Where Everything's Better Pt 1
So the Coraline AU I promised
Thank u AriaPoppy for the idea
Michael is Coraline
The rest of the roles are strange but like... you'll see what I mean.
Note, they still live in Middleborough. And Michael's dad is still gone
They r is in seventh grade.
This also references the Coraline novel, which is really good btw, not just the film
TW: there should only be slight swearing but idk. Enjoy
Michael Mell's life was...alright. Of course it has its ups and downs but it was alright. Except for a few things.
His father had absolutely hated his existence, and thus his parents divorced.
He only had one friend, not that he minded but nobody else was nice to him.
And the last thing, is that said friend is who he was pining for. But he would never notice.
Plus Michael had some strange neighbors to say the least. But that wasn't that bad.
And on this very day it was raining, and he was bored out of his mind. Luckily, Jeremy was visiting, he was just still asleep.
"Mahal why don't you play video games or something? I hate seeing you bored like this." His mother was packing the stuff her ex-husband never came back to get, and Michael shrugged.
"But I've played every game I own Mama. And beat them all. What else is there to do?"
"I have an idea. I found this key a while ago and didn't know where it came from. Why don't you check around the house and find the door it opens. Just to give yourself something to do until the rain clears."
"Okay Mama." Michael took the black key and turned it in his hands. Strange key it was. He shrugged and looked down the hallway and opened every door. They all opened.
At the end of the hallway there was a room he never went into, full of old antiques from his grandma before she moved back to the Phillipines.
He opened it and turned the lightswitch on, coughing a bit at the dust and cobwebs every where.
He had to be very careful as he treaded the room, not wanting to break or damage anything, and he froze when he seen a miniscule door in the wall.
He got on his knees and looked at it, the wallpaper must've been put on over it. He used the teeth of the key to cut the wallpaper boarding up the door, and he then unlocked it, pulling it and freezing. Bricks.
"The hell? What kind of door leads to bricks?" He sighed and stood up, leaving the key in the door and kicking it shut. "Better go wake Jeremy up."
Michael went upstairs to his room, in which Jeremy was sleeping, and he gently nudged the brunette awake.
"Jeremy I'm bored."
"M-Michael I'm tired lemme go back to sleep."
"No. I found something really weird that pisses me off and I wanna show you."
"O-Okay?" Jeremy pushed his body up and followed Michael back to the antique room, and Michael lead him to the door. "What i-is it?"
"I don't know. But I opened it and it leads to bricks. Bricks!" Michael opened the door and Jeremy gave him a stumped expression. "Exactly."
"Umm...that's weird. L-Like.. really weird."
"I know..."
"Can we get outta h-here? This room is creepy."
"Okay." The two left, not even bothering to shut the door.
When the rain cleared up, Jeremy left, which made Michael sad, and his mother made him lunch to cheer him up...didn't work. He was still bored out of his mind and upset the door didn't lead anywhere.
"So did you find the door that key opened?"
"Mmhm. In the antique room. It's really tiny...but the other side is just bricks."
"Oh. Well I'm sorry bout that Mahal." She hugged him and he smiled, glad he had such a good mother.
That night, Michael woke up to the sound of squeaking, and turned to see tiny mice on the floor.
"The hell?" He whispered, wrapping his red blanket around him and following them.
They went downstairs and to the antique room, and he seen them go into the tiny door. He made his way towards it and opened it, eyes wide at what was inside.
The inside was like a large tunnel, the colors were vibrant purples, blues, and pinks. He crawled in and made his way to the other side, curious as to what he may find.
He pushed the door open and froze when he realized he was back in the antique room. Great. It did nothing. That was until he heard a voice, and he followed it to the living room, where he was shocked to see Jeremy sitting on the couch playing video games.
"J-Jeremy?" He asked and the brunette turned to him and Michael was taken back by his appearance.
"Mikey, I didn't see you come downstairs. Are you okay? You look...scared?" Jeremy's face seemed so innocent as he paused his game and walked over to Michael.
"Buttons? Yeah, I should've known it would freak you out a bit. Now c'mon, I'm bored of playing by myself." He grabbed Michael's hand and dragged him to the couch, plopping him down and handing him a controller. "I won't bite Mikey, I promise."
"Umm... where's my Mama?"
"Oh, your parents are out getting you something." Jeremy started the level and Michael blinked a second in confusion.
"Yeah. Oh I should explain this world was built perfectly for you. So your father isn't a dick." Jeremy spoke with nothing but cheeriness and Michael couldn't help but blush at it. Even if it wasn't the same Jeremy.
The two were quickly into the level, and they seemed to beat it in ease, to which Jeremy responded by kissing Michael's cheek.
"D-Did you just....umm..." Michael didn't know how to respond.
"What? I thought you loved Jeremy."
"W-Wait are you saying that...y-you love me?" Michael asked and Jeremy nodded, wrapping and arm around his waist and pulling him close.
"Mmhm." He nuzzled into Michael's chest and he let hesitantly but quickly accepted it, and cuddled back.
A few minutes later, the door opened and Michael turned to see his parents coming in the house. They were holding hands, which Michael had never seen them do back home.
"Oh Mahal, I wasn't expecting you to have arrived so early." The other version of his mom came over and he stood up, quickly hugging her. "I bet Jeremy's already explained everything to you." Michael nodded, looking back at the still smiling brunette and turning red. "Me and your father went out and got you a surprise." She walked into the kitchen and returned with a rainbow blanket.
"M-Mama...I..." He gently took it from her hands and wrapped it around himself. "I love it. Thank you."
"I'm glad but you know your father paid for it right?" Michael was taken back by that fact as be turned to look at this version of his father.
He seemed peaceful, much nicer compared to his real father.
"You don't have to be scared that I'm gonna hate you son." Michael had never heard his father call him son before. "I'm not like your father back home." He made his way over to Michael and put a hand on his shoulder. "I'm proud of you for coming out...and being yourself."
Michael actually started crying tears of joy. He'd wanted to hear those words for so long.
"I love you son." He got down on his knees and hugged Michael, who hugged back in tears.
"I love you too Papa..." He whispered, smiling almost as wide as he had when cuddling Jeremy.
"Okay we're gonna make dinner, Mahal, you and Jeremy can continue playing games until we finish alright?" Michael nodded and his other parents went into the kitchen.
"So, whaddya think?" Jeremy asked and Michael sat back down and smiled.
"...I like it..."
"Good. Now c'mon, let's get back to our game." Jeremy kissed Michael again before starting the next level.
Michael couldn't help but smile through it. This is what he'd wanted for so long...
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