This one is fluff with slight angst fused bc the last was so fluff
Also I have been through everything Jeremy is going through bc ALLERGIES SUCK
TW: swearing,
"There, all the windows are closed. You feeling better now?" Michael asked, locking Jeremy's window and closing the curtain.
"I-I eyes are still itchy, and m-my throat is itching." Jeremy mumbled, his voice dry and his face was clearly that of misery. "Also my n-nose...can you get me a tissue Mikey?" Michael nodded, grabbing a tissue from the box and handing it to Jeremy. "Thanks."
His voice was stuffy before he blew his nose into the tissue, and Michael took it and threw it in the overflowing trash can.
"Jere you look like actual ass right now. You want me to get you some medicine or something?" Michael asked and Jeremy nodded. "Where's it at?"
"It's d-downstairs in the kitchen cabinet, left of the sink, in the c-cor-" Jeremy interrupted himself by sneezing and Michael grabbed another tissue and quickly wiped the snot off his face, kissing his forehead and throwing the tissue away.
"Okay Mahal, I'll be right back with it. Flonase and just the regular medicine right?" Jeremy nodded, rubbing his eyes. "I'll get eye drops too."
He went downstairs and easily found what he was looking for. He grabbed a small bottle of water and went back upstairs to his boyfriend.
"Okay, Flonase first." Michael sat next to Jeremy, and quickly uncapped the Flonase, gently sticking it in Jeremy's nose and squeezing it twice. "Alright second nostril." He did the same thing up Jeremy's other nostril before handing him a tissue.
Jeremy blew his nose violently, and it was now red from how hard he had been holding it.
"Okay eye drops next. Can you lay down for me Jere?" Jeremy nodded, wiping his eyes again and scooting down from his sitting position to laying down. "Alright just don't look at me okay?"
"T-that's hard to do Micha... you're cute."
"Aww thanks Love, but seriously, it'll hurt worse it you look at me." Michael was gentle as his held Jeremy's eye lid open. "Ready?"
"Y-Yeah." Jeremy muttered and Michael squeezed the bottle and the drops landed in Jeremy's eyes, which he squinted tightly. Michael dabbed it softly with a tissue and Jeremy opened it a bit, wanting to scratch and rub it but he knew he couldn't.
Michael quickly did the other eye and Jeremy smiled as he sat back up.
"Now the last bit." Michael turned the prescription bottle upside down and let one of the pills into his hand. "Alright Jere open u- Jeremy?"
Jeremy was staring at the pill in absolute horror. He was shaking too and Michael realized why.
"Shit Jere I forgot....okay I-I can crush it up. It's not the Squip, okay, it's just medicine." Michael sat the bottle down, placing the pill back inside.
He sat on the bed and gently cuddled his boyfriend, trying to calm him down.
"It's not the Squip's not...okay?" Jeremy nodded, still shaking a bit. "I'll crush it okay."
"Mmhm." Michael grabbed his backpack and was lucky he had a pill crusher for himself stored in there, usually for when he spent the night at Jeremy's and had to crush his sleeping pills.
He placed the pill inside and crushed it as much as he could.
"C-Could you put it in the water please?"
"Oh sure." Michael opened the bottle and gently poured the crushed pill inside. "Okay Jeremy, you gotta drink as much as possible alright?" Jeremy nodded, and began drinking the bottle.
He got around half of it down and removed the bottle.
"That should do it. I think that's all for you allergy meds. So, whaddya wanna do now?"
"I...I don't know...maybe we could just cuddle?"
"Okay move your ass over and lemme in bed." Michael pushed Jeremy to the right side of the bed and crawled inside, wrapping his arm around Jeremy and pulling him close, using his other hand to hold Jeremy's. "You feelin better?"
"Now that I'm cuddling y-you...yeah." Jeremy mumbled, smiling softly.
"Good. I'm glad I don't have allergies."
"Well one they suck and two I wouldn't be able to be here and take care of you."
"Aww Michael." Michael began planting Jeremy's cheek with kisses and the brunette laughed, jokingly pushing Michael away. "I love you ya dork."
"And I love you too. Now back to our cuddle."
"Jeremy help I think I'm dying." Michael grabbed his heart and Jeremy began freaking out.
"M-Micha what's wrong?"
"I...I think I'm allergic to your cuteness."
"MICHAEL THAT'S NOT FUNNY YOU SCARED ME!" Michael was laughing and Jeremy was staring at him in fear and annoyance.
"I'm sorry babe. But you really are too cute."
"Thanks Mikey..."
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