Characters List
1. Name: Katsuo Enki Class 1-B
Age 15 Personality: possessive, selfish, annoying, stubborn and see's making friends as just another form of collection. Gender: male Appearance: 6 feet 1 inch, red hair, brown eyes, outfit changes daily but always look like he tried to as much random bits of his stuff into his pockets and attached to his clothing to keep it close.Quirk: lootHe can create a cube that will float and stay where it was created unless a living thing moves it. When it comes into contact with an inanimate object that is smaller then your average car it will absorb it. After this happens the cube will still be weightless but he will be able to release the object inside at anytime.This does not work on living things. The user can only control when the cubes release the objects inside not how they move or what they absorb. Made by Sceptile63
2. Name: Niche Douy Class 1-B
Personality: stubborn, focused, somewhat selfish, a self proclaimed natural leaderGender: female Appearance: 5 feet 3 inches, wardrobe changes daily with the exception of a belt with a gun and some throwable projectiles. Quirk: trajectory foresight:After an object has been thrown or shot she can see the exact trajectory that it will take for about 20 feet.If someone else is using the projectile then she won't be able to see the trajectory until after it has left the opponents grasp. but, if she is using the projectile then she can see the trajectory of all the possibilities for where it will end up (think that aiming thing from angry birds) Made by Sceptile63
3. Name: Kinto Shinde Class 1-A
Age: 15
Personality: adaptable, flexible, carefree.
Gender: male Appearance: 5 feet 11 inches tall, short black hair, green hair, black shirt underneath a weighted orange jacket for training.
Quirk: density shifting: he can change the weight durability and Malleability of his body. By lowering his body's density he becomes lighter (I.e. faster) and can stetch his body to have longer range (think Luffy from one piece). However this also makes him much more durable and his hits weaker so this is only useful against enemies with low defence. When he increases his density he becomes heavier (I.e stronger) and can becomes harder than steel. However this makes it heavier and makes it harder to bend and move so this is for slow enemies or In closed areas. And he can't instantly make his body's density change it takes 5 seconds to make his body twice as heavy or twice as light. Made by Sceptile63
4. Name: Funkie Light Class 1-A
Age: 15 Personality: Crazy, Loud, always in the mood to make friends, and a big party girl Gender: Female Appearance: Looks like a beautiful adult already basically a american female adult. Black hair in pony tails. Always wearing neon green and neon purple contact lenses. Wears anything that can stand out in crowds.Fun fact: Funkie can channel her moods whenever the time feels right so it's pretty easy for her to lie her way through a situation. She'll also try to cheer up anyone in the best way she can do.Quirk: Queen Bee She can control bees near her. They bring her pollen which she can use for food and healing herself. She can also attack with the bees. Made By NeonLove3925
5. Name: Getsuga Tisho Class 1-B
Age: 15Gender: FemaleAppearance: blonde hair, blue eyes, 6 feet 2 inches, quite thinQuirk: ReAnimationThe user can turn any inorganic objects within a 5 metre radius into a living thing and can be turned back when the user wishes. It can be anything from a tree to a mouse to a whale. For organic material the user has to touch the thing in questions. Doing so causes the animal or plant's abilities to go into overdrive. Plants will grow faster and animals physical abilities will be boosted. Weakness: the things that are created by this quirk cannot be controlled by it. They will act as normal animals and it is the user that has to strategize around them. The creations have to be a mass the same or less then the object they were created from. Any humAn that is created will be a living doll similar to a NOMU. All plants and animals that are created have two differences from normal plants and animals1. If the animal or plants die or leave the 5 metre radius they will turn back to their original form.2. The animals can't bred and fruit from trees are inedible.Personality: used to be very cocky and over confident (think Bakugou but less violent) however because of her backstory she became shy unsure of himself and anxious. Made By Sceptile63
6. Name: Notsuga Point Class 1-B
Age: 14 Gender: female Appearance: hot pink short hair, 5 feet 7 inches, brown eyes, her clothes have a huge amount of pockets with small objects and detachable pieces to use her quirk.Quirk: gravity pointWhen she touches an object she can mark it. Then when she chooses to the object will become the centre of a gravity field that will pull or push everything in a radius. Weakness: causing a pulse takes stamina the larger the field the more stamina is required. The gravity field will all be 10 times that of the marked object and can't be changed and her limit is a volume of 10 metres at that is the absolute limit. Once activated the gravity field will only last for 10 seconds. Once used she cannot use the same object unless she touches it again. Also she can be affected by the gravity field. Personality: very antisocial, stays away from people but if approached she will gladly socialize with them, takes inspiration from erasurehead (and maybe Shinso if he's a hero) By Sceptile63
7. Name: Dinge Hastaki Class 1-A
Age: 14 Gender: male Personality: when he is in a good mood, he's a energic,kind and friendly person but he can get angry easily,when this happens he became silent,serious and kinda scary Appearance: he is very tall,has short black hair and brown eyes that turn to glowing grey when he use his quirk,his skin is very pale and he is very skinny Quirk: smoke- he has the ability to generate smoke from his back and turn it into diferents things like tentacles or wings,the smoke is solid and he can move things or attack with it Drawbacks:-if he overuse his quirk he will start to suffocate -the smoke have to be in contact with his back or will dissapear -to make his quirk work he have to breath smoke(he use cigarettes to activate it,hes inmune to the effects of smoking) Extra facts: Has arachnophobia -he want to become a hero only to use his quirk freely without the cops or other heroes stopping him -his hero suit consist in normal clothes and a smoke mask that can generate smoke for him to breath and activate his quirk. By scaryrux_15
8. Whizze Kamei Class 1-B
My character is Whizze Kamei Personality:kind and really does not like talk people but always willing to help protect anyone and never does to much damage to someone Looks like:has white hair with orange tip. Always wear a sweater. Has blue eyes. And black jean Quirk:air/wind Description of quirk: when he use air he can shoot blasts of air but when he uses it he get tired and get some cuts. by jacksmiths
9. Kinyiu Vadiu Class 1-B
Age: 16 Personality: oblivious, detached, will put as little effort as necessary, Gender: Male Appearance: 5 feet 2 inches, blonde hair, black eyes, wears blood red clothing in case he overdoes his quirk.Quirk: bodyshot Has the ability to cause parts of his body to shoot off at the speed of a bullet. The body parts can be reattached but while it's gone it will be painless but it will act like it was sliced off. If a vital area is shot like the heart is shot he will die instantly so he is forced to use things like fingernails large clumps of hair and his teeth. by Sceptile63
10. Koini Piegy Class 1-A
Appearance: electric blue spiky hair, bright yellow eyes, height and weight are changed with his quirk, Quirk: electrobodyAllows the user to turn there body into pure electricity. This allows him to go through electrical wires or move at literal lightning speed. It also allows him to launch electrical projectiles. Weakness: as their body is made of electricity when it is discharged or fired as a projectile they will lose parts of their body. At first he uses his fat cells and can fire 20 projectiles and can move as lightning for 5 metres total and can fire a total of 5 shoots projectiles with blood and a total of 1 metre using blood. Going over this can be dangerous or even deadly. Also they can regenerate by absorbing electricity from the surrounding areaPersonality: Hyperactive, very happy, nothing could make him sad or angry, seems to have infinite energy.However with a low charge he is slow tired and emotionally unstable by Sceptile63
11. Rei Light Class 1-B
age: 14/15gender: female appearance: brown curly hair and green eyes. She need to wear glasses because of her bad vision. Hate wearing cute and girly clothes. quirk: she can use sound of music that she can like if she vocalizes in a rhythm it also work. (kind like Jirou) her quirk work the best if she have a instrument or sing But that not The only thing. If she play like a sleeping song her opponent falls asleep. If she play a slow song it slow the opponent down. With a up song she help help people on her team personality: try to always stay calm because of her quirk but she most time failed. really she when you first met her but is really hyper when you got to knows her. She can be little mean sometimes and is a totally clumsy. Is a big fan of sweet stuff (got a sweet tooth) by KawaiiLittleAngel
12. Hazemei Kazamaki Class 1-A
Age: 15Gender: maleQuirk: time manipulation he can slow down speed up pause rewind his surroundings and anything he touches but he needs to know the exact time beforehand also his quirk gives him jet lag like symptoms THE RADIATION MICROWAVES GIVE OFF MAKE HIS QUIRK USELESS Personality: calm but fun, doesn't give into pressure easily gets cocky when winning Appearance: like Iida mixed with Bakugo slightly skinny because his quirk doesn't rely on strength. Needs to now the time for the quirk to activate. By datboi81
13. Blake Kanuri Class 1-A
age: 15 gender: male appearance: black coal hair, pale but pale skin like a zombie :p, crimson eyes personality: he can be very lonely and distant from others but when you are his friend he can be very sadistic and without taking serious the stuffs. Also he has his own way of thinking. He can morph his blood into weapons. by Yatogami09
14. Yuri Tsami Class 1-A
Gender: Female Appearance: Blond, Blue eyes, white skin, free ( just normal)Personality: Smart,loyal, and sweet but if you get on her dark side Quirk:Pure Ice by OverlyAttachedWeeaboo
15. Pin Lafayette Class 1-B
Age: 16 Gender: Female Personality: Calm, polite, intelligent, ambitious, determined, proud, cold persistent and blunt. Odd Appearance: Blond hair and purple eyes. She is tall. Usually wears a suit and a top hat because she wants to. Quirk: summon. She can summon medium size to small objects or things. She has to touch it first and not alive. If it's alive it would take half of her energy automatically. Also if she tries to summon a big it will also take half of her energy. But she would have to touch the object before teleporting it to her. If all of his energy is used she will died or faint. by nekosun
16. Name: Kurura Sora Class 1-B
Appearence: Female, 15. She has golden hair and eyes, is of average height and build. Her hair is wavy and is 3/4 length. She likes to wear brown, long sleeve shirts and jeans.Personality: She dislikes people, but she pretends to actually enjoy their presence. She trusts few people and has very little trust for the people she does. She likes corny jokes and cracks some occasionally. She has a quiet confidence to her and is highly intelligent.Abilities: Her quirk is named Empathy. She can make people feel any emotion she wants them to, including, but not limited to, anger, fear, sadness, joy, happiness, safety, trust, and hope. She tries not to use her quirk because if she uses it on a person their whole life goes through her head in the time span of .1 to 1 seconds. The reason that happens is because she has to make the person either remember a time when they felt that emotion, a memory that makes them feel that emotion, or create a memory that makes them feel that emotion. Made By KatiePhars
17. Nikito Shik Class 1-A
Age: 15 Personality: calm, introverted, keeps people at arms reach. Gender: female Appearance: 5 feet 10 inches, silver hair and red eyes (because I can), all his clothing is different but she has fireproofed all his clothing in case she has to use her quirk. Quirk: friction redirection The human body has hundred of different parts (bones, muscles, hair, skin) and when the body moves they rub together. This creates small amounts of friction. Her quirks allows her to concentrate all those small amounts of heat from friction into a single body part. Weaknesses: this quirk requires movement the more movement the hotter the quirk can be. Inclosed areas and movement restricting quirks are very effective. The quirk creates heat not fire ( this is important for fire controlling quirks). Once the heat is in the body part she has no control over what burns. It will burn clothing, friend, foe and all surroundings. Made By Sceptile63
18. Kireina Teien Class 1-B
Quirk: Garden Garden: let's user make from a flower to a huge tree it Age: 16 Gender: male Personality: proud confident and sassy but a sweetheart to Usagi Appearance: his height is 6,4 seaweed side swept hair has a purple and yellow flower in hair well built eyes are emerald green Personality: loves Usagi as if he's the only boy ever seen but to scared to tell him he will give Usagi random flowers of baby blue (usagis favorite color) likes to attack and defend using his vines By AnimalLover331038
19. Usagi Bunni Class 1-B
Quirk: If he touches an animal, he gains one of that animals attributes. Age: 15 1/2 Gender: male Personality: very shy, soft voice almost to a wisper, gental, nice, even though he's all these things hurt his friends of family and your dead Appearance: his height is 4,8, pastel pink very fluffy hair, a million freckles, bunny ears and tail, slim waist and arms but legs are more muscular. his hair covers his eyes but also keeps eyes closed just encase eyes are also black with red erises and black pupils By AnimalLover331038
20. Kana Kayana Class 1-B
Quirk: "Blood, Sweat and Tears" Kana can create in total three clones of himself using his Blood/Sweat/Tears. These three clones have different personalities depending on the fluid, example: Blood is angrier, arrogant but stronger than all of them(including Kana), Tears could be emotionally weak and only around average physique, but incredibly smart and great tactitian. Sweat should be sort of a mix of Kirishima and Kaminari in personality and he's the most harworking/passionate one of them, and the fastest. Passes out if he makes too many clonesAge: 15/16Gender: MalePersonality: He is an ambivert but prefers to be with his "three amigos". He is extremely dense/oblivious even though all the girls in his past always thought he and "sweat" was charming and he never knew.Appearance: 5'10 tall, trained physique because of him training with his amigos to become a hero. He has blue eyes, his hair on the side and back is extremely short and the hair ON his head stands up. The hair is black with purple highlights.Extra facts: He calls his theee clones different names (ill let you decide those) and they have different colored hair in their highlights (Red for Blood, Orange for Sweat and Blue for Tears). Because of his quirk (with training) he can control his sweat and tears and his sweat and tear glands are larger. Kana can be very lazy at time when he makes his clones do the chores for him. His hero costume (you can decide everything else) is like bloodking's where it extracts blood without pain (the four of them have high pain tolerance). Even when a clone gets destroyed, it remembers everything that happened and passes on the memories to the next sweat clone for example (the memories are separate to each type of clone). by XQUIRK
21. Fushimi Hitsaki Class 1-B
Age:15 (154 cm) Gender:Female Personality:Emotionless(often or sometimes),lil bit kind,smart and quiet.(Not shy.Shes a kuudere) Appearence:Straight long pink hair,light blue eyes and a white necklace around her neck. Quirk:Ribbon. (She has a white ribbon ontop of her head,it'll streched very long and it will do whatever she's thinking.Its very useful for suprise attacks and it can wrap someone body and throw them into higher or lower grounds.) Extra facts:Her parents had died when she's 11. When it come to close combats, she mainly injured her opponent quite badly(means shes powerful). She was emotionless because she didnt want to talk about her parents and her past or make friends. By OfficFushimi_XxX
22. Doo Dle(gap between to indicate first name and last name) Class 1-A
Quirk: Doodle- He uses his own blood to draw a picture, and it comes to life. Age: 16 Gender: Male Personality:Has an inhuman addiction to Anime, is an otaku and a fujoshi(or fudanshi as the male term goes I think). Hates harems (cause let's face it its just sad to see a guy or gal run from a bunch or people that try to make them theirs). Is a sucker for chocolate(especially pocky) and likes dressing up as characters. Appearance: 7 feet tall. Black hair, medium length put into a tiny ponytail(like nezumi's hair). There is also an extremely light purple highlight in his hair. Extra facts: He likes to doodle and loves to draw. He likes cooking too and amazing at it! He's scared of spiders and wasps. His parents are always overseas as they're business people. His bedroom walls are covered with posters of the oldest anime which no ones ever heard of to the newest unreleased anime that everyone's waiting for to be released! By DarkHorse201
23. Naomi Flown Class 1-A
Age: 14Gender: FemalePersonality: A big fan for Anime with a big Imagination and an even bigger hate for sports Appearance: Black long hair with bangs and a two pony tail with Blue Eyes and glasses Quirk: Water She has a body fully made of water she's best at her ability when in rain or any other sources of water she can manipulate them to form stuff. She must constantly stay hydrated or she will pass out from dehydration. She can also mold the water into almost anything.Personality: She's a total geek when it comes to Anime's but when you say something rude or offensive you'll regret you decision. She came from america with a dream to experience how the Japanese people liveExtra Facts: Has a big hate for anything to do with sports, She likes sleeping, She also has a die heart love for food! She also loves to cosplay and sing songs from her favorite anime's! She also gave herself the Nickname Karma cause it sounded cool! By NeonLove3925
24. Sorayni Karin Class 1-A
Age: 16 Gender: Female Personality: Class Clown but he is actually depressed inside.. Smart, Fast reaction Appearance: Kinda like levi from attack on titans hair but with bangs swaying on her right that is pretty long Quirk: Deceive (Her quirk can make anyone see something that is real or changed but you can see that she is using it when her eyes become red.. Its basically like an illusion quirk) Extra Facts: She fell rock bottom.. her parents died, her closest friend died, everything was falling down. She is depressed her whole life but uses her quirk to hide that fact.. People actually think that her eyes are red. She wanted to become a hero to get revenge for the death of her parents. She just pretends to he happy and funny all the time. By OverlyAttatchedWeeaboo
25. Kayia Kurosawa Class 1-A
Age:15 Gender:Female Personality:Cold but sweet after you get to know her.Smart and quiet. Appearence:Long purple hair in a pony tail.White eyes with black schela(i have a drawing of her) Quirk:Ghost photo By looking at a photo of a person she can get in their mind and see through their eyes,their memories or thoughts.She can talks with them too.If the person is near her she has to touch them. Her eyes change colors to the one of the person she use her quirk on.If she use it on more that two people at the same time or switch to fast from a person to another she get dizzy and faint in the end. Extra fact: -Prefered to be called Kay-chan. -She likes reading -Sometimes she use her quirk to mess around with people making them thinking they heard voices. By ChaoticRain115
26. Ren Abothi (Principal/Guidance Counselor)
Age: 32 Gender: Female Personality: Calm, caring, polite, silly, cunning, empathetic, she has a sharp tongue if truly angred and awkward when near multiple people.Appearance: Black wavy hair, gold eyes, petite, heart shaped face, pale skin. she usually wears comfortable clothes if she not working. she works as a therapist.quirk: Empathy. She can feel or know what your feeling by looking, being near or touching the person. It will affect if the feeling is very strong or if multiple people are near her. She can usually control it.Extra facts: -She loves her job but won't like about it being hard.-She is somewhat over protective to those she care about or thinks they'll get hurt. -She scared of the dark and is kinda paranoid at night.-Loves sweets and usually carry or has snacks around. -She has 3 siblings and use to take care of them. So kinda experience with raising a child. By nekosun
27. Hakito Fortui Class 1-A
Gender:Male Appearance:Dark Blue hair,Hair Style Like Iida But A Little More Messy,Not Too Tan Skin,Black And Grey Sport Googles(For Glasses),Usually Wears Blue And Black,Blue Eyes Quirk: Eternal Soul Flames- He can expel flames using his soul power as the fuel. If he expels to many flames than he will die. Personality:Calm,Little Social,Fanboy(Of Anime And Heroes),Little Weird,Funny,Also Very Punny,Can Get Very Happy,Energetic,Rarely Mad Or Sad Extra Facts: Loved Seeing Heroes In Action And Loved Watching Anime So He Wants To Be A Great Hero And Protect Everyone!...And Watch His Favorite Animes... by Ninjastarblazer
28. Limtie Fuchikige Class 1-A
Quirk: Brain Storm- The user has amplified brainwaves that she can turn into electromagnetic waves to disable electronics, change polarities, catch and send communication signals, and even disorientate someone. Female. Very smart, but cocky. Age: 15. By the_bloody_mechanic
29. Kenkoi Famety Class 1-B
Quirk: Dumb Luck- The user manually activates this quirk, and can become insanely lucky, but loses intelligence fast. Can also lose memories permanently. Female. Age:16. Has a bit of a gambling obsession, and is also flirty. By the_bloody_mechanic
30. Eri Class 1-A
Age 16 Appearance: White hair with a horn protruding from her forehead. Red Eyes. Quirk: Rewind- If she touches an object, she can rewind it back to a previous state. Personality: After being saved, she lived with Mirio, and even though her past was bad, she has learned to not look back. Female. By The creator of Boku no hero Academia.
31. Izuku Midoriya Class 1-B
Age 15 Appearance: Forest green and black messy hair, with a slight freckled face and big forest green eyes. Muscular from the training after Usagi left the Orphanage. Most notable trait is that he only has a single arm, from the fight with Tomuri. Quirk: One for All- A strange quirk that can be given to others if they eat his DNA, but he has to be okay with it. It stockpiles his strength, and the previous user by any percentage. Male. By the creator of Boku No Hero Academia.
32. Fretia Kaminari Class 1-B
Age 15 Appearance: Purple hair with a black lightning bolt. She has electrical wires coming out of her ears. Quirk: Electrical Wire- She can electrocute people by touching these to people. must touch them with both of the wires to complete the circuit. She is Jirou and Kaminari's Daughter. Female. By TheOminousR
33. Akira Hashiko Class 1-B
Age 16 Appearance: Green skin with antenai just like piccolo. Chestnut hair. Male Quirk: Solar Battery- collects energy from the sun and can release it in various ways. Can use this to make himself stronger, regain stamina, and more. Works best in the light. By TheOminousR.
34. Lakshuti Fumow Class 1-A
Age 15 Appearance: Sandy blonde hair with brown eyes. Female. Quirk: Sand- can control and harden sand in various ways. It feels like shes picking up and throwing the sand when she controls the sand, so she must be very strong. By TheOminousR
35. Kirofimi Class 1-A
Age 16 Appearance: Grey hair, seemingly always tired. Male. Quirk: Morgue- like decay, but he does not have to touch the target. backstory: He quit bei-01011001 01001010 00110101 01100001 01010110 01010101 01001111 01110101 01110000 01100001 01000100 01110100 01101111 00110010 01001100 01110100 01110001 01010100 01110101 01111001 01010110 01010010 01101011 01111001 01001100 01001010 01110001 00110001 01001101 01000110 01001111 01101001 01001101 01110110 01001111 00110010 01101110 01001010 01101011 01100110 01001100 01001010 01111001 01101000 01110000 01101100 01001111 01110101 01010110 01010100 01101011 01101001 01101111 01111010 01110000 01110100 01110001 01010100 01111001 01100111 01001101 01000110 01001111 01110101 01001101 00110010 00111000 01100110 01010110 01010100 01010111 00110001 01110001 01010000 01001111 01100010 01001101 01001011 01010111 01101001 01001101 01001011 01011010 01110100 01001100 01001011 01010111 01111001 01010110 01010101 01000001 00110000 01101110 01001010 01101011 01100110 01010110 01010101 01110001 01110101 01110000 01100001 01111000 01110100 01101111 00110010 01001100 01110100 01101110 01010100 01111001 01100111 01011001 01110110 01001111 01010110 01001101 01000110 01001111 01110111 01001100 01001010 00110100 01110100 01001101 01010100 01111001 01101101 01001100 01001011 01001111 01101010 01001101 01001010 01010011 01101100 01010110 01010100 01001101 01101001 01110000 01110110 01001111 01111000 01001100 01001011 01111001 01101101 01011001 01010000 01001111 00110011 01101110 01001011 01000101 01100010 01101111 00110011 01001001 00110000 01010110 01010101 01000101 01111001 01101111 01010100 01101011 01100011 01101111 01111010 01110000 01110100 01001100 01001010 00110101 00110101 01101111 00110010 00110101 01111001 01010110 01010100 00111001 01111010 01010110 01010100 01110101 01100011 01110000 01101100 01001111 01100110 01101111 00110010 01000001 01110101 01110001 01010100 01111001 01101001 01101111 01110110 00110100 01110100 01000111 01111010 00111001 01110110 01101111 00110010 01000101 00110101 01010110 01010100 01100111 01101000 01101111 00110011 01110001 01101101 01010110 01010101 01110001 01100010 01001101 01001011 01010111 01111001 01010110 01010101 01000101 01100010 01101110 01001011 01011010 01110100 01101110 01001010 00110101 01111000 01101110 01001011 01001101 01100011 01001101 01010101 01001001 01110101 01101111 01010000 01001111 01100110 01101110 01001011 01001101 01111001 01110000 01101100 00110100 01101000.. By
36. Isabel Hart Class 1-A
Age 16 Appearance: medium height with pink eyes and red hair. Quirk: Atomic Status- She can liquefy anything with her left hand and solidify anything with her right. She gets really tired while doing this and sometimes liquefies her own limbs. Female. By the_bloody_mechanic
DONE! I changed some characters to female because there were barely any girl characters. I can't wait to start this new arc! I also entered this story on the TheHeroAwards so please go vote for it, sorry if it sounds needy. I will get better on my update schedule I swear! By for now! Try to uncover that code. If you do find the answer (I doubt you will ;)) DM me the answer and you will get mentioned!
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