Strange, Again
Evan's POV
Why do I feel so calm I should feel scared or suspicious or even lost, but I'm not instead I feel fine, safe almost but not exactly I don't know why, i'm so confused
yeah it's very strange
"jesus fucking christ"
I shot up from the couch looked around only to make eye contact with a close friend of mine through the window
"Jesus sorry Tyler i didn't even know you were coming over" I told him as I let him in my house
"yeah I figured i'd just come check on you since you've been acting strange lately but I was sure you would make up an excuse on why i couldn't come visit you so i didn't tell you"
shit so him and the guys have been noticing I've been off lately I mean who can blame them it's been about two weeks now since i've started creating a plan with Delirious on taking down the mistress, and I haven't exactly had time to game with the guys or if I am I leave early making up a bad excuse why i have to go
"What makes you think I've been strange lately, I'll have you know i'm a pretty busy man okay-"
before I could even finish my sentence Tyler cut me off and started making a long list on why I've been acting strange lately
"dude you even made up an excuse about getting cat food you don't even have a cat"
Tyler said
okay yeah that was a horrible excuse but I actually needed cat food
"I was watching my-"
"yeah you were watching your friends cat the same damn cat that supposed tore up your curtains a week prior" He said
I stayed quiet not knowing what to say thankfully Tyler being a loud mouth knew exactly what to say
"look Ev I guess the whole reason i'm here is because I care about you me and guys are worried about you, we already lost Delirious please don't let us lose you too"
he said with a soft voice as he reached out for my shoulder patting it as I just stared at the ground i couldn't look into his eyes i just couldn't my head was spinning, he couldn't know because he wouldn't understand, I suddenly felt my phone in my back pocket ring I grab it looking down
"sorry Tyler I gotta take this quick"
as I rushed to a different area of my house so i was far away from Tyler so he couldn't hear me I finally pressed the green button singling that the call had begun
"hello" i spoke softly
"We have a problem"
hello i'm back i don't even know if anyone still wanna read this but here is a update
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