Chapter 17: Invites.
A/N: Sorry dudes and dudettes, I messed up on a tiny piece further down but I fixed it so it'd work out! It's when, in the anime, it showed the students up in the seats during Midoriya's match, and in my previous chapter, I mentioned them being in the hall. So, I changed it to better match the anime! XD
Sorry, again!
He followed her through the shadows with his hands in his large pockets, slouched over his head as those yellow eyes remained on Yukimura's backside. Though the girl would turn a corner on occasion, he knew where she'd be so he kept on her trail towards the public pool. Citizens weren't even on the streets right now, so he deemed it safe to lose his cloak; however, the very coverage was over his shoulder dangling past his back. When his eyes took notice of the public pool's sign above a set of double red doors, he simply ignored the sign and made his way to the side of the building where a pool resided.
No care at all showed in his actions as he made his way over to its edge and dropped the cloak. Wani didn't care to pay for his entry, so, all he did was remove his vest and boots. The guy was nothing but muscle as he stretched his arms over his chest and head. His large biceps, his abs, and pectoral muscles all flexed and twitched during his movement.
Now with his hands on his hips, the man rolled his neck around to pop it and a sickening crunch could be heard along with a crocodile grumble of relief. A quick jump, water splashed harshly over the side after he dove skillfully into the pool. Minutes later someone in a hoodie arrived, their pale hands in their pockets and a pair of red eyes that watched him chill underneath the water.
The stranger's face couldn't be seen since their back was to him, until, it showed them from the side with frowning dry lips and a mole. "So, you accepted our meeting," Their barely whispering, smooth, and deep voice indicated that the stranger was a male. Those red eyes never left Wani's frame who sat cross-legged in the center of the pool with his eyes shut, the man took a mental note of his appearance and concluded that he didn't look human.
Those yellow eyes peered up to the water's surface and were met with the stranger's piercing ones; no sign of care on his face nor fear as they gradually stood on the pool's floor. His feet kicked up before swimming faster to the edge and when he did, those black claws on his hand tightly gripped onto it. Very slowly did he rise back up, only allowing his head to leave the water so they could converse. "What is it you want?" A low growl of anger erupted from his throat, much like crocodiles except his was meant to express annoyance.
"Snappy, are you? I heard from the news lately that heroes have been missing and when they're found, they're usually half-eaten or torn apart. I know... It was you. Sharp teeth marks and clawed handprints, who else would give imprints such as those?" That frown never left him as he spoke and took a moment before continuing. "I have an offer for you; will you join the league? I could use a man like you, your strength and your quirk would be quite useful," his strict stare never left those yellow slits that could send shivers down anyone's spine. Wani was unaware that the shady man was brought there via a quirk from a member of his league.
"I work alone... Now scram, there's someone else I'm waiting for and you're going to ruin my chance to look good," Although he had a natural smirk on his lips, they curled up further to express a grin and exposed the row of teeth that was used on his previous victims, who the stranger mentioned.
"Look good? You're going to pass up joining the League of Villains, for someone else to look good in front of? Your talents are wasted on solo work and could be far more useful if you joined," his sharp glare refused to avert from Wani's dangerous ones, that was until distant sobbing echoed throughout the atmosphere and reached their ears.
Both of their heads moved in the direction it came from, Wani knew that the girl finally showed up so he chose to pull himself out of the water and shake off all of the substance. Pant legs flapping and spraying the stranger on purpose, only made the man grumble with a close of one eye. "Haru Yukimura, I watched her at the stadium earlier when she ran off. The girl's interesting, she's-" Before he could continue, the stranger's words interrupted him rather rudely.
"She's his daughter, I know about her. I watched her match too, you're not the only one that I set off to invite to the league..." When he began to take a few steps forward, Wani's eye twitched from the building anger inside, and decided to out-pace his speed.
"I'm not about to let you have her join the league and take my chance away, small fry...!" Gritted sharp teeth in view, Kyoshi's annoyance was obvious on his face after he spoke and saw the stranger to his side start to walk faster.
"And, I'm not about to let someone who won't even join, get in my way either," From the side his hand moved, pulling out of his hoodie's pocket to reach for Wani's large forearm and planned on using his quirk to be rid of the huge man. However, what he didn't expect was for Kyoshi to parry his wrist with his own and pull a fist back.
It all happened within that moment, a harsh grunt left those reptilian lips after his strong fist met with the stranger's cheek. The brute himself stood there watching the hooded figure fly through the wall surrounding the pool and across the street. However, what he didn't know was that the hooded man managed to crumble the wall with his quirk before crashing into it, keeping him from getting hurt.
As soon as he crashed into the building on the other side of the road, some rubble fell and a cloud of dirt masked the area. A fist froze where he punched, Wani's dangerous, bellowing grumble expressed his anger and showed those sharp teeth more.
On the other hand, Haru's blind hues were soaked with tears as they streamed down her tan cheeks. The brunette's arms were wrapped around her torso in her leaned-over posture, practically curling up from the fear she felt for her dark side. Scared of who she was on the inside, those dark whispers that kept eating at her, the actions she took toward Shinso, and giving in so easily after the boy mentioned her dark side being noticeable in his eyes. Everything about her, she was afraid of, the poor girl dared not kill anyone and be like her father who was apart of a villainous history.
She was sitting on the edge of the rooftop, on the other side of where the outdoor pool sat, and closed her eyes upon the feel of a soft breeze touching her skin. Gently her long, brown, bangs swayed from the wind, it was soothing to her and it helped her calm down a little. Even though a few cries escaped her lips, she still greatly appreciated the silence and seclusion around her. "Why... Why do I always let it get to me? Lately, it's been getting worse... I can't seem to control it as much as I used to... What's wrong with me?" Through her quivering and sobbing voice, confusion was easy to hear when she questioned herself.
However, upon hearing the crash, the girl jumped slightly and closed her eyes so she could focus on whatever caused the sound. Waiting, sitting there in silence now after it happened, but nothing seemed to catch her ears and it unnerved her a little. That was until a voice made her hazed gaze light up with surprise and made her head turn slightly in its direction. "Nothin's wrong with you. That's just who you are, isn't it?" Deep, clear, it was Wani's voice that she heard.
The brunette sensed his movement when he jumped high and easily landed on the roof with a heavy thud. It was weird to her, he was so quiet, that she didn't sense his movement beforehand at all until he jumped. How was he so quiet? What? Mentally questioning her sense of awareness, Yukimura felt him step closer and sit next to her, keeping his head forward to view the afternoon sun. "Dude, you don't know who I am other than my name and that I was in the festival," her words only made the man next to her laugh hard, which confused her. As far as she knew, what she said wasn't funny at all but he seemed to have found it hilarious...
"I do, though. You're Serpentine's daughter, your old man told me about you and that you were at U.A.'s sports festival. I wanted to meet you after he mentioned you. Your dark side's always eating at you, isn't it? You crave to see someone bleed, you want to tease your victims, I saw it on your face when you were against Shinso earlier... Why do you keep fighting it? What's the point, when it's who you are?" Concern, for once, was on his face after he asked and watched her eyes widen from recognition.
"You... You don't understand!" Harshly the brunette stood, whirling around to fully face the reptilian man with her fangs protruding through gritted teeth, and bore her furious hues into yellow ones. Directly gazing into his, made his own widen with a small sense of fear as he had experienced before. "If you met my father, then you should know WHY I fight it! I don't want to be like him!" Her voice, so full of loathing for her old man, caused a faint gasp to leave Kyoshi's mouth.
After her outburst, the girl sensed someone climbing up to the roof behind her. It caused her ears to twitch at the sound and her blind eyes to stare in shock, upon their comment. "Then maybe... You can be different. You don't have to be like him, you can become your own kind of villain. If you join my league, I'll be willing to help you find yourself, to discover who you are inside, and let you sate the cravings that your dark side gets," Smooth, airy, the other man's words were followed by faint exhales that she assumed was nearly monotonous. The shady man's cheek was red from Wani's punch he endured moments ago, he could still feel it throbbing madly.
"Forget it!" Snapping, Haru pulled out her porous dagger and whirled around as tears brimmed her eyes. Within that moment, the girl had disappeared, just to reappear with a light gust in her place and the sharp edge of her dagger to his throat. The man stood there astonished at her speed, though he'd witnessed it for a second in her match, he knew that her speed could be a threat if he wasn't careful and remained frozen to ensure her he wasn't hostile.
Those red eyes viewed her from his peripherals when she stayed in place to his side, and not once moving her gaze to his. "Either you get off of my ass or..." For a moment, up close, he saw it... He saw her dark expression appear when her sinister, eerie grin grew during her next words. "I'll skewer you alive and watch my poison rot your body from the inside out...~" Ominous, creepy it was, but after she realized what she just said her heart sunk in fear and her expression dropped instantly.
"See? You're struggling to control yourself... Join me...and I... No, we will help you," quietly spoken, the hooded male almost seemed to care, judging by how she heard him but knew better than to listen to the man.
Not a word, no reply of any kind, the girl simply disappeared and left the two men on that rooftop. Now it was quiet, the soft breeze brushed past and showed the two glaring daggers at each other from the distance; it was about a minute or so before Wani broke the silence. "She's not gonna join, man... I'm not either, so you might as well give up now," When his irritated words met the other dude, he rose to his full six-foot and eight-inch height before folding his arms triumphantly.
"Since you won't join..." the pale man lifted his hand and confidently moved closer to the reptile, whose slits closely watched him offer a hand for him to shake. "I'm Tomura Shigaraki... If you change your mind, then text me and meet me back at the pool..." Even though Tomura seemed honest on the outside, Wani's not enough of a fool to fall for a simple trick like the man's doing now. He knew he planned on doing something, he didn't know what but he chose to listen to his instincts and chuckle instead.
"Heheh, Shigaraki... I've heard of you on TV before, I just never got to see you in person until you wanted to meet up," he started and wandered past Shigaraki with a noticeable grin on his natural crocodile smirk. "I won't let you drag her into your league," That was the last of his sentence before he jumped off of the building and left Tomura there to ponder on his thoughts.
He's going to be a thorn in my side... In his head, he spoke, as the sight of the sky came into view and showed the beaming sun surrounded by clouds.
~~~The Stadium~~~
Later during Midoriya's fight, everyone chose to sit in the seats in a separate location from the audience and observe from above. Uviel, who sat next to Kirishima and in front of Denki, was amazed at the boy's willpower to overcome Shinso's quirk. Those black upper lips parted from the lower slightly at the sight of a harsh gust erupting around Izuku, the anticipation made the girl lean over a little, and not once did her attention avert.
T- This is...! Midoriy's stopped! As soon as Present Mic exclaimed over the com, the audience cheered with excitement and made Saito's eyes waver with admiration. His willpower was astonishing to her, it made her want to cheer for the boy but knowing her shy self it would only result in embarrassment.
Midoriya... You can do this! In her mind, she decided to root for him and when she did, a smile graced her lips; her fingers clenched tightly on top of her legs. The cyber-girl wasn't the only one who grew worried for the boy either, considering a few other classmates profusely sweated and Ojiro mumbled something that she couldn't hear over the audience.
To be honest, it was a rather quick match, Izuku just kept ignoring Hitoshi despite the words that spewed from his mouth and eventually managed to flip him over his shoulder, resulting in a harsh slam just over the white line around the arena. He was out of bounds now, Shinso stayed there with his eyes shut while the teacher lifted her hand and announced the winner.
"Shinso is out of bounds! Midoriya advances to round two!" the teacher concluded in her yell and caused everyone to go wild, followed by the announcer informing everyone about the next round having Izuku in it. Anger, nothing but anger could be seen on Hitoshi's face now that he opened his eyes to the sky with a clench of his fist.
Saito watched as the indigo-haired boy soon made his way off of the platform. If anything, he seemed depressed when he wandered away with a frown and gave a quick answer to Midoriya's question. Though the girl didn't know what he asked, she guessed it was something personal considering Izuku's concerned expression. Hm... I get it that losing feels like crap, but why did he just leave like that without so much as a word of encouragement? Considering how he acted around Haru earlier... A bit concerned, Saito's lips frowned at the sad sight, and leaned back into her seat.
Shinso was soon stopped by some people in the audience who gushed over his quirk and told him how cool it'd be to have it as their own, especially to use against villains. However, their conversations, and soon the one between him and Izu, were hard to pick up on from her distance.
Not long after Todo left their section and Izu arrived, both Ochaco and Ida gained his attention after calling out his name. "Good job!" Uraraka exclaimed with a friendly grin and a wave of her hand.
"We saved a seat for you!" Ida's finger pointed to the seat next to him that so happened to be beside Fumikage. Uviel simply gave him a nod over her shoulder and a thumbs up, the girl was too shy to say anything except...
"Y- Yeah, that was good," her quiet voice reached his ears before a quick thanks came from Midoriya.
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this chapter!~ Don't forget to leave a comment, I'm always happy to hear from my readers! \o/ Also, I'm sorry if this chapter sucked a little, I wasn't able to write on this for a few days because of... Well, life XD!
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