Chapter 3
Michael finally came outside and got into the car, which lead Winston to getting back in the back seat(which somehow fits five super computers who look like adults!?).
"So what the hell happened that caused you to leave so fast?" Michael asked, starting up the car and beginning the hour long trip back home.
"I...don't wanna talk about it..." Jeremy mumbled and Michael nodded.
"Okay dude, whatever you want." Michael turned his CD on silent and before Jeremy's Squips could complain, he looked back at them and narrowed his eyes.
He smiled, glad that they listened to him now.
And this time, he finally got sleep, snoring softly and the Squips were entertaining themselves by watching his dreams on a fake movie screen.
"Okay this is the cutest fantasy of him and Christine he's had yet!" Shane giggled and the rest of them nodded, actually getting along.
"Wait a second...who is he saving her from exactly?" Keira asked and they all burst out laughing when they seen who it was.
"Eric is the villain!?" Sal yelled and the four of them couldn't help but start poking fun at this fact.
"Oh won't he be pissy when he wakes up!" Winston joked and the four of them laughed even louder. It seems them getting along was causing Jeremy to smile because he was smiling wider than he had been.
They did this the whole ride home, finding Jeremy's fantasies quite adorable, considering he almost always put them in roles of video game characters or movie characters, and occasionally musical characters because Christine's obsession with Broadway.
Jeremy waved goodbye to Michael, who sent him a peace sign and a finger gun combo as he drove off.
The four Squips were standing in the driveway, and Jeremy noticed Eric remanifest himself. Oh great.
"Glad to see you're away from that loser again." Eric muttered, and all four of the Squips turned around to stare at him. "What?"
"Jeremy's not really feeling alright so please don't start." Winston ordered and Eric didn't say anything more, scared he'd be shut down again.
Jeremy was in his room, laying down on his bed and tracing the new scars on his arm, along with the old ones. He gently sighed and closed his eyes.
"Jeremy." Winston whispered gently, and Jeremy turned around to see him standing by the bed. "You should probably wrap up the scar so you can't hurt it worse. There's some bandages in your bedroom's bathroom so you might want to get some."
Jeremy nodded, and he went and got the bandages, wrapping them around the new shock marks gently.
He threw off the flannel and found a black tank top he could quickly throw in, and did just that. He also threw off his pants and shoes, leaving him with boxers and socks.
He gently crawled into the bed and searched around for his Blinky plush, finally finding it near his feet.
"You have literally been asleep for an hour, how tired are you?" Keira asked and Jeremy shrugged, closing his eyes and getting comfortable.
"God why is it so cold in here?" Jeremy muttered before a wave of calming warmth washed over him. "Thanks Winston." He didn't need to see who raised his body heat, at this point he just knew.
He passed out yet again, leaving the five Squips bored and alone in his room. So they decided to do anything to pass the time.
Winston downloaded some online books into his database so he could read them, and he manifested versions of them he could hold.
"You know you don't exactly need to hold them right?" Eric teased and Winston rolled his eyes.
"I know but I think it's just nicer to read it in you hands than in your brain." Winston replied calmly, turning the page and reading more.
Eric, clearly bored out of his mind, plopped down on Jeremy's beanbag and tried to figure out something he could do.
Meanwhile, Keira and Sal were doing each other's makeup, and eventually they pulled a curious Shane in and did his too.
"My God they're like kids..." Eric mumbled and once again he got an eye roll from Winston.
"You are literally pouting Eric. Why don't you watch over Jeremy's dreams for now. Make sure he has no nightmares." Winston suggested and Eric cringed but he pulled up a small screen and watched Jeremy's dreams.
They were similar to the earlier dreams, which Eric hadn't seen...but Christine wasn't there.
Instead it was Jeremy and Michael...and Jeremy was always the female role.
Winston actually began watching them along with Eric, who looked like he was gonna puke.
"Aww that's adorable. For somebody who only listened to Hamilton once, he sure fantasizes about Helpless a lot." Winston smiled and Eric stood up and walked away, leaving Winston to dream patrol.
Eric made his way to the sleeping Jeremy and pulled up a screen. He was reading Jeremy's thoughts, and was very annoyed at some of them.
Eventually, Jeremy's phone went off and all five Squips made their way over to it.
Winston quickly found who was messaging and was confused to see it was Rich of all people.
"I'm going to wake Jeremy up." He whispered, gently walking over and nudging Jeremy softly.
The boy stirred a bit before his eyes opened and he rubbed them, unaware of what he'd just been fantasizing about.
"That was a good nap...why'd you wake me up?" Jeremy asked before yawning loudly.
"Rich texted you. I don't know what it's about though." Jeremy nodded and got out of bed, making his way to the drawers he put the phone in top of.
TinyButMighty messaged you
TinyButMighty: Yo Jer can I visit 2mro? I know it's weird but I rlly need to ask u something.
Queer_Heere: ok? I guess. Oh um...I should probably tell you...umm
Jeremy was going to tell him about the Squips but realized that was probably not a good idea.
Queer_Heere: NVM. U can totally come over tomorrow. Just...if my dad isn't wearing pants, it's because I'm letting him have a week off from it. So yeah.
TinyButMighty: that's weird but ok. Bye bi
Queer_Heere: Bye bye bi.
Jeremy turned the phone off and sighed. Well this was gonna be fun.
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