the day that shouldn't
Evan's POV
"stay here until i say otherwise okay"
i stared up at my father's face not really understanding the seriousness of our current situation
"mommy will come and get u okay evy" he said as he held my hand and gazed at me but my 3 year old mind just held up my toy train and tilted my head
"no evy daddy has some important business that he needs to take care of"
i watched as my father's eyes started to fill with tears threatening to flow down his face but he fought back
"i love you more than u can imagine evan, take care of mommy for me okay"
i giggled he than let go of my hand wiping away escaped tears and closing the closet door, i stayed silent daddy said we were playing hide and seek and mommy will find me so i have to stay very quiet and wait until mommy finds me suddenly i hear a blood curdling scream i cover my ears scared only to be met with the closet door being banged on over and over again backing away i pull my knees up to my chest curled in a ball waiting
until finally everything stops
no sound
no movement
The door is slammed open by my mommy she is terrified tears flowing down her face at a rapid pace she scoops me into her arms and sobs uncontrollably
"thank god, i still have u"
"Evan, wake up"
my body being violently shaken i shot up
"jesus, what are u dreaming about thought u were dying"
i look around only to be met with delirious's masked face and his piercing blue eyes
i groan rubbing my eyes feeling them slightly wet due to tears
"there back" i sigh
"what's back" delirious retorts
"my dreams, they keep me from sleeping some nights"
he tilts his head in a way that represents his confusion
"i have this recurring nightmare of my parents, they keep me awake so i distract myself with what i have" i explain he nods to himself
i sighed shaking my head turning to delirious
"so what's are we going to do about ya know" i say remember our conversation from the previous day
"we have a problem" delirious said his voice laced with venom
"what is it" i say a bit terrified at what it may be
i could hear his sigh
"mistress traced my whereabouts to L.A, i thought i'd have more time, in sorry Ev i thought i could at least trick them into thinking i work alone but unfortunately i dragged u into the equation" he spoke with sincerity i frown knowing this could be very bad for me, i should be sorta mad at del but i couldn't i knew that i agreed so he is not the person at blame
"it's fine Delirious"
"i'm coming over Evan"
"wait no Del-"
the beep stopped me knowing he was on the way meant i had to get tyler outta of here i ran back out to the living room where tyler was waiting for me he was scrolling thru his phone no idea that our "missing" friend was on his way to see me i cleared my throat before speaking
"uh hey ty, sorry i knew you came here to check up and ya know be a good friend and all but i'm actually in a hurry out of here so if u don't mind-"
he stood up waving his hands to stop me from rambling
"no worries ev it's all good, just text me and the guys okay just so we know ur good alright" he smiled
i sighed in relief "thanks ty i owe u one really" i said as i hugged him
i walked him to the door as we made small talk for a few minutes before his girlfriend rang him signifying the end of our discussion "maybe we'll have dinner tomorrow huh" he spoke
"yeah text me" i said back before closing the door leaving me in my own silence, all of the worries from me and delirious's conversation came back to me i ran my hands thru my hair sighing leaning back against the door
"i know ur worried-" i jumped back screaming before delirious grabbed my arms to calm me and show it was him
"stop screaming i had to make sure your windows were locked and surprise they won't" he growled
"jesus" i slammed my head against the door groaning i pushed his hands off me glaring at him before walking towards the couch "please don't act like this" he said
"Act like what" i exclaimed offended by him placing my hands on my hips
"like a bitch" he stated
"oh so i'm a bitch now after i agreed to help u and also caught myself into ur mess" i said marching over to him pointing at him in a accusing way
he grabbed my arms pulling me close into his warm embrace i gasped not expecting this at all
"i'm sorry please don't shut me out okay i'm going to make sure to protect u at all cost" he spoke softy i could feel my face heat up pulling away staring up into his eyes
if only he didn't wear that mask
"it's okay i'll always trust u"
i'm trying to finish these stories i still love vanoss always will but since delirious is gonna be a daddy i kinda want to finish two of my h2o vanosss stories and be finish with this ship forever idk if anyone even reads my stories anymore but hi
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