Chapter 7
(next day in their chem class)
"I am totally okay with that actually." Christine was answering Jeremy's questions about the whole relationship thing and his mouth was agape.
"R-Really? You're totally okay with it? Like...y-you're sure?"
"Yes Jeremy I'm sure. Besides, now Michael doesn't have to be jealous."
"Yeah, and now I can do this." Michael quickly wrapped his arms around Jeremy and kissed his cheek happily.
"Jeremy's turned to the gay side now. That's good, we have contour." Sal giggled and Keira wrapped an arm around his shoulder trying to hold herself up from laughing.
"Technically he's bi but whatever." She managed to get out and at that exact moment, Eric decided to reactivate.
"Oh what the fuck am I watching?" He asked loudly and the other Squips realized he was there.
"It's called Jeremy has a boyfriend. And a girlfriend. And it's really cute!!" Shane squealed like a little girl and Eric sighed.
"I did something right at least. He did get Christine. But he's dating Michael does that even work? Michael is gay and Christine's a girl and...what?" Eric's eyes were glitching as he processed what was happening.
Jeremy was too busy being smothered in kisses to notice Eric was even back.
"Well Eric, it's possible to have a three way where two sides are romantic and one is platonic. I don't think I need to say which is which." Winston answered calmly and Eric turned around to face him.
"You think he'll actually be able to manage two relationships!? Jeremy can barely manage himself I mean you know how he thinks about himself!" Eric yelled and Winston felt electricity growing on his hands as he walked closer to the original Squip.
"Yeah but that's because YOU told him all that shit! You told him how fucking horrible he was! You made him hate himself! And now that he's finally happy you wanna take it away!!" Winston was so furious that the electricity was all the way up his arms as if it was encasing him. "And you wonder why none of us acknowledge your comments. You literally abused our host! Granted we weren't around back then, we're here now, and you don't want to come to terms with that fact! You don't wanna come to terms with the fact Jeremy is bisexual, you don't want to come to terms with the fact that Jeremy has emotional stress, you don't even want to face the fact you're probably defective and that's why you fucked up his life!! You fucked him over, not him, and we're trying to fix that but damn you really don't care! We're trying our best and so is Jeremy so why can't you!?"
With that Winston finally let the electric charge loose and Eric felt all of it. Jeremy didn't feel it though, just Eric.
Winston took in a few heavy breathes before simmering down again.
"I don't want to hurt you Eric, but I can't let you ruin Jeremy's life anymore. Maybe this will teach you to actually think next time."
"Guys I'm go to the bathroom okay?" Jeremy left quickly and the Squips teleported with him.
Jeremy noticed how broken and disheveled Eric was, and then looked at Winston.
"Did you..."
"Yes. If I hadn't he would've tried to make you break up with Michael but remain with Christine." Winston was much quieter than he had been. "And maybe if Eric apologizes, I might let him do something."
"'re....God I hate it when I'm're right. I know I fucked up Jeremy's life...but I guess my ego is too big to want to acknowledge that fact. And I know he's bisexual and that he's got stress...I just wanted to do my job right...but I failed...I fucked up everything...and I guess I just need to come to terms with that..." Eric looked up and all of them were surprised to see him crying. " of you...I'm so fucking sorry...I've been nothing but a pain in the ass all because I wanted control so I could fix what I fucked up...but you do a better job of helping him than I do..."
None of them knew what to say, but all of them were slightly shocked that Shane was the first one to do anything.
He walked over to Eric and hugged him tightly.
"It's okay Eric, just calm down and quit crying alright?" He whispered gently and all of them were staring speechless at this.
Sadly, Eric was still crying. Shane took his sunglasses off and poofed them into thin air.
"Eric please stop crying, it's only going to make this harder." Shane began twirling the back of Eric's hair, which made him calm down slightly. "Just breath okay. I know we're computers, but just breath." Shane let go and watched as Eric tried to steady himself.
And it worked. Eric was still crying a bit but not a lot. He gently wiped his eyes and stood up. Shane stood up after him.
"Why did you..."
"Because you were hurt. We can't just help Jeremy. We have to help each other." Shane smiled and Eric felt a gentle smile making its way on to his face.
"You're actually smiling." Keira mumbled and Eric nodded slowly.
"G-Guess I am." He felt a tap in his shoulder and turned to see Winston. Before he could say anything, the taller Squip was hugging him tightly.
"I'm proud of you...and I'm sorry for hurting you...but realized you're flawed...and I never thought you'd do that." Eric hugged back and felt tears forming again.
"Well if you hadn't of hurt me then I wouldn't have realized what I fucked up now would I?" Eric laughed a bit and Winston gently punched his arm.
"I'm g-glad you guys are getting along but I have both a girlfriend and a boyfriend probably worrying about me right n-now...that sounds so weird...I love it...but really I'm heading back to class." With that Jeremy made his way back to class, glad all the screaming in his head had vanished.
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