Where Everything's Better Pt 4
Woop woop
TW: swearing!? Idk the last one didn't swear so...idk
Michael had been glad Jeremy was coming with him and his mom to clothes shop, so he wouldn't be bored out of his mind...mainly cause his mom was focusing on getting the clothes and their costs.
So he talked to Jeremy the whole time. Until he spotted a bright rainbow sweater.
"Hey Mama! Can I buy this?" Michael asked and his mother smiled as she seen the sweater, but looked at him sadly when she seen the price.
"Sorry Mahal. Maybe next year. Until I get a job I've gotta be careful with my money."
"Oh...Okay Mama."
When they got back to Michael's place, his mother told him she was going to meet up with Jeremy's dad back in town so he could take him home. Plus she had to take care of some things.
"You can stay here if you want to Mahal."
"Okay Mama. Bye. Also bye Jeremy."
"S-See ya Michael." With that they left and Michael went to the antique room to see the door was locked. He went to the kitchen and found the key in the key drawer and smiled. He was going back again.
He unlocked the door and smiled.
"I knew you were real." He crawled inside, unaware he was being watched through the window by a certain blue eyed cat.
He crawled out and didn't hear Jeremy's voice from the living room, which saddened him slightly. But he went to the kitchen and seen a box on the table.
He opened it and there was a note inside.
"To Mikey <3,
I knew you wanted the sweater at the store and I decided I'd make one for you just like it. Hope you love it. Also there's a ticket to Christine and Jenna Rolan's performance in their house. I'll be waiting for you.
-Love, Jeremy"
He quickly put the black, rainbow starred sweater on over his t-shirt and smiled. He also grabbed the ticket and left the house, heading to the Rolan's house, but was stopped when he heard a faint meow.
He turned to see the cat from the day before licking its paw and staring at him.
"Oh. Hey, are you the other cat?" He asked and it shook its head.
"I'm not the other anything Michael. I'm me, simply put." It spoke softly...wait it spoke at all.
"But y-you can talk?"
"Okay... how'd you get here then? If you aren't the other cat, because my doors were locked."
"I have other ways of entering his domain." It climbed up a nearby curving tree and sat down, licking its paw.
"The Other Jeremy. You know, he really hates cats."
"But J-Jeremy loves animals."
"Well that isn't Jeremy. You probably think this world is perfect, don't you?" It asked, and Michael nodded. "Well you're wrong. Very wrong."
"Oh? How so?"
"I don't know that much, but this is just fun and games. I'd be wary if I were you." It raised its head and quickly ran off, and Michael shrugged, making his way to the other house.
He opened the door and seen a small dog with a theater employee's outfit, and he gave it the ticket.
The dog led him to the front row, where Jeremy was seated.
"Hey Mikey, I see you're wearing the sweater." Michael nodded, sitting down and laying his head on Jeremy's shoulder as the lights dimmed.
A spotlight showed on the curtain and it opened up, Christine standing in a clam shell, wearing a mermaid tale and shell bra.
She began singing, flailing her arms dramatically as she did so, and Michael couldn't help but laugh. It was entertaining.
Eventually the scene changed and Jenna came on stage in an outfit much more revealing than Christine's.
She began singing herself, nowhere near as eccentric as Christine had been though.
And finally she stopped and the curtains closed. The spotlights moved to the upper section of the curtain and Christine and Jenna stood on diving boards, and in front of them were trapeze swings.
They jumped on and grabbed hold, doing all sorts of flips and spins and Michael watched in excitement, before Christine came down and grabbed him out of his seat, and they began making him a part of the performance, and he felt his adrenaline rushing.
They threw him up so high he had to grip the railing, and they jumped into a barrel of water. He screamed as he fell but they caught him, and he stood on his feet and smiled, catching a rose Jeremy'd thrown for him.
They were heading back home now and Michael's heart was beating from the shock he'd experienced.
"Did you like it Mikey?" Jeremy asked, opening the door and Michael nodded. "You really like it here, don't you?"
"You could stay if you wanted to." Jeremy began and Michael smiled at the thought of remaining in his perfect little dream world forever. "But there's something we need to do first, nothing too serious."
"O-Okay!" Michael squeaked and Jeremy led him to the kitchen, his parents already waiting for him.
He sat down at his end of the table seat and noticed his mother had a small, blue, hexagonal shaped box. She handed it to Jeremy, who brought it over to Michael.
"Before you open it Mikey, I want you to know how happy I am that you wanna stay here."
"Why wouldn't I want to? It's perfect."
"I'm glad you love it." Jeremy kissed his cheek, and Michael blushed as he opened the box...and inside was a needle, a spool wrapped with black thread, and two black buttons. "They were custom picked for you."
Michael felt sick to his stomach as he stared at the buttons...he couldn't do this.
"No way am I letting you see these on my eyes Jeremy." He mumbled and Jeremy's face seemed to drop as soon as he said it.
"But we need a yes if you wanna stay...it won't even hurt, and if it does, it'll only be for a second." Jeremy put a hand on Michael's and the taller male stood up.
"I'm...gonna go to bed...I'm really tired." He fake yawned, rubbing his eyes and pretending to be sleepy.
"Oh...well whatever you want Mikey. Do you want me to tuck you in again?" Jeremy asked and Michael shook his head.
"It's fine. You've done so much for me...don't worry about it." He walked towards the stairs and Jeremy somehow got their first.
"I'm not worried Mikey." His tone was sickeningly sweet as he held Michael's hands and kissed his nose. "Soon you'll see things my way. Now go get your rest." Michael nodded, faking a smile as he walked upstairs, and once Jeremy was out of sight he bolted to his room, closing the door, locking it, and barricading it.
His heart was racing as he threw his shoes off and climbed into bed, shoving the cover over himself and curling up into a ball.
"Go to sleep Michael...go to sleep...go to... sleep..." He finally fell unconscious, the events from earlier plaguing his mind
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