Remember that one book I wrote but took down bc Michael and Jeremy were both being stupid assholes
I'm rewriting it as a one shot!
TW: swearing, mention of transphobia and dysphoria well as misgendering, but it ends on a good note.
Jeremy Heere was definitely the jealous type. But that was only when it came to his crushes, which currently was his best friend, Michael Mell.
But...there was somebody else, it seemed, and Jeremy was extremely jealous of him.
That boy was Nick Canigula, Christine's cousin on her dad's brother's side. Nick was nice, Jeremy wasn't going to lie, in fact he was one of the nicest people at Middleborough...but Michael was seeming to take a liking to him.
Jeremy had spotted Michael wrapping his arms around Nick in the hallways, he caught Nick in Michael's hoodie before...hell he caught them "cuddling" once.
And it broke his heart...because he wanted that to be him. He wanted to be Michael's boyfriend, he wanted to date his best friend...but he didn't want to upset him either.
Jeremy didn't want to make Michael feel like he was forced into a relationship, so he didn't say anything. He let Michael be happy...even if it was at his own expenses.
One day in particular, during the after school play rehearsal, which was performing their spring play, and somehow Christine had got the rights to perform Heathers, Nick and Michael were in the control booth, and Jeremy, who wasn't currently on stage, was watching from afar, sadness overtaking his person.
"Hey Jeremy are you okay? You look sad." Jeremy turned to see Brooke standing there looking at him sympathetically.
"I...No I'm not okay..." He mumbled, and she plopped in the seat next to him, trying to figure out what he was looking at. "It's up there..."
"Oh, you mean Nick and Michael?" She pointed gently and he nodded.
"Mmhm..." Jeremy was now holding back tears now and Brooke sighed.
"I know how that feels...I was like that when Chloe was dating Jake...I still am like that..."
"You like Jake?" Jeremy asked and Brooke cringed.
"No, he's nice but he's really was Chloe I wanted to be with..."
"Oh...Oh you like Chloe?"
"Mmhm...I've been hiding how much I love her for what feels like years now."
"But...she's a bitch..." Jeremy whispered and Brooke nodded, knowing he was right.
"But she's also really nice once you spend time with her not around others. She has it rough, she never sees her parents because they're always out in business. She has to watch her cousins every weekend, and they're brats... she's stressed so much she takes it out on everybody else...even me..."
"Shit I didn't know that..."
"Back to your problem, do you even know if they're dating?"
"Well ask Michael! Find out if your jealousy is valid."
"BROOKE! We're getting in costumes to see if they fit, I need you down here!" Christine yelled, the black skirt gently flowing against her heels. "Jeremy you too."
"Do I have to wear a dress Christine?" Jeremy whined, following Brooke to the stage.
"Yes. I would play Veronica, but I look like Heather Duke. So I'm playing her. Your costumes are labelled behind the set. MICHAEL WE NEED YOU DOWN HERE AS WELL!!" Christine yelled through the megaphone, and Michael came out of the control room and down towards Christine. "We need a JD. You wanna be JD?" She asked and Michael realized he'd be Jeremy's boyfriend in this...and nodded.
"He's the slushy dude right?"
"No JD is the emotionally unstable-" she stopped herself, "yes Michael he's the slushy dude." Michael smiled and ran back to get his costume.
He and Jeremy changed near each other because they were comfortable as hell with it.
"Hey Michael, I need to ask you a question..." Jeremy mumbled, removing his cardigan and shirt, and putting the undershrit on, fixing the annoying blue gem on the neck and admiring it a bit.
"Alright buddy, what is it?" Michael asked with a smile on his face, and Jeremy blushed heavily from both the cuteness and the fact Michael was in a tanktop at the moment.
"Are you and Nick...Dating?"
"What? No. What made you think that?" Michael asked, shoving the trench coat on over his body and grabbing a comb and pulling his hair down.
"Cause you two have been really close recently, I was starting to think you were dating... you've always got your arm around him, you're always letting him have your hoodie, you're... you just seem so...he makes you happy, it looks like he does anyways and it makes me jealous."
"Jeremy...I was never doing that to be romantic with Nick."
"Then what were you doing it fo-"
"Nick is trans, Jeremy. He's still insecure about it. His ex boyfriend literally abused him when he came out. He wears my hoodie because he doesn't have a binder, I wrap my arm around him to try and help him with physical contact other than abuse. I'm just trying to help him...he was misgendered for so long, from what he told me anyways...he just wanted a friend..."
"Oh...I...I never felt like I was being...replaced...ignored, even..." Jeremy was tearing up and Michael quickly made his way over to him and wiped his tears away.
"No...I would never replace you Jeremy. I care too much to do that... you're my Player know that..."
"I know..." Jeremy gently pushed Michael's arm off his shoulder, and sighed. "I just...I guess my stupid crush got me jealous, and green clearly isn't a pretty color on me..."
"Wait, you're jealous of...of Nick?"
"Yeah, because I like you. I love you, Michael, and I just...wish I wasn't so damn jealous because maybe then I wouldn't be arguing with you about it...God I'm fuckin selfish....heh..."
"Jeremy I...I love you too...I've literally been pining over you since seventh freaking grade."
"You have?"
"Yes. I've wanted to date you for...for so long...why do you think I'm actually acting in this damn play as your boyfriend?"
"Musical, first of all and...and I thought you were in it for the slushies."
"No..." Michael grabbed Jeremy's hands and gently kissed his nose. "I'm in it for you. Because I love you so much..." Jeremy wrapped his arms around Michael's waist and pulled himself into the taller male.
"I love you too Michael..."
"OH MY GOD IT'TH CANON!!" Michael and Jeremy turned to see Rich and Jake recording the last few seconds of what had just happened. "Dude it'th funny becauthe our characterth make fun of Michael'th character for being gay. They actually are gay."
"Rich we literally have a song being sung about how we are dead and gay."
"Be quiet Jake."
Michael and Jeremy just giggled before Jeremy put the rest of his dress on.
"You know what my favorite part of this is gonna be?" Michael asked and Jeremy shrugged. "Dead Girl Walking and Seventeen."
"Wait but what about Freeze your Brain?"
"Eh, too depressing."
"Says us. The angst highschool teens who hate ourselves."
"That's literally every musical protagonist ever it seems."
"Shut up Michael." Jeremy held his croquet mallet towards Michael, who gently pushed it down and leaned over the handle to kiss Jeremy.
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