Soon after Micheal spoke the bell sounded through the school. Everyone but Luke and I quickly left as Luke held me back. I turn back to Luke as someone hit the lights in the room because there was no classes in the art room for the rest of the day because the classes were meeting outside for "sketching nature."
"Yeah, Lukey?" I whispered as he pulled me closer and wrapped his arm around my waist.
"Could we skip class, and I draw you?" He whispered in my ear which sent chills down my spine. His large glided down my back and pulled me closer as he buried his head in the crock of my neck.
"Of course," I whispered as he let me go and went to lock the door.
I went to one of the tables in the room and sat on it with my legs crossed. Luke walked back slowly as he picked up his sketch pad and pencil. He walked closer to me and sat his sketch pad beside me as he pushed me back on the table to position me.
"I want something interesting," he mumbled as he moved my legs around in a few different ways, not liking any of them. He opened my legs and leaned me back on the table while putting my converse on the table, but quickly took them down.
"I want something sexy, but innocent," Luke whispered as he reached behind my back to fix my top, but his fingers landed on my zipper. Our eyes locked, and I knew what he wanted to do. I nodded my head slowly as he locked back to make sure the window on the door was covered. He slowly unzipped my top and I pulled my arms out of it. He bit his lip as he saw my black lace strapless bra and red skirt.
His hands quickly wrapped around me again and pulled me off the table quickly. He unzipped my skirt and pulled it down. I could feel my legs shake as he dropped to his knees in front of me. He undid my shoe laces and quickly pulled my socks and shoes off. Soon I stood there in my black strapless bra and black lace thong.
"Perfect," Luke purred as he turned me around and told me to get on the table. I sit on the table facing away from him and he tells me to get on my knees and look up so he could still see my flower crown. He presses his body against mine and pulled me closer.
"Are you sure you're comfortable?" Luke whispered into my ear as I nodded once more.
He pulled away from me as he grabbed his sketch pad. He sat at the table behind me and I could hear his pencil bleed across the page. Every line he drew made him smile, even if I couldn't see him, I just knew.
"Angel, straighten your back," Luke whispered as I straightened my back so I was not slouched as he continued to sketch my sun kissed skin.
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