Oh, so that's Oikawa -Chapter 1-
This is a Dancer!Au , so let me clarify some things. You are basically the girl version of Oikawa. You are the best Dancer on the girls team. Your chosen what your going to be when your born and you were chosen to be a dancer. There done. Enjoy (~-o-)~
Your Pov~
I looked at the clock eagerly, excited for school end. Why am I so excited? Well, today I have dance practice. I pushed my H/c behind my ear. Soon after the bell rang and I rushed out of class to the club room hoping to avoid the confessions.
After a few minutes I had made it to the club room. I quickly put on my black sports bra and baggy black camouflage sweatpants. I grabbed my water as I waved to one of my team mates and made my way to a dance room.
I had my hair up in a tight ponytail that swayed side to side. I saw a few guys blush as I waved at them with a closed eye smile, "Hi guys!" A few of them blushed more and waved back before whispering about, what I could assume is me.
I walk into the dance room to start warming up. I always get here before my team so I dance to one song before practice. I then walked over to the speaker and grabbed the tablet to choose a song. After a while of looking I settled on a upbeat song that would probably draw a lot of attention.
As I started dancing, a small group of guys formed at the door. It was a common thing and I was used to it. As the beat dropped I dropped causing a few to blush and the others to whistle. It went on like this until the song was over and my team made their way inside.
I walked over to Morisuma, or Mori, one of my best friends, "Hey~ Mori!" I said as I leaned on her back to help her stretch, "Hey~ N/n" I felt a weight on my back as my other best friend, Riki, leaned on it, "Hey~ guys" I giggled as I leaned back, "Hey~ Riki!" We often greeted each other like this, it's kinda our thing.
Mori and Riki are both my vice captains. They talk with the coaches more than I do, since I'm usually caught up with the boys, "Oh and by the way Y/n, we have to share a gym with boys tomorrow," I groaned and dramatically fell to the floor, "Why~" I whined, "I know right! It turns out they're speaker broke and the coaches both agreed that we should start doing joint practices," She started to explain, "They're going to partner everyone up with someone om the opposite team depending on skill level. I'm guessing your going to be with they're captain since he's going to be closest to your level," I groaned again.
I've never seen the boys team, but I've heard of them. Turns out they're pretty good, and they've got some pretty hot guys. I've tried to avoid them though, my team, mostly Mori and Riki, have been trying to get me to watch them, more specifically, the captain. Turns out it's this guy named Oikawa and he's supposed to be this super hot guy. I've seen hot guys, and trust me, it's going to be hard to top what I've seen. So far I've managed to get out of it, but I guess there's no getting out of it this time.
I sat up and looked over at Riki, "What song?" Whereas Mori does most of the talking with the coaches and that type of stuff, Riki does the songs and helps me with the choreography, "Timber," She said. I walked over to the speaker and grabbed the tablet and search up the song.
I listened to a bit of it and I guess it's a good song for duos. I personally like it. I have a very flirtatious persona, so I like songs like this. I then walked to the middle of the room and called out to everyone to finish up their stretches so we could start.
We had a competition coming up, so I was on every ones toes about practicing. We were doing Bang Bang by Jessie J, Ariana Grande, and Nicki Minaj. I'm in the front with Mori on my left and Riki and my right. The others are behind us in lines. I put the 'worst' and scaredy cats of the group in the back and middle as well, since I know a couple of people have stage freight or are not particularly fond of a song or dance style.
I played the song and we practiced. About halfway through I heard and annoying high pitched squeal, "Oikawa-senpai~!" I decided not to think of it and I told every one to keep dancing. After the song was done and I told everyone to get a drink. I heard a subtle cough and turned my attention over to the door putting on an innocent face.
There at the door stood roughly 12 boys all wearing black tank tops and grey shorts. A few of them blushed as I looked at them. I noticed what seemed to their coach and said, "Can I help you?" Their coach walked forward, "I'm the coach of the boys dance team," My eyes lit up in realization, "Oh my bad! I should have figured!" I blushed a little at my stupidity causing a few of them to blush as well.
Then with a confused look on my ace I asked, "What brings you here?" I looked over the team. They varied in size, some being short, while others tall, "Since we are having a joint practice, the team thought it would be a good idea to watch you guys for a bit before hand." I nodded, of course they did.
"Well, that sounds like a great idea" I let out a beaming smile. I waved over my coach, Mori and Riki., "This is coach, this is Mori, she's in does most of the talking, and this is Riki, she picks the music and helps with the choreography, and then there's me! I'm Y/n L/n! Captain of the girls dance team!" I pointing everyone out then pointing at myself with a cutesy smile.
The coach's shook hands and then the boys coach waved his hand to a few boys. The first one was shorter with black spikey hair. The next was the tallest, he had brown curly messy hair and thick eye brows. The third was a bit shorter than the second and had pinkish hair. And the last was about the same height as the third. He had chocolaty locks and matching eyes. I gotta say he's pretty hot at first glance.
After the first three introduce themselves as Iwaizumi, Mastukawa, and Hanamaki, the third came up, "Hi~ I'm Oikawa Tooru, captain of the boys dance team," he said with a smile. He stuck out his hand and I shook it. His hands were soft and they fit perfectly with mine. Letting go I looked up narrowing my eyes, "My friends are horrible at descriptions" I sigh.
He looks at me confused then smirks, "You don't look too bad yourself!" I fake fan myself, "My oh my, I'm blushing," I roll my eyes and pat him on the shoulder, "Try harder next time," I turn around as I feel his eyes boring into the back of my head.
"Alright girls gather around!" I say clapping my hands. They set down their drinks and form a huddle with me. I got a few questions about the boys and answered them simply and quickly, "I want to show off to the boys, so remember our last competition when we danced to Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer?" I saw everyone nod their head "Good, because that's what we're dancing to!" I pointed to Riki, "Music please," She nodded, "On it,"
"Alright girls, lets show these boys what we're made of!" I shouted, but not loud enough for the boys to hear, "Yeah!" They all said in unison. I walked to the middle as everyone got to their places, after making sure, Riki pressed play and rushed to her spot, nodding at me.
As the music started, I couldn't help but let a small smile creep onto my face. Dancing is just so much fun for me. We dropped in unison as it started to get hyped up (0:35 whenever you see this is the part in the song I'm talking about) We slowly rose and just before the beat dropped, Mori and Riki got into position. I quickly jumped onto their back and flipped backwards as the beat dropped. Mori and Riki fell back to join the others while I flipped back. I heard a few whistles as it continued on.
Soon the song was over and the boys were left with their mouths agape. I smiled and gave a peace sign, "How was that!?" Mori and Riki rolled their eyes and hit my back, "Owie~ What was that for~" I whined. They just stalked off to get some water me following suit while grumbling about my back.
I looked at the clock and decided to end early, "Alright guys, that's enough for today!" I said as I clapped my hands twice. I packed my bag and went to change. After a quick shower in the locker room, I dried my hair completely and straightened it. If there was anything about me that they boys loved, it was my hair. I could style it in almost anyway, leaving the boys drooling.
I decided not to do anything to it though and keep it down giving me an innocent girl look. As I walked out with my stuff, I almost ran into someone. Looking up I saw a handsome sette- I mean dancer, "Oh hey Oikawa-Kun!" I gave him one of my signature closed eye smiles, "Oh hey chibi-chan," I looked up at him and pouted, "I'm not that short!" He laughed silently sending chills up my back. It was high pitched, but not too much, and it was super soft.
I looked down at my wrist, pretending to look at a watch, "Well, it seems I must be going~" He laughed again and patted my head, "See you later Chibi-Chan~" I huffed blowing a strand of hair out of my face, when an idea came to my mind.
I patted him on the shoulder, causing him to turn around in slight confusion, I looked at him with big eyes and stuck out my lip a little. He looked at me in confusion, "What is it?" I didn't say anything just keep looking into the beautiful brown eyes. After about a minute I replied, "Nothing," and with that I skipped off in success.
HEY HEY HEY! How was that eh (͡o‿O͡)?? Oh what am I kidding that sucked balls. Anyways, I hope the fact that both my sister and my good friend Ry-Chan love the idea of this, will help motivate me to try and update as much as I can. I don't have a schedule so don't expect frequent of steady updates! Who know's when I'll get the next chapter up ┐(͠≖ ͜ʖ͠≖)┌, could be today, tomorrow, maybe even yesterday, oh wait wat, that wouldn't work. Ok enough of my rambling, I hope you enjoyed this one singular, lonesome chapter, please vote and comment!
Thank you!
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