Catch Your Breathe
I was talking to MichaelMellisMyChild about this AU. So they know what this is.
TW: swearing. As usual. Oh and a near death experience
Michael looked down at the glowing light from beneath the water, trying to move closer to it without hurting himself on some of the nearby rocks, which he could hardly see because it was night.
"The hell is tha-aaaAAAAA-" Michael tripped on something and fell into the water feeling as if he were being sucked into some kind of whirlpool and he couldn't get out.
And eventually he couldn't hold his breath anymore and he had to open his mouth, his eyes closing softly.
Was this gonna be how he died? Stupidity? Trying to touch some probably dangerous light in the water? Yeah. Yeah that's how he was going to die.
He felt water going through his lungs and it hurt...a lot. He needed to choke it out but the more he tried the more water filled into him.
And the more it burned.
He stopped struggling against it amd accepted the fact he wasn't gonna live. He felt some slight tears escape his eyes and merge with the water at the thought of the cute little swimmer boy he'd made just weeks ago...and how he'd fallen in love...
Jeremy....the name would forever ring in his head.
After he'd probably fallen unconscious, or almost, he felt a soft but scaly hand on both sides of his cheeks, and soon felt lips touching his own.
Jeremy had been swimming alongside Christine, the two searching the small underwater village for any humans who could've fallen in.
Luckily Christine noticed one out of the corner of her eye.
"Jeremy, there's one. You remember what to do right? It has been a while and-"
"I know how to give t-them air bubbles. Let's just...go see who they are first." Jeremy led the way, his long, black and blue tail gently glowing against the dark water.
As the duo got closer, Jeremy was starting to make out the figure, and when he finally did, he swam as fast as possible over there.
"Jeremy are you okay?" Christine asked and Jeremy looked the figure up and down with worry in his face.
"Chris we gotta save him."
"Then save him." Jeremy gently held the person's face, both his hands tingling at the touch of soft skin under them, and he gently pressed his lips against theirs.
As he breathed into the kiss, a bubble quickly formed around the person's head, but they still remained unconscious.
"Jeremy what are you gonna do with him?"
"I'm taking him home to make sure he lives." Jeremy told her quickly, wrapping his arms under the boy's back and swimming back to his conch house.
He gently sat the boy on to his seaweed bed and sat in the shell chair on the opposite side of the room, waiting for the boy to wake up.
An hour later, Michael gasped for breath, and to his surprise, got it. He looked around at his surroundings, confused as to where he was, before he heard... swimming?
"You're awake!!" He turned to see somebody next to his bed, and froze when he noticed that he had no legs, but a long, glowing tail. "Thank God I was so fuckin worried you weren't gonna wake up."
"Am I...Am I dead...?" Michael asked and the boy shook his head.
"Michael, it's me, Jeremy. I saved you. You almost died out there."
"'re a-"
"Merman? Yeah." Jeremy looked down, his slightly blue tinted hair falling in his face sadly.
"That's so cool. I assume you were the glowing blue light I saw." Michael smiled and Jeremy looked up in confusion.
"You...aren't freaked out by me?"
"No, hell, how many people can say they're friends with a fuckin" Michael chuckled awkwardly and Jeremy blushed a bit. "Especially one who's so adorable." Michael covered his mouth after and Jeremy stared in silence.
He quickly grabbed Michael's hand, surprised he didn't resist.
"You...You think I'm...adorable?" He finally asked and Michael nodded.
"Very...I actually kind" Michael's voice kept getting quieter and quieter and Jeremy moved one of his scaly, webbed hands to Michael's cheek and smiled softly.
"I like you romantically too...actually...and yeah it's only been a few weeks but I've really wanted to ask you if you would be my b-boyf....boyf-"
"Riend?" Jeremy nodded as Michael finished his thoughts and their eyes met each other as they both blushed intensely. "Yeah...yeah I'll totally date you..." Jeremy's ears stuck up and his blushed hared, gently wrapping his tail above the bed and smiling wider.
"Wow...umm...I wasn't expecting a yes...I wasn't expecting to get this far...honestly."
"So...can I go back home now? I don't really like being underwater." Michael whispered and Jeremy nodded, holding his hand and beginning to swim outside.
They swam up to the surface and Michael seen a glow and looked back as Jeremy's tail split into legs.
"There we go. Now just find my swim trunks...there they are...and there." Jeremy pulled the pants on and Michael covered his eyes because Jeremy had practically just been nude in front of him. "Sorry bout that. Now. Let's get you home."
"Where did all the water on you go?" Michael asked as Jeremy led him through the town to the small beach house in which he was staying.
"Oh, as a mermaid I absorb water in as air until I reach land. Then it just dissolves."
"And your fins? And fish ears? And gills even? Where do they go?"
"They disappear until I go back underwater." Jeremy knocked on the Mell family's door, awaiting a response. "They'll be glad to know I saved you."
"Y-Yeah." The door opened and one of Michael's mothers, Maganda, pulled him in, not realizing how soaked he was. "Mama are you okay?"
"Mallory we don't need to call authorities, Michael's okay!!" She yelled, and she heard her wife beginning to make her way downstairs.
"Mama what are yo-"
"Where were you Mahal? I thought you were kidnapped?" Maganda asked with worry and that's where Jeremy came in.
"He followed me to the dock tonight to tell me he loved me, but he fell and didn't get time to catch his breathe. Luckily I swim around there all the time and I performed CPR (go Bro Duet jokes). Then I brought him home." Jeremy smiled sweetly and Maganda hugged him next.
"Thank you for returning my son. And saving his life. Me and Mallory were scared we'd have to call authorities or start planning a funeral." As if on cur, Mallory came downstairs and practically crushed Michael in a hug.
"Hi Ma..." He whispered and she just kept hugging tighter.
Jeremy explained the story to her as well and she nodded with a thankful smile.
Jeremy finally had to leave, sad to say goodbye to Michael.
"I'll visit again tomorrow okay Jeremy?" Michael asked, and Jeremy nodded, the two kissing at the front door before Jeremy left.
Michael felt his lips and realized they were a little wet from Jeremy's water absorbtion.
He smiled as he watched his boyfriend walk towards the dock, blushing all the while, not even hearing his mothers' whispers.
"It's just like how we met Mallory."
"Yeah it really is. You think we oughta tell him?"
"Let's wait for a little while longer."
"Alright love." Mallory gently brought Maganda into a kiss, and Maganda kissed back softly, loving the slight tasteless feel of water on her lips.
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