Not Him Pt 2
After this miniseries I'll start writing that Coraline AU I promised in the comments section
TW: swearing, mentions of the abuse and manipulation my smol is going through
Jeremy's POV
I walked out of the bathroom and knew I had an hour of free time before students came back out... I'd find Jenna and Christine then. That's what I have to do, for now, I'm gonna follow that shapeshifter and Michael around.
Everytime I look at Michael I break a little from how dead he looks. Used to if I touched him he'd turn the prettiest shades of crimson but when this shapeshifter me touches him, he does nothing. No response...unless he's told to.
I observe them all throughout class, and I can see that red energy seeping from Michael's chest to his hand and to the shapeshifter. I've gotta stop him before all of Michael's emotions are gone for good...I've got to.
Finally the bell rings and I rush out of class, looking around for Jenna and Christine, and quickly spot then heading towards their second period, which is drama for them.
I run over to the door and stand in front of it, praying they'll see me.
"Jeremy?" Christine asked, squinting her eyes a bit. "Jenna do you see Jeremy in front of the door?"
"Yep. But he's see translucent...wait, are you dead?" Jenna whispered and I shook my head, then realized I don't know if I'm dead.
"I-I....look I need your help. You know about dark magic and weird non-human creatures right?" They both nodded. "W-Well Michael's being manipulated by some kind of s-shapeshifter that's been eating his emotions and using them as energy." I was frantic in my explanation and the two looked at each other with wide eyes and back at me.
"Jeremy, we'll have to talk about this later, when nobody around. You need to get as much information on this as possible." Christine told me and I nodded, running off to my second period with Michael.
I find him falling asleep in class, and I knew he'd get in trouble from it, so I gently pressed a hand against his neck, hoping to move him.
And I guess since he was now mentally connected to the shapeshifter he could feel it, cause he jolted up. I smiled, glad I could help him to an extent.
I also noticed how everybody fell for that shapeshifter being me. It's like it had everybody tricked...wait...oh shit what if that's what it's gonna do. It's gonna do this to everybody!? you don't know that. But you sure don't know what the hell is going on either, or have you even survived without a body...or anything.
(To after school bc I'm lazy)
I found Christine and Jenna outside waiting for me, I think, and ran over to them.
"Okay good, we can go now." Jenna acted as if something else had been hindering them, so nobody thought they were crazy and talking to themselves.
I followed them to their car and sat in the back, hoping they could help me find my body and save Michael.
"Alright, Jeremy do you know why you're...translucent?" Christine asked and I shook my head. "Do you remember anything before this morning?"
"Okay...Jenna I think we might be able to figure out what happened if we figure out what happened to Jeremy before this. Cause I have a feeling this is deeper than it seems.
"You're probably right Chris." I didn't speak as they talked about what spells to use and help restore my memories...anything to help me get Michael back...if that's what it would take...
"Okay Jeremy sit in the circle please." Jenna pointed at a circle on the floor and I stared at her in confusion. "This isn't a demonic or satanic ritual Jeremy I promise." I shrugged and sat down, my knees huddled into my chest.
"Okay, now we're gonna use this to figure out what happened to you." Christine pulled out a pendant and gave it to me...and I could touch it. "Put it on and close your eyes, you should wake up in your memories before this morning."
"Okay." I was extremely unsure about this but I did as told, and when I opened my eyes I was in a grayscale version of my highschool. The hell?
I looked around and seen...wait is that Michael? But... he's...see through...shit what's going on!?
I walk over to him but he doesn't see me, figures, I'm not supposed to be here, and this is only a memory.
Eventually I see myself walking up to the school, amongst other students, and this past me makes his way to the front steps that another Michael!? I'm so confused.
I follow them inside and surprise, they head to a bathroom...and what I witnessed back then probably horrified me.
That past me went through the same shit my Michael did...but much worse. Because he...I...was awake. I felt my body being drained of life...until it fell unconscious.
This Michael clearly wasn't a human, clearly he was a shapeshifter, and he picked up my body and looked outside, nobody was in the halls, and he left the school, playing my body right outside where the other Michael had been standing, and he snapped.
Everything flashed white and I seen back to this morning, and seen myself looking around confused.
I shot up in Christine's room, holding my heart and breathing heavily.
"Jeremy what happened? What'd you see?" Jenna asked, and Christine took the pendant back.
"I... I am dead...I lost all my emotions to a shapeshifter who looked like Michael...and then he did something and now I'm like this...and that same shapeshifter is abusing Michael... it''s an endless loop...because Michael was like me in my flashback... I...I can't win..." I cried softly before feeling the world fade away from me.
I had no clue what was happening but I was horrified... until I felt arms wrap around me. I turned to see the translucent Michael from before, and realized we were both dead.. that he'd lost all of his energy and feelings like I had...and I sank into the hug, hearing him cry.
This was my original Michael... the one who'd been taken from me...this was my love...the real one...I smiled and turned around softly into the hug so I could look at him better.
"It's r-r-really you...isn't it?" I asked softly and he kissed my nose and held me close.
"'s me's me...I'm sorry I didn't save you in time..." He cried and I held him close to myself and kissed him gently, forgetting how his lips has felt and smiling.
"Hey, we're both...dead..I think...but we're together...this...this is us... we're alright...Micha..." We were now just cuddling in the darkness, until everything began flashing white. "No...shit...I don't wanna leave you..."
"I don't think that's what's happening." With that we felt the light overtake out bodies.
I woke up in my bed, Michael next to me, and we were staring at each other.
"Are we still...dead?" I whispered and he shook his head, holding me close and kissing me softly.
"We're okay Jere... things are the way they should be now..." He smiled and I cuddled myself into him, never wanting to leave.
I knew this was reality...the end of the loop...somehow I'd gotten back home...maybe he'd saved me...but I was back home...
Ok that was confusing but basically the original Michael had been replaced by a shapeshifter who ripped him from his body to use it for himself.
The Jeremy in that universe lost his energy and died, quickly replacing Michael as the universe "reset" itself.
Then the intro to the first part happened, but now the original Michael and Jeremy are back together.
It's early, this was slightly rushed, but at least my sons r happy
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