It was second period when Luke and I were in math. I was taking a few advanced classes so I was in all of Luke's classes. We had a substitute teacher so he was calling out names while I sat in Luke's lap as he scrolled through Twitter. I had changed my skirt to one exactly the same as the other because of it being ripped.
"Lucas Hemmings!" The sub screamed.
"Here!" He said throwing his hand up and placing the other around my waist.
"Young man why do you have that girl on your lap? Remove her at once." The sub screamed.
"I'm a boy." I say shifting in Luke's lap.
"Mrs.Shayy always lets them sit like that, it's okay they are just friends." One girl says as Luke rubbed my thigh.
Just friends.
The sub continued for awhile calling everyone's name out then gave us all a work sheet we had to do. Luke and I finished first so the teacher let us leave. We walked down the hall to the art room to meet one of our friends, Michael. We found Michael in the back doing truths and dares with a few other guys and girls. The teacher didn't really care what they did as long as they got their work done.
"Aye, Luke! Ash! Come join us!" Michael yelled.
We walked over and joined the small circle. I was sitting on Luke's lap as Michael dared two people to do 7 minutes in heaven in the janitors closet down the hall.
"Ashton, truth or dare?" Calum asked.
"Um, Truth." I say smiling.
"Is it true that Luke is good in bed?" Calum asked with a smirk.
I turned my head to the side then spoke.
"He cuddles me so I guess." I say ask Luke wraps his arms around me.
"Ashton that's not what he meant, babe." Luke said glaring at Calum.
"Calum, You know how innocent he is!" Luke growled at him.
I guess I connected the dots there as a blush spread across my face. I turned around in Luke's lap and hid my face in Luke's neck. The game continued until it was Luke's turn.
"Truth or dare?" Michael asked.
"Dare." Luke said.
"I dare you to kiss Ashton." Michael said as if it was the hardest thing in the world.
I smiled lifting my head up and pecking Luke on the lips.
"No, not like that. A real kiss." Michael said.
"Ashton just follow what I do, okay?" Luke said placing his hand on my cheek.
Luke leaned in and placed his lips on mine. Our lips molded together. A few seconds later his tongue ran over my bottom lip and I didn't budge. Luke frowned then grabbed my bum making me gasp. That's when Luke slid his tongue into my mouth. As his tongue began to explore my mouth he pulled away so I could breath. I gasp for air as I saw I string of spit still connected both of us.
"That was so hot." Michael said as Luke wiped my mouth off and I went back to hiding my head in Luke's neck.
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