Odyssey Pt 1
In honor of me getting my Nintendo Switch, here's a chapter based off of Mario Odyssey...plot wise anyways...minus Cappy as a character because I wanna have Christine be Luigi (which makes Jenna Daisy ooh la la)
TW: I don't think there is a trigger Warning in this
Michael had his hands in fists as he stared at his very challenge standing in between him and his lover.
"Just let him go, and I won't try to kill you for the millionth time." Squip laughed at Michael, taking a step closer.
"This is the last time you're gonna meddle in my business Michael." He smiled wide, holding his hand out and shooting electricity at Michael, causing him to freeze in his path.
He walked over and took his hat off, twirling it around.
"Heh, you actually thought you'd stop my wedding with Prince Jeremy, didn't you?" Michael looked back at his caged lover, who was trying to escape but failing, tears escaping his eyes. "Well too bad." Squip kicked Michael as hard as he could, right off the airship in which they were on.
"Michael no!!" Jeremy yelled, watching as his savior fell to his death.
"Now that he's gone. How's about we prepare for that royal wedding, hmm Prince?" Squip held Jeremy's chin up and the boy cried...how was he gonna get out of this?
Michael woke up in the somewhat familiar home he was used to...except it looked destroyed.
"Michael you're back!!" He turned around to see Christine running over to him. "Where's Jeremy!?" Michael looked down in response, alarming Christine. "Oh no, what happened? Did Squip hurt him?"
"No.. he wants to marry him... he's planning on heading to different kingdoms and preparing for the wedding and I have no way to stop him." Michael wiped his eyes and looked up from where he fell.
The airship, and Jeremy, were both gone.
"I failed to protect everybody."
"Don't say that Michael, I'm sure we'll get him back. We just need an airship right?"
"Give me a few minutes and I'll be right back." She ran off, leaving Michael to look around at his beloved home in sorrow. Shops destroyed, houses completely gone...people crying and injured...Squip had gone too far this time.
Within a few minutes, Christine was back with two of their good friends, that being Rich and Jake (Rich is Captain Toad, Jake is just a Toad, and like...I dunno i think it's funny).
"Remember when we went to space? These two had their little Shroomship, and they said they're willing to let us use it!!" Christine clapped her hands together and Michael smiled.
"Then let's get going, we have to track Squip and Jeremy now."
"You're gonna need this first." Christine placed a red hat on Michael's head and he smiled. "You seemed to have lost your normal one, so I found this old one."
"This is the hat Jeremy made me when I first rescued him." Michael spoke softly as he held it in his hands. He placed it back on his head and smiled. "Let's do this."
(Back to Squip and Jeremy)
"Now, if he is alive, I want you four to stop him, okay?" Squip addressed his four loyal henchmen and they all nodded. "I'm sending Shane(play Squip, named after Shane Falco. I name Squips after Keanu Reeves characters)first, he'll be a good distraction for Michael."
"You bet I will!!" Shane exclaimed happily, readjusting his glowing indigo sunglasses happily.
"The rest of you can watch my soon to be groom while I start preparing for our big day." Squip sent an air kiss towards the still caged Jeremy, who was angrily gripping the bars.
"Michael will stop you Squip, and you know that!! He's never let you win before and he definitely won't now!"
"Oh you're just in denial Miah, once we're married you'll see how much better I am than some pathetic common boy." Squip winked at Jeremy before leaving.
Jeremy looked out the airship's window and sighed.
"I hope you get here soon Michael..." He whispered, wiping the tears out of his eyes and sighing. "Please..."
(Back to our crew)
"Guyth I found thomething!!" Rich yelled, looking at the Shroomship's monitor in panic and excitement at the same time.
Michael ran over and his eyes widened when he recognized the object as one of Squip's many airships.
"Rich, set sail for that ship." Michael told him and Rich did as told. "We're coming Jeremy..."
(Time skip)
Michael was staring out the window as the indigo colored airship came into view. Definitely not a normal airship, but no doubt it was one that belonged to Squip.
When they were close enough, Michael and Christine jumped on to the ship and looked around.
"Why is it so empty?" Michael asked before something landed next to him. He looked up to see a male that looked similar to the Squip standing on the flagpole of the ship.
He was holding a purple bazooka gun and was wearing sunglasses, as well as a flowing black and indigo trench coat.
"Hello Losers!!" He exclaimed, jumping on to the deck. "Boss ordered me to hurt you, so that's what I'ma do." He aimed the gun directly at Michael, launching a missile. Michael jumped out of the way and laughed. "Hey you weren't supposed to move!!"
"Yeah well I guess you don't know how this works...umm...what's you name?"
"I prefer the Stunningly Sinister Shane Squip but you may call me Shane." He snarked and Michael jumped up and landed behind him, kicking him to the ground.
"Well then Shane, I want you to go back to your boss and tell him I'm coming for Jeremy, whether he likes it or not. And if he really wants to rid himself of me, he'll have to try harder than a pathetic sap like you." Michael grabbed the bazooka and shot a hole in the flag and through the ship. "Chris run this thing's goin down!!" He yelled and she ran to the Shroomship, and he was right behind her.
Shane was panicking as he tried to get his ship back in the air, failing miserably.
Back in the Shroomship, Michael watched as the indigo blur fell down into the ocean below them.
"Hey you alright?" Christine asked, putting a hand on her friend's shoulder.
"No...we have to find Jeremy soon Chris, I'm gonna go insane if we don't."
"We will find him Michael, I promise. Now don't cry on us, we need you to tell us what to do next." Michael nodded and headed back to Rich and the helm of the ship.
"Can you track any more airships?" Rich shook his head but continued to try.
Michael sighed and sat down, sitting the hat in front of his face and going to sleep, only dreaming of rescuing Jeremy.
Yes, he'd done this many a time before...but Squip wanted to MARRY Jeremy...his love...he wanted to take him away...and Michael was scared he might not get his Prince back...
Miltipart chapter but IDC I'm proud of it
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