Does it Feel Right?
So I mentioned this to MichaelMellisMyChild and MCR_musicals and now this AU exists.
And this my friends is why I'm not allowed to watch old Nickelodeon shows
You'll figure out soon enough what this is. I assure you.
This is fluff and angst
TW: swearing
"Hey Evan I'm goin with Chris and Michael to get some slushies, you want any?" Jeremy asked, about to leave tje apartment. "Umm....what are you making?"
"It''s umm...tree art."
"I know that but... it's a metal tree." Jeremy observed the creation in utter confusion.
"Y-Yes. Also I...umm, don't want anything."
"Okay then. Bye bro." Evan waved at Jeremy as the younger male left the apartment.
Once down in the lobby he spotted Christine trying to leave but her dad trying to...Jeremy didn't even know what.
"I'm trying to clean your ears Christine would you just-"
"Stop! I'm just going to get slushies! You this when I get back." She sighed, pushing her dad off and spotting Jeremy. "Jeremy let's go please."
"Okay. Where is Michae-"
"Right here, Heere." Michael was eating sushi as he ran down the steps. That boy was almost always eating. "So we going now?"
"You're our ride so yeah."
"Okay then let's get the hell outta this place."
The three walked into the slushy place, like it wasn't even a Seven Eleven it was literally a slushy place, and were greeted by the employee who knew them best, JD.
"I already got you three hooked up." He handed them all slushies, and Michael looked at him in confusion.
"Jason how did you know we were coming?"
"Rich told me. Also please tell him to put a damn shirt on."
"Well we got our slushies, do we have to pay or...?" Jeremy asked and JD shook his head. Christine went over and grabbed Rich's arm and dragged him out of the store.
"Okay now that we have drinks, let's talk ideas for the show tonight. I was thinking of messing with Sal and Keira again, you know the fans love that." Michael was getting his PT Cruiser started up and Jeremy sat down next to him, checking some notifications on his phone.
"Some of them want a Q and A session. I mean, we could. We could use the Sal and Keira thing as the opening number, then we could do the Q and A."
"That sounds good. Long as Rich keeps his damn shirt on." Christine muttered and Rich sighed.
"Why do you inthitht I wear a thhirt?" None of them answered that.
"Okay. We're live in five, four, three, two-" Christine pressed record and Jeremy and Michael smiled at the camera.
"Hello internet. I'm Jeremy!"
"And I'm Michael." They looked at each other before speaking in unison.
"And this is iJeremy."
"The webshow where we prank our twin door...well not doormen, Keira's a girl, but we prank our door people on a daily basis!" Jeremy laughed a bit, and Michael pressed a button on his blue remote and cued a laugh track.
"And we're gonna do just that. Our friend Rich is in disguise as a girl skout, and he's going to deliver a thing I explosive prank muffins to Sal and Keira." Michael explained, pressing another button to move the little screen in back closet. "Christine, switch it to the small cam."
"Switching to small cam." Christine typed something into her computer and the audience was now seeing what was happening down in the lobby.
As explained, Rich was dressed like a girl, and he managed to sell muffins to Sal and Keira.
"Now watch as they pick up the muffins." Michael narrated through chewing muffins of his own. "And...Now." Jeremy pressed a button on a tiny remote and the muffins exploded, getting all over Sal and Keira's faces. They were screaming at each other and Michael and Jeremy laughed violently.
"Okay that's enough of that. Now for the real juicy stuff, the Q and A." The camera moved back to Jeremy, who told Christine to key the questions on screen.
"What's question one Chris?" Michael asked and Christine pulled it up.
"Oh's asking who you have a crush on, me or Michael?" She asked and Michael turned red, so did Jeremy. "Jeremy you're gonna have to answer."
"I...I don't have a c-crush...can we move on to another question please!?"
Jeremy was sitting outside on the balcony, hugging his legs, trying not to think about the question from earlier. He'd be lying if he said he didn't like Michael more than Christine...but he knew he'd lose fans if he chose Michael over Christine.
"Hey, you okay Jere?" Michael came out the window, and Jeremy looked at him sadly. "Jeremy?"
"Michael...can honest...for a second?" Jeremy muttered and Michael sat next to him and nodded. "Okay. So...earlier...when I was basically asked who I or Christine...I...I do like one of you..."
"Oh...which one of us?"
"'s...I don't really wanna say...because the fans would be pissed..."
"Well half maybe but no matter what you choose, they wouldn't be real fans if they left because of your choices." Michael wrapped an arm around Jeremy and scooted closed. " it me or Chris?"
"I...I don't know how to tell you..." Jeremy sighed and Michael looked up at the sky and smiled.
"You don't have to tell me now. Just tell me when you're ready." Jeremy's eyes widened and he gently nudged Michael. "You rea-" Michael stopped when Jeremy's lips met with his.
Jeremy moved his hand to Michael's cheek and released gently, a smile on his face as he hugged Michael.
"It's me...isn't it?" He nodded and Michael hugged him back.
"Jeremy...why did you lie earlier?" They turned to see Christine watching in pain.
"Chris I didn't want the fans to be pissed."
"It's...okay...I'm gonna go before my dad kills me when I get home." She waved, heading to the elevator.
Jeremy went to stop her but Michael pulled him down.
"Let her be Jeremy. I promise, if this feels right to you, it's right... it's your choice. Now, how's about we kids again, it felt good?"
"O-Okay." Jeremy blushed and Michael brought him close and kissed him again, and they fell into it softly, and smiled into it.
When they released, they were both blushing.
"I love you Michael...I'm glad you're my co-host."
"And your boyfriend."
"Yes...I love that you're my boyfriend..."
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