and ran off to the convenience store. He had to make money somehow. He put on his employee outfit and hat and went behind the cash register.
"Greetings, Midoriya!" The store manager, Miataki, said.
"Hello Sir!" Izuku said waving.
"Glad your here! The other two employee's left early, so you'll need to work some extra hours, if that's okay with you of course." Miataki said.
"Of Course!" Izuku said. This was going to be a long day... Izuku thought.
7 Hours Later: Izuku's Apartment
Izuku came home and put his uniform up. It was hard to do it with one arm, but he managed. He made himself a bowl of cup-o-noodles and sat down.
"Lets dig in!" he said, speaking to no on in his small, dark apartment.
Thank you for reading this chapter! Also check out my friends book! His name is DekuGuy and he's writing an original story that really pulls you in! It's his first book, but it's one of the best books I've read. Go check it out! New chapters will also be coming more often!
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