Delirious's POV
The thirst for blood is very pressuring to me I've learned these past few months weeks days fuck I don't know anymore anyway I can only last a few days before I go insane right now my priorities are to take down mistress and learn to control the thirst for blood.
I laid back
Maybe sleep will help but doubt that
I sigh closing my eyes
This isn't going to go well
"Hello" I call out looking around at my surroundings it was night chirps of crickets and wind blowing through the air I was in a forest.
I could smell something sweet and Delicious thick and familiar Blood I followed it my mind racing head pounding I would say heart racing but I don't have a heartbeat so I ran the smell becoming thicker and thicker (thicc👌) until I finally found it....It was Vanoss his eyes widen "D-Delirious" he whimpered I didn't know what to do I couldn't hurt him he was my friend I just couldn't but he smelt so Delicious he was covering his hand "I-I fell" he stuttered Slowly walked towards him
Step away from him Del
You don't know what your capable of when your around him
I didn't listen instead I came closer towards him I crouched down to his level
"Del-Del what's wrong w-with your um eyes" he asks "why aren't you answering me" I just stared at the blood falling from his hand
"Blood rush"
"Blood rush" I growled
"Del are you okay"
I shook my head no I wasn't I was sure I was going to kill him.
I pinned him down to the ground he struggled to get out of my grasp I wasn't going to let him go "let me go" he cried I leaned down pulling my mask up above my lips a smirk placed on my face showing him my fangs "Delirious please don't do this" he cried tears threatening to spill out his eyes I just chuckled my fangs launching as his neck this was a bitter sweet tragedies
Yet another short chapter
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