Chapter 2
Jeremy followed Michael into the arcade, throwing the beanie in a nearby trash can because he was not wearing that thing. Ever.
"Jeremiah Heere you get that beanie out of the trash right now or I'll shove you in it." Keira ordered, getting a smack from Winston. "Get off your high horse Winston!"
"I'm so d-done with this." Jeremy muttered and Michael put an arm around his shoulder and smiled.
"It'll be okay buddy, they're just...annoying. But you're the loudest voice in this here brain, got it." Michael gently tapped Jeremy's head, and he nodded as they opened the doors.
It smelled of sodas, pizza, and sweat from the awkward teenage losers who come here to escape the people who beat them up.
"It's been a while. Now how's about me and you grab some pizza and then attempt to beat the high score on Pac-Man?" Michael asked and Jeremy's mood almost instantly perked up.
"Jeremy no you are not playing that...thing." Eric crossed his arms and Jeremy turned around and smiled.
"You don't control me anymore." He whispered, and Eric clenched his hands into fists, electricity forming on them quickly.
He made his way over to Jeremy and put his now charged hands on the teen's wrist, causing him to flinch harshly.
"Jere you okay?" Michael asked and Jeremy shook his head no, sinking into himself as he remembered the same sensation from only recent. "Did one of them shock you?" Jeremy nodded, and Michael wrapped an arm around Jeremy as they made their way to get food.
"Eric I told you not to abuse him!" Winston yelled and Eric rolled his eyes.
"He's reverting back into Jeremy 1.0, I at least want to keep him Jeremy 1.5." Eric protested and Winston punched his jaw.
"Jeremy is just being himself. You can't keep him in your little box anymore!" Jeremy looked back at the fight between the two, confused as to why the other three Squips were remaining quiet.
Winston did something and Eric disappeared quickly.
"There, temporary shut down. Jeremy, let me see your arm." Jeremy gently held out his wrist and Winston gently wrapped his hand around it, and the pain quickly vanished. "That should help subdue the pain just until we can get you home and care for the shock wounds."
"Thanks..." Jeremy whispered, as Michael grabbed their pizza and made his way to a table in range of the arcade machine.
"Now we play!" Michael's smile was wide as he inserted his quarters into the game.
"Okay." Jeremy got up after eating a bit of pizza before the two started the game up.
The two quickly began manuevering the level, grabbing the pellets and avoiding the ghosts rather easily.
"Jeremy go left." Winston whispered and Jeremy did as told, and he didn't die. "Now go down, then take a right and grab the power pellet." Jeremy nodded and once again it succeeded.
"Jeremy when did you get this good at Pac-Man?" Jeremy shrugged in response and Michael went back to focusing.
They continued like this, and the boys got farther than ever before. Who knew having a nice Squip could make video games so much easier?
After getting the high score, the two sat down and finally ate their pizza. Jeremy was thinking at Winston so Michael couldn't figure out about the little cheat he used.
'How did you do that?'
"Simple. We can predict certain outcomes and hack into inferior technology. I technically did both since I know you two like beating old high scores." Winston smiled gently, sitting in the booth next to Jeremy, not that anybody seen him.
"I still can't believe we're allowing him to hang out with Michael. Ooh I know, how about we hook him up with somebody!!?" Keira yelled and both Jeremy and Winston rolled their eyes.
"Oh I agree with this! But considering how bisexual Jeremy is, we should at least hook him up with one guy." Sal was painting his nails, well projecting that he was painting his nails and Keira shrugged.
"I guess. But only a hot guy. How about Jake Dillinger, he's hot." Sal responded with his cheeks burning purple.
"But Bro. Does Jake even like guys?" Shane removed his sunglasses and cleaned them a bit.
"I am 99 percent positive that nobody at Middleborough is straight Shane." Keira responded and Shane smiled, glad somebody acknowledged him.
"I thought we agreed we would let Jeremy do what he wanted to." Winston slammed his hand on the table and the three Squips all stared at him for a few seconds before laughing. "What!?" Winston's face grew blue(he's green so his blush is blue)quickly.
"Eric was right! You really do think you run Jeremy's brain!!" Keira snorted a bit before laughing even harder, and Winston just sunk his face into his hands.
"Bro she has a point. You aren't the boss here, if anything you're just acting like our dad!"
"No no I know what he wants!!" Sal quickly changed his appearance to look like Jeremy, which caused the teen to turn red. "Oh Daddy Winston, ooooh~"
That got a loud roar of laughter out of the three and both Jeremy and Winston were red(or blue in Winston's case)in the face.
"Jere you okay? You look like you just seen some shit." Michael muttered and Jeremy stood up.
"I'ma g-go to the car okay? I'm getting tired, finish eating. I gotta talk to the Squips." Michael nodded as Jeremy rushed outside and into the car, locking the doors and hugging his knees.
"C'mon Sal do it again!!" Keira giggled and Sal repeated the joke countless times, and Jeremy looked over at Winston, who was crying in the driver's seat.
"Hey y-you okay?" He asked and Winston shook his head. Jeremy removed his hands from his face and was horrified to see how glitchy and buggy it was. "Oh my God Winston what the h-hell?" Winston didn't respond and Jeremy turned back to the loud laughter that was banging in his head.
He was getting extremely irritated.
"Would you three please shut the fuck up!?" Jeremy yelled and the three froze. "Your kinky jokes are not funny! You are not funny! And it seems none of you actually know what I want!! At least Winston knows how to give a damn about my opinion! You're all just as bad as Eric was and still is!!" Jeremy yelled and the three were all frozen in fear at the teen's outburst.
Jeremy let his breath slow to normal and sank into his seat, face still blood red.
He turned to look back at Winston, who was sitting up and staring at him in shock.
"You just defended me?"
"Of're a-actually nice and they were treating you like how the cool kids treated me." Jeremy mumbled and Winston smiled.
"Thank you Jeremy."
"No problem...oh and Winston." Jeremy stopped for a second before smiling a bit. "You're my favorite Squip."
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