Chapter 1
Day one of Jeremy's Squip infested head was...weird.
It wasn't as mentally painful as he thought it would be though. And since it was a Saturday, Jeremy didn't need to worry about school.
But Michael was coming over and boy was he going to be pissed.
"YOU REACTIVATED THE SQUIP!?" Oh yeah. He was definitely pissed.
"O-On accident!"
"Michael...Look I don't think it'll be that bad-"
"It's an EVIL SUPER COMPUTER Jeremy. It tried to take over the entire SCHOOL! Don't you remember that!?" Michael's face was blood red with anger and fear he'd lose Jeremy again.
"I know but...t-there isn't just one now..." Jeremy stuttered out and Michael stopping shaking him in confusion.
"Yeah, they have names too. There's Eric, he's the one t-that tried to take over the school."
"I was trying to HELP you Jeremy." Eric spat, receiving a good smack in the head from Winston.
"Shut up Eric." Jeremy mumbled and Michael cocked his head. "H-He was complaining."
"As usual." Keira murmured and Eric punched her arm.
"Quit killing each other!" Jeremy yelled and the five Squips froze in place before just standing still, well not completely still. "T-Thank you."
"Are they talking to...each other?"
"Yes t-there is five of them. Eric, Keira, Winston, Shane, and Sal. I got that right right?" Jeremy looked back at them and Winston was giving him a thumbs up. "O-Okay good."
"Wait they all look the same or what?" Michael was desperately trying to wrap his head around this whole situation.
"N-No. None of them look identical. Eric, Shane, and Winston look...somewhat similar." Jeremy heard a snicker and shot around to see Eric smiling the cocky smile he'd come to know and hate.
"So how do you ignore them?"
"I can't. And I can't deactivate them either so I'm stuck with them...not that I mind I mean, Winston's nice."
"If any of them hurt you you better tell me okay?" Michael put a hand on Jeremy's shoulder and he nodded. "Now get dressed, the arcade isn't gonna wait for us."
"Okay!" Jeremy ran to his closet and was confused that he couldn't find his striped shirt or cardigan.
"I told you I redid your wardrobe. That outfit was too disgusting to stay Jeremy." Keira smiled, satisfied with herself, and Jeremy sighed.
"Winston help me find something to wear that isn't...whatever Keira kept." Jeremy muttered softly and Winston nodded, sorting through Jeremy's closet before finding a rather nice but comfy blue flannel.
"I know you like blue so it was the best option of clothes for the day. It isn't took cold out so you can probably just wear the flannel, it is long sleeves anyways." Winston smiled gently and Jeremy quickly threw off his tanktop and Pac-Man pants, putting the flannel on over his body and changing into jeans.
"He should wear a beanie!" Sal randomly yelled and Keira nodded in agreement.
"I am not wearing a bean-" Jeremy was already putting on a gray beanie as he spoke. "I guess I'm wearing a beanie." Jeremy sighed and Michael grabbed his arm and pulled him along, out the door and to the car.
(During the car ride)
"Jeremy pleeeaaaase tell that loser to turn this trash off!!" Keira yelled, fingers in her ears as she tried to block out the sound.
"Or mute your sense of hearing!!" Sal whined and Jeremy rolled his eyes, humming gently to Michael's personal CD.
"I can do that for him." Eric smiled before feeling a shock, and he glared at Winston, who sat in the window seat calmly. "Why did you do that?"
"Simple. You're threatening to abuse your power over Jeremy to satisfy yourself. If he likes the music, he can listen to it. Besides, it isn't that bad." Winston smiled and Eric flipped him off, clearly annoyed.
"They still fighting?" Michael asked and Jeremy nodded, hand on his head in absolute pain. "Can't you tell them to stop?"
"The only one that listens is Winston." Jeremy mumbled and he looked back at the five of them in annoyance. "Winston can you put them on mute or something?"
"No I can not. If I could I probably would've already done it."
"What's THAT supposed to mean?" Eric asked and Winston didn't say anything.
"N-Nevermind..." Jeremy whispered, turning around and leaning back in the car seat. "Michael was is the arcade so far away again?"
"Because the Middleborough arcade shut down, sadly." Jeremy nodded in response before closing his eyes and trying to sleep.
He couldn't sleep through the whining and arguing.
"I think Jeremy is trying to sleep. Could we maybe like...stop yelling so he can?" Winston mumbled and the other Squips all eyed him in annoyance, well except for Shane, who was staring out his window seat in excitement.
"Why do you think you run his mind?" Eric spat in annoyance and Winston finally decided to stand his ground.
"Because I do not abuse him. I do not optic nerve block people that he cares about without his consent, I do not force him to have sex with girls he doesn't wish to, and I don't try to make him take over the fucking school. You wonder why I wanna control you all? It's because all of you are giant assholes who don't deserve to be Squips to somebody like Jeremy. He's been through some shit that clearly you four don't want to understand." Winston finishesd and gently put his hands in his lap, looking away from Eric.
"Me and Sal didn't do that shit!" Keira yelled and Winston turned to look at her.
"No but you still don't respect Jeremy. You literally destroyed his wardrobe. Which is why I'm going to suggest we go to the mall after this and let him pick out what he wants. Which means no complaining about his clothes. And Sal that means you can't make him buy makeup."
"But...But makeup is great!" Sal whined and Winston snapped and sent a shock through him.
"We're not pressuring Jeremy into doing anything he doesn't want to. That goes for all of you. Understood?" Winston was really starting to get annoyed with the four Squips he was sharing a mind with.
They finally shut up considering how glitchy his voice had gotten, not to mention his eyes had turned black but the pupils were still green.
He smiled contently at how he'd managed to shut them up, and then he looked to the front of the car.
"Jere, buddy, wake up, we're here." Michael gently shook Jeremy, and Winston gently snapped a little to help wake the boy up(they are still active in his sleep because his mind is active since Jeremy dreams a lot).
"Oh...yay." Jeremy muttered as he wiped his eyes and got out of the car.
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