Couple Swap: I L*** **o
So me and MichaelMellisMyChild were on our discord chat and a brilliant idea was created
This is our brain child. We named it the BMC couple swap au.
And it doesn't line up exactly with the canon story, for instance, Michael still has both parents and is very gay and he's lying to himself about a fake crush on Jenna.
And Jeremy is hella gay for Michael
Oh and the last names swap.
TW: swearing, sad walnut son, this is a three parter
Jeremy sighed as he put his headphones on and started playing his angsty video game music playlist. He proceeded to throw his hood on and fall back on his bed, holding his bright red teddy bear tightly in his arms, not caring that he was getting tears all over it.
"Son I'm going to work okay?" His dad knocked on the door and Jeremy mumbled an 'okay'. After his dad left Jeremy began sobbing, only occasionally stopping to mumbled Michael's name in pain.
Because he was in pain. Not physical pain obviously...but pain none the less.
After what felt like an hour, Jeremy had lost count, there was a large bang at the door. He looked up to see Michael's mom, Maganda, standing there in a frizzled mess.
"Mrs. Heere(the last names r swapped this is so weird)...?"
"You need to save your boyfriend...I son."
"Michael. You need to save Michael."
"But he doesn't wanna talk to m-me right now...I mean I don't blame him. I'm the embodiment of a loser..." Jeremy mumbled throw sobs and Maganda got on the bed and took Jeremy's headphones off.
"Jeremy. Michael isn't in a good place and we both know that. He's fucked something up and I don't know what but you do. I know you do." Jeremy didn't make eye contact at this. "And I know you love him. But because we do, that means what he does hurts us the can't sit around here doing nothing while he fucks up his life. I don't know how to stop whatever this is...but you do. You know how to help I need you to do that. He's not gonna listen to me and his dad isn't what he needs...he needs you. He needs you to get your ass over there and save him whether he knows it or not...can you do that Jeremy?"
"I...I can try..." Jeremy wiped tears out of his and readjusted his glasses. "No. I will. I'm gonna save him. I'm comin' for you Mikey!!" Jeremy ran to the door and grabbed his hoodie, running out of the room. "Bye Mrs. Heere!"
"Go! Go and save your boyfriend Jeremy!!" She yelled as he ran to the school.
Jeremy slowly crept into the auditorium, pulling the bottle of Mountain Dew Red out of his pocket to make sure it was still full.
It was.
He sat in the back row and watched the play in pretty much complete and total boredom...until he seen Michael on stage talking to...himself? And then Chloe came on, drank something, and her eyes glowed red before she walked off stage.
"You...You're gonna Squip the whole cast!" Jeremy's eyes widened when Michael said that. He was talking to the Squip...not himself. "This isn't what I wanted!!"
Pause. Very long pause. Jeremy realized everybody thought this was a part of the show and figured that he could run in from the audience and break the illusion. Warning them to leave.
"Alcohol messed you up right? I can get drunk!!" Another pause. "There has to be a way to shut you down you're a super compute-" Michael seemed to have been cut off and Jeremy began making his way to the left side of the auditorium. He'd have to run on stage just when he needed to. "That's...that's it!! Green Mountain Dew activates you red shuts you off!"
Jeremy began making his way towards the stage quickly.
"Or a friend who's so old school he buys nineties soft drinks from the back room at a Spencer's Gifts!" Michael froze, Jeremy was watching from the side of the stage, wiping tears out of his eyes from the fact that Michael still considered him a friend. "Jeremy! Call Jeremy!!"
Michael dropped his phone and it slid over to Jeremy, who took in a deep breath, took a step back, before finally running on to the stage.
"JEREMY MAKES AN ENTRANCE!!" He yelled loudly snd Michael shook his head and looked up with tears on his face.
"J-Jeremy!!" He scrambled up and ran over to hug Jeremy tightly, and Jeremy smiled as he hugged back.
"I was in the audience and was like this is pretty good for a school play, but then I was like this is WAY too good for a school play. The whole cast is Squipped right!?" Jeremy spoke quickly, mainly because he had no time to stall and he had to work quickly cause he couldn't see his opponent.
"Wait. You came to see me in the play?" Michael asked, dumbfounded.
"Yep. I even brought my own refreshments!" Jeremy finally pulled the tiny bottle out and held it in the spotlight.
"I-Is that-"
"Mountain Dew Red? Yep. Told you I did my research."
"That's...That's amazing! Give it to me!" Michael barely touched the bottle before Jeremy pulled it away.
"Not yet. I want you to listen to me. Then I'll give it you."
"Jeremy I need this plea-"
"No!! You've ignored me all week, I think it's time you listen!"
"F-Fine but hurry please." Michael was sweating and Jeremy took in a deep breath before he began speaking.
"Michael...I love you."
"I love you."
"Jeremy I can't understand what you're saying."
"I'm saying I love you. Like. All the homo!!"
"Jeremy I literally can't hear you, the Squip isn't letting me." Jeremy wanted to pull Michael into a kiss to tell him what he wanted but he couldn't. He wasn't going to let his crush get in the way of saving Michael at least.
Michael then fell to the floor crying, and Jeremy's stress went even higher thsn it had been.
"J-Jeremy...The Squip...It...I-It wants to take over my me please..." Michael whispered through broken sobs and Jeremy ran over and wrapped arms around Michael to hold him down.
"Yo Rich!!" Jeremy yelled and Rich turned around, his arms out in an awkward position from the casts wrapped around them. "Can you maybe use your body to hold Michael down so I can shove this Mountain Dew Red down his throat?"
"Okay?" Rich made his way over to somehow hold Michael down but his eyes turned red and he screamed in pain quickly.
He then grabbed the bottle out of Jeremy's hands, the cast breaking in the process.
"R-Rich?" Jeremy asked but Rich just flashed him the creepiest smile he'd ever seen before and took the life off the bottle, pouring most of it out and throwing it behind him.
"The Squip healed your arms!?" Michael yelled and Rich shrugged, smirk still on his face.
"Nah. But I can't feel pain anymore. GOD. I love myself." Jeremy picked Michael up and began trying to move away from Rich, only more Michael to bump into Chloe and Brooke.
He gulped, grabbing Jeremy's hand and hiding behind him, causing Jeremy's face to burn up.
"There you are Mikey." The girls said in unison, their zombie like stance making it only more creepy.
"I just want you to know I'm not mad you broke my heart and dated my best friend." Chloe said bittersweetly, holding Michael's free hand in her own.
Brooke came up from behind Michael, wrapping arms around his waist.
"And I'm not mad you dated my best friend but wouldn't sleep with me." Brooke sounded slightly sarcastic, the red glow in her eyes making Michael sweat more than he already was.
"He didn't sleep with you?" Chloe released.
"No. He didn't sleep with you?" Brooke released.
"No." Both girls gasped before holding hands with smiles on their faces.
"Oh my God why was I so jealous of you!? You were jealous of me!? That's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, sisters forever, jinx." They were no longer holding on to Michael, nor were they paying attention to him.
He looked apast Jeremy to see the bottle of Mountain Dew Red laying on the ground, some liquid still inside.
"Jeremy. There's still some left in the bottle." Jeremy looked over quickly, then back to Michael.
"How the hell do you expect me to get apast them? There's tons of them!"
"Apocolypse of the Damned. Level nine."
"The cafetorium." They said in unison, hands locked tightly around each other, not romantically, more as if a handshake, and Jeremy nodded.
"Got it." The two began running, and at one point one of the cast members tried to tackle Michael, which received them a slap to the face from Jeremy, who through a thumbs up as Michael stood up and followed him.
They finally got to the bottle, wide smiles as they held it in their hands.
"I know what you're doing Jeremy." The boys turned to see Christine standing in a spotlight, and Jeremy's heart stopped at her words.
She knew. Somebody he didn't trust knew.
"I know what everybody's doing. ALL THE TIME!" She grabbed Jeremy by the hood, pushing Michael away from him. Jeremy threw the bottle at Michael, who caught it and began yelling at the Squip.
Jeremy felt the students wrapping their hands around his arms, some ripping his sleeves slightly, and he was trying to pull away, but everything stopped when the spotlight was on Jenna, who was walking towards the middle of the room from behind Jeremy, making her way towards Michael.
She was singing, her words sweet as ever, and Jeremy watched in absolute pain as she lifted Michael's hands in her own and moved inches away from his face.
Michael was staring at her with a ref face, sweat still visible. He looked behind her for a second to see Jeremy whisper something...and he heard it. He then held the bottle out for Jenna, asking her to drink it.
She did.
And everybody began screaming. The first ones to fall were Christine and Rich, then Brooke and Chloe, then Jenna...and Michael was still standing.
He was on his knees, holding his head in absolute pain, screaming as loud as possible, and tears were running down his caramel cheeks.
His eyes were glowing red before his body finally gave out and he fell unconscious.
Jeremy ran over, ignoring the passed out Christine who had been holding him down, and gently lifted Michael up.
He cried, smiling a bit as he moved some of the teen's almost black hair out of his face.
"I love you Michael....I love you..."
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