Be Careful What You Wish For
This is like around seventh grade, this has to do with Jeremy's mother
TW: swearing, mental abuse, mention of abortions, mentions of physical abuse, suicidal intentions, thoughts of suicide. Homophobia too. And Jeremy has a panic attack
Remember that tattoo chapter
This is why Jeremy hates razors
This is gonna be very very depressing
Jeremy waved goodbye to Michael as he turned into his driveway and froze when he seen his mom's car in the driveway. Why was she even there?
He opened the door to his house and heard yelling from was about him most likely.
He went up and sat by the door, listening in on whatever his parents were yelling about.
"I mean, us accidentally getting you pregnant is one thing I know, but you tried to kill your own fucking son!! Jess that is not right!! You know how pissed I am to just now be finding out you tried to abort him!!" Jeremy listened at his father's words and his blood ran cold.
His mother...she was going to...he tried to ignore it but the fighting got worse.
"That little brat shouldn't be here anyways! He's already s failure! I mean look at him! How do you expect that little shitty ass boy to do anything when he's always depending on...what's his name again, Mitchell? You know your ex girlfriend's son?"
"Michael. His name is Michael, and Jeremy had to rely on Michael because if he didn't both of them would've probably killed themselves by now!" Paul yelled and Jeremy heard a slam against the door and felt the tears streaming his eyes.
"Maybe he would've been better off dead. You knew neither of us had protection...and that's why that mistake of a child is walking around on this disgusting planet today!! That boy is going to end up just like you Paul! Not only is he gonna fail, but he's gonna be the same kinda gay shit you were in highschool!"
Jeremy stood up and walked to his room, closing the door and locking it. He fell to the floor and put his hands in his hair and held it tightly, the tears wouldn't stop.
They weren't going to stop either. His breath got shakier the more yelling and wall slamming he heard. His mother was abusing his father again, he knew she was.
And now to realize that she didn't even want him alive...he stood up as best he could, which was hard, grabbed tje one singular plush in his room that meant something, and went into his bathroom, locking the door.
He opened the mirror cabinet and found his dad's abandoned razor...perfect. He took the blade out and pulled his sleeves up.
He cut slowly, having never done this before he was shaking, but he let the pain overtake his wrists.
"Cut o-one...for being so horrible son..." He cut again. "Two, f-for even being alive." He cut a third time, and a fourth, and soon it became five, six, seven, eight, and he eventually lost count, letting the blood soak his arm.
He felt his phone vibrate and pulled it out of pocket. Michael. Shit he forgot about Michael. He couldn't just leave him alone. He put the blade down and quickly rinced his arm off, wincing at the pain.
He found some bandages and quietly wrapped them around his wrist and pulled his sleeve down.
Player 1: hey Jeremy. I'm bored. Can u come spend the night? Pweas
Jeremy looked back at the bathroom door and unlocked it, grabbing his backpack, the plush still in hand, and unlocking the window, climbing out.
Player 2: on my way
He texted Michael a few more times, sitting the phone in his pocket and walking to the Mell household.
He knocked on the door, sucking up some snot before Michael opened it.
"Hey Buddy, where's your dad? Did he not drop you off?"
"N-No I walked. It's okay though." Jeremy was lying through his teeth, and his voice cracks were extremely obvious.
"Okay? You alright, your eyes are red...wait, were you crying?" Michael asked, grabbing Jeremy's arm and the taller male pulled away quickly. "Jeremy?"
"I...Can we g-go to your room?"
"Course Buddy. C'mon." Michael bounced towards the stairs and Jeremy sulked behind, the hood of one of his jackets over his head.
Once inside Jeremy took his shoes off and looked at Michael seriously, watching as he bounced on the bed, the oversized hoodie engulfing him.
"Michael...I-I need you not to judge me okay?" Jeremy whispered, closing the door calmly.
"Kay Jere. You alright?" Jeremy pulled his jacket off and let it fall to the floor, revealing the bandaged up arm. Michael stared in horror as Jeremy began unwrapping it, tears beginning to form again. "Jeremy...when did you do this!?" Michael whispered yelled and Jeremy just sobbed violently and Michael ran over and quickly hugged him. "Lemme see them Jeremy...calm down it's okay, you're okay..."
Jeremy held his arm out for Michael, and he examined it and sighed.
"You did this tonight...didn't you?" Michael asked and Jeremy nodded. "Why?"
"M-Michael...M-My mom...she...she wanted to a-abort me...s-she said I shouldn't be alive, t-thst you shouldn't be alive...and she ab-abused my dad...she wanted me d-dead own mother..." Jeremy began choking on his tests and fell to the floor, hugging his knees tightly.
Michael got down next to him and gently caressed his back, knowing it made him feel better.
"It's okay buddy...I'm right here for you...I'm not going can tell me anything alright?" Michael's voice was sweet and gently, the kind of voice Jeremy thought an actual mother would use when comforting a child. "You wanna sleep...stop crying?"
He nodded and Michael helped him back I'll and towards his bed. Before he got in though, Michael wrapped his arm up in bandages, mumbling lyrics Jeremy recognized as the chorus of surprisingly a Twenty One Pilots song, that being "Friend, Please."
Once Michael finished, he turned the light off and removed his glasses, crawling into the bed next to Jeremy.
They were both wearing their matching Pac-Man PJs, which Jeremy had snuck out of the house with, and were holding their Inky and Blinky plushes tightly.
Until Jeremy fell asleep that is. Michael moved his hand from his plush to Jeremy's soft hand and enclosed his fingers around Jeremy's fingers, turning red as he looked at his sleeping best friend.
He scooched closer and, even though he knew how wrong this was, kissed Jeremy's forehead lightly, as not to wake him. Jeremy smiled afterwards and Michael smiled in return, closing his eyes and letting himself get lost in sleep.
Praying that Jeremy would be okay...praying that he could help his best friend...praying that Jeremy wouldn't delve as deep as he had into harming himself...and that he wouldn't do it again after this...
Michael just prayed that he would see Jeremy smile again...because that smile made Michael's life complete.
He yawned, and finally passed out, head nuzzled into Jeremy's chest softly.
Maganda walked into the room later that night and was surprised to see Jeremy there, but was more surprised when she seen his arm.
She knew he had it rough, both of them had it rough, so she didn't wake them up. She just mouthed 'Mahal Kita boys' and closed the door quietly.
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