Coming Out
The silence grew louder as shock filled the room. Winston spun in a dizzy circle surveying the room. His heart began to race as he made eye contact with his mother. Her face was more disappointed then shocked as it stood out from all the horrified faces. But if the look on her face was because one of his blond hairs was out of place, or because of what he just announced, he'd never be able to tell. For the first time in his life he felt a sense a relief-of just letting go, but he knew there was a price. Standing as tall as he could, Winston went from a vulnerable young boy admitting a secret, back to being one of those O'Neils. But before he could continue, a man rose and began to clap. It was if a wave of homage ran through the auditorium. Winston looked at his golden - name brands something or other- watch. October 11th, 2013, at exact 11:18am-In the middle of a small town in the middle of Texas- Winston was free to be more than just Winston O'Neil. He was free to just be Winston. He closed his eyes taking in the sound that he would never forget no matter how old he was, no matter how far gone his hearing-or his mind- went. The sound of cheers and applause and hope that maybe there were people out there that could actually be proud of him. Winston was the golden boy with golden skin and a golden bank account, and today, he finally got to be a real one. But he just couldn't help but stare at the empty seat in front of him.
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