Chapter 4.5
*A/N: This chapter is not essential for the plot you don't have to read it. Hence the 4.5*
Eren's POV
I slip the ring box back into my pocket still smiling from ear to ear. Levi reaches out and laces our fingers together. He is still white as a sheet but I know he's getting stronger. I gently squeeze his hand and try to stop smiling only to fail.
"Hey Eren?.."
I look up at him, "yes Levi?"
Before he can answer, a loud rumble travels through the room. I smile and let go of his hand.
I pause and caress Levi's cheek, "will you be okay if I leave for a little bit?"
He nods and rubs the ring on his finger. My hand falls from his face and I quietly leave the room. I walk up to the Nurse's station and a cheery, but hushed, voice meets my ears.
"Hey there I'm Isabel. You must beee??"
"Oh uh Eren. Eren Jaeger." I tilt my head at her overly cheery attitude but don't say anything.
"Ah right yep with Mr. Ackerman. May I help you with anything?" she has all her attention focused on me, which seems to be a miracle.
"I was just wondering where doctor Smith is." I rubs my face.
"I will call him right now!" she spins around in her swivel chair and grabs the phone. "Erwiiiiin that Jaeger kid wants yoooouuuuu.....Oh come on I'm Always professional!" she pouts and rolls her eyes, "yeah yeah I got it just hurry up!"
She slams the phone down and grumbles, "I'm way better than Farlan the ass." she looks at me and covers her mouth, "oops sooorry about that anyway he said he be here rea-"
Erwin walks up and stands beside me, "That will do Isabel get back to work."
She huffs and sticks out her tongue before rolling away in her chair. What the hell just happened exactly?
Erwin shakes his head like a disappointed father, "Sorry about her, sometimes she forgets where she works but she has always been amazing for patients morale. What is it you need?"
I jump and rub the back of my neck, "w-well I was sorts hoping I could get a favor...if it's not too much trouble."
Levi's POV
I didn't realise I nodded off until someone gently shakes me, "Honey wake up I have a surprise for you."
I groan, "I'm trying to sleep brat. Turn off that music.."
"But you are hungry remember? Besides I don't think you want me to turn off your favorite thing ever. Well besides me but I'm not turned on" he chuckles.
My eyes open slowly and I lift my hand only to smack it on a bed tray, "ow...wait.....what?" I look down to find a plate of ham, cheesy mashed potatoes, Mac and cheese and a glass of orange juice.
Eren smiles brightly at me. He has a matching plate in his hands.
I smile as my stomach growls again, "All my favorites huh? How did you manage that?"
Eren sets his plate beside mine, "I just asked Levi. Oh here."
He hands me the TV remote and I take it, when I look up at the screen I almost scream, "YOU GOT....oops... You got Ponyo!?"
He nods and smiles brightly and I quickly press play.
Eren's POV
My heart skips a beat as Levi's stoic face lights up. Who knew a Disney/Ghibli movie and a little food could change him into a child. I smile and eat, enjoying Levi's happiness as he chomps his ham while reciting the movie word for word.
He watches the TV and I have to remind him to keep his voice down, "PONYO WANTS HAM!"
After the movie, a nurse takes our plates. I play with the ring on his finger and we sit in silence for who knows how long.
Mr. Smith walks in with a smile, "I see you enjoyed yourselves, but unfortunately visiting hours are coming to a close."
I nod in understanding but Levi whimpers, "you mean you have to go?..."
The tone of his voice makes my heart break, "yeah...I have to go...I called Mikasa earlier and she said she can watch our house. I will go back to your house and stay there," I gingerly pick up his hand and kiss the back of it, "I will visit every day until you come home."
Levi nods and tugs me into a short goodbye kiss.
*So there's a little chapter for you. I have a question and would love some feedback.
-do you want a lemon in this book or just fluff?
-would anyone like to see Levi in a wedding dress instead of a tux at their wedding?
Oh yes there will be a wedding chapter don't worry. Comment your answers they are a big help.
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