Slight mention of Michael's father, but not around or about Michael.
Sal is like...15 in this, and since Michael was a senior when the kid was five, thirteen years apart. Michael is 28 years old so he doesn't have Marley and Keanu yet but he is married to Jeremy and they have a house.
Sal looked at the photo he'd stolen from his father's room in utter confusion. He knew who his father was, but he didn't know who the other three people were.
The first was all lady with light brown skin, and dark brown hair. She was wearing glasses and had her arm wrapped around the shortest boy in the picture.
That boy looked as if he were Sal's age, he wore a long red hoodie, large glasses, and had messy hair that was almost black.
Next to him was a tall boy, probably a senior, with the same skin amd hair color. He was wearing a backpack and a simple cap on his head.
On the far right was Sal's father.
The boy found it strange he'd never seen this picture before, and he wanted to ask his father but he didn't wanna get hurt.
He was attending highschool soon, and he couldn't let this distract him...but he needed to know who these people were and soon...or else he'd die trying to find out.
(To highschool)
First class, first impressions. Sal was tapping his fingers aggressively on his desk when a boy about his age sat down next to him.
Sal observed the boy's features quickly, since he did this when he seen anybody knew. This boy had long, messy brown hair, was wearing a shirt with somr kind of "horse" on it, freckles(a lot of them at that), green eyes, braces, and a somewhat baggy gray hoodie.
He noticed Sal staring and smiled at him.
"Hey, I'm Neo. What's you name?" He asked and Sal smiled a half smile and took the Neo's hand.
"My actual name is George, but I go by my middle name, which is Sal."
"Oh cool. My middle names are Winston Conor." Sal nodded in acknowledgement of Neo's statement.
"Alright class, I'll be your amazing history teacher for this year, American history to be exact, the best history." He smiled as he pushed some of his long hair out of his face.
Sal didn't pay attention to the roll call, giggling a bit when he heard that Neo's last name was Heere(it's actually Heere Hansen but they simplified it at school to just Heere since Mr. Heere is his dad).
"George Mell?"
"Umm it's Sal." Sal spoke softly and the teacher noted this on his list of students.
While he was sending the attendance to the office, Neo got Sal's attention.
"Your last name is Mell?" He asked and Sal nodded. "That's so weird, my older brother has a boyfriend who's last name is Mell." Sal froze at hearing his new friend had an at the least bisexual at the most gay brother.
It wasn't that Sal was a homophobe, no it was that his parents were homophobes.
"That's weird." Was all Sal said before class began.
(Time skip to lunch)
"And this, Sal, is my twin sister who I am older than by five minutes." Neo said and Olive sighed, readjusting her flower bracelet for the hundredth time.
"I'm Olive. The better of the two of us, because Mr. I'm named after three Keanu Reeves characters Heere has been corrupted by Michael." Olive chuckled and Neo punched her arm.
"Not corrupted, it's called I'm cultural. Besides, Bob Marley is amazing."
"Umm...Who exactly are these people? Keanu Reeves and Bob Marley I mean?" Sal asked and Neo's eyes widened.
"You need to come to my house today. I will introduce you to Michael and he'll show you our ways." Neo smiled and Olive rolled her eyes before she pulled something out of her lunch box.
It was a bag and inside was a round item that Sal had never seen before.
"What is that?" He asked and she put a finger in front of her lips before mouthing the word "bathbomb" and proceeding to take a bite out of it.
"Olive, didn't Ev take away your bathbombs?"
"Yes but Jared gave them back to me. He'd be suck a good brother." Olive spoke as she took large crunches out of the bathbomb.
"Who's corrupted who now?" Neo stuck out his tongue and the twins began teasing each other.
Sal pulled the photo out of his pocket and sighed. Maybe this Michael would be his answer.
"Yo what you got there?" Neo asked and Sal shrugged.
"I don't really know. It's got my father in it but I dunno who these other people are." Sal muttered and he showed the picture to Neo.
"Oh hey Olive look it's Michael and his mama." Neo said happily and Olive glanced at the photo.
"Crap it is. You're sure you're not related to Michael?" Olive asked and Sal shrugged. "How about before you leave we introduce you to him, I mean, he usually picks us up in the afternoon anyways." She suggested and Neo loved the thought and Sal nodded.
(Now to pickups.)
Sal followed Neo and Olive to their car, where he could make out a driver and a passenger.
The driver had caramel colored skin and a red hoodie(it's a new one. He grew out of the old one, Jeremy can wear it tho), messy almost black hair, and glasses.
The passenger was a shorter boy with curly brown hair, freckles, and he was wearing a light blue t-shirt.
The driver got out and went around to the kids and smiled.
"Michael! We wanna introduce you to our friend!!" Neo yelled, and Michael looked over at Sal. "His last name is Mell. And he had this photo. We think he's your brother." Neo got the photos from Sal and gave it to Michael.
The older male's eyes widened and he looked at the small boy with a smile.
"You''re my younger brother..."
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