Peach and Cedar Pt 2
Part 2. Yay
"Wow she is good at this." Jeremy mumbled, as everybody was now crowded around the couch watching Peach playing Mario Kart. "Might be better than you Michael."
"As if. Nobody's better than me." Michael put a hand to his chest abd smiled before he heard Eric laughing. "What!?"
"Oh nothing except, well, who has the most wins on the family Mario Kart score board?" Eric raised his eyebrows and Michael turned red. "Oh that's right. Me."
"Shut up Eric!" Michael yelled back and after a brief moment, Peach muttered something that clearly wasn't English, and Eric began giggling. "Why are you laughing?"
"N-Nothing..." He was trying to stop himself but it was hard. The girl continued this and Eric only laughed more and more.
"Michael I think I'm gonna take my siblings back home okay?" Jeremy mumbled, James and Neo already putting their shoes on.
"Alright walnut. Just make sure not to be too overprotective."
"Be quiet Michael. Or I'll hit you with a frying pan."
"Furaipan wa kurumi no shin'yūdesu." Peach uttered and Eric started laughing so hard he fell down.
"Shi-izzle nuggets...that works, Eric are you okay!?" Michael yelled but Eric couldn't hear him through his laughter.
And Peach kept repeating herself, over and over, causing Eric to start choking from laughing so hard.
"Micha, you want me to take Sal back home too?"
"Sure. Sal Jeremy's takin you home okay?" Sal nodded and joined Jeremy and the two younger adults and they left.
That meant Marley, Peach, Michael, and a dying of laughter Eric remained.
"Hey I know, how about we play four player Mario Kart?" Marley slapped himself inside at how awkward that was.
"Okay." Michael smiled, looking down at Eric, who was sitting up and readjusting his curlers. "Eric you ready to get your butt wooped?"
"In your dreams Michael."
(Let's take a detour to the Kleinsen house now)
Oak had somehow managed to invite Cedar over, and oh boy this was going to be fun.
Inside, Evan and Jared were laying on the couch, watching one of Evan's many tree documentaries, when the door was opened.
In walked Oak and Cedar, and Evan sat up in confusion at this new teen.
"O-Oak who...umm...who is this?" He asked and Oak smiled.
"Dad this is Cedar."
"Sup." Cedar finger gunned and Evan just stood up and walked over to her, and out of nowhere hugged her. "the fu-"
"Oak has a tree friend. Tell me, what's your middle name?"
"Jared! We're keeping her!" Evan was smiling so wide and Jared was just glancing over this child. She reminded him too much of...he would rather not say his name...
"Ev, I don't know how smart of an idea this is." Jared mumbled but Cedar quickly moved her free hand to grab something out of her bag and she tossed it to Jared.
"Oak told me ya like these." Cedar smiled, winking a bit as Jared unwrapped what had been thrown to him.
"Okay I take back what I said we are keeping you." He spoke happily as he began chewing(read: cronching")the bathbomb.
Oak watched as her parents had practiclly stolen Cedar and sighed. At least they liked her.
"I mean if they didn't I still do so it's not like it matters." Oak turned to see the now slightly transparent teen that had manifested in front of her.
'I...I know Connie. I just hope that she doesn't learn how I feel...'
"You just met her and you're already crushing on her?"
'Mmhm...' Oak went to the couch and sat down, Cedar finally freeing herself and sitting down next to her.
"Well, if you need help, I can...try. Alright?" Oak nodded gently and then went to focus on Cedar.
"You okay tree girl? You kinda zoning out a bit it seems." Cedar spoke gently, removing her hair band and beginning to comb hands through the brown and black fade.
"I-I'm fine...just...umm...thinking to m-myself. That's a-all."
"You are really bad at this ya know?"
'Shut up Connie.'
"Just saying."
"Oh alright. So...your parents are...not what I expected." Cedar muttered and Oak scratched her neck gently. "But they're cool. Not every day you meet somebody with cool gay parents. I mean my family is made up of bisexuals, except me cause I'm lesbian, but still."
"W-Wait you're lesbian?"
"Ooh you gotta chance. Now don't screw this up. Don't end up like your dad and my sister. Aka, no lies. Got it?"
"Yeah. See?" Cedar took off her bag and showed Oak a lesbian pride pin on the front, along with various other pride pins. "I'm all for LGBTQ plus pride. If you couldn't tell."
"Cool. I'm p-pansexual. And it's funny because n-none of my family is straight."
"Oh lucky. My parents, again are bi, but one's a dude and the other a girl. Love em to death though, super supportive. Like yours."
"M-My parents try their best...And God if I don't love them."
"So you gonna show me your room or we gonna talk about our folks the whole time?" With that, Oak stood up and led Cedar upstairs.
(Back to the Heere Mell house)
Jeremy yawned as he entered the house, and was greeted with Michael screaming in Filipino, Eric screaming in Japanese, same with Peach, and Marley was passed out on the couch.
"Mikey what happened?"
"Oh. Peach is a freaking boss at MK8. Doesn't help she mains a freaking heavy weight." Michael muttered the last part but Peach still heard.
"Well at least I don't main the most basic character."
"Yes he is." Jeremy sighed as Michael and Peach yelled at each other, and he went over and sat by Eric.
"Who did you main? Just outta curiosity."
"Oh I mained Rosalina." Eric replied calmly and Jeremy cocked his head. "What?"
"I thought you would like...main Bowser."
"No. He's too heavyweight to get a decent acceleration. Plus we don't need me being OP, like little miss Pink Gold Peach over here."
Peach rolled her eyes and Eric chuckled. She then smiled wide and looked back at him.
"Furaipan wa kurumi no shin'yūdesu." She said yet again and as earlier Eric began laughing.
"I don't get it!!" Jeremy yelled, sighing and making his way upstairs. "I'm goin to sleep. G'night Micha, love you, please send her home soon."
"Jeremy it's like...7!"
"I don't care!!"
"Night walnut."
"Night smol and tic tac. And my son...and whatever Peach is." Jeremy yawned again and they heard the door slam. "Dangit Keanu is still at Sam's."
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