Episode 3|| " Enter Karma"
Nagisa's relationship with me was better, I apologized about being a bit of a jerk while Nagisa apologized for being so careless with himself. We made up and hugged it out, much to my pleasure. It took another two school days for everything to be normal again, we were practically glued to each other's side, it was the perfect two days.
Now it was Wednesday and we were outside in our blue gym uniform. The usual blue sweatpants, blue shirt and matching jacket but mine was around my waist. Instead of the usual crunches or pushups, we were practicing our knife swinging so we could strike Koro-sensei next time with ease. I kept my eyes ahead and swing when the other classmates counted off, this was easy for me so why bother trying so hard?
" Keep those knifes in sync, treat those knifes like your aiming for a kill strike!" Karasuma states as he stood next to our teacher ahead of us. " I don't hear you, Mirai!" I grumbled and muttered the numbers as everyone and stopped when Koro-sensei began to whine about why he was out here in the first place. It was a nice little break until everyone began to question Karasuma on why we should be doing this in the first place. I shake my head, the whole point of this is to keep yourself safe, even if it isn't for killing Koro-sensei, its to at least make sure that your protected. It almost like studying. " Isogai, Maehara, please step up," Karasuma says as both boys walked themselves up to the teacher.
" I want you two to try and tag me with your knives." Karasuma instructed which surprised both boys, as I crossed my arms with narrow eyes. ' wouldn't want to fight Karasuma either but then again, their not like me.' They both sputtered about being sure that Karasuma could take them both on or if it was a team effort. " The blades are harmless, they weren't made to harm human beings. Plus, if you mange to hit me, I'll let everyone go home early." Karasuma states as he loosen his tie a bit. ' do it, I want to see his weak points.' I cheered mentally. Both boys still seemed a bit hesitant before getting into weak stances.
" Alright then." Isogai advances forwards first but Karasuma moved to the side before the fake blade could touch him. " Come on now," Taunted Karasuma just as Maehara swings forwards but Karasuma just twisted his arm a bit and let go, backing up as Isogai swings at him but again Karasuma dodges it. Maehara turns around swinging the knife at the teacher but Karasuma blocks it with ease, they both swing aimlessly at him and lack of force too. " See kids? I can even dodge their attempts in my sleep, their technique is very weak." Karsuma says bluntly which anger both boys. They both advanced forwards but Karasuma wanted that and quickly flipped them on their backs. " If you guys couldn't handle me, then you have no chance at hitting a guy who can do Marc 20. " He turns to Koro-sensei who made a sandcastle and tea while in the sandbox. " See, he made tea, changed clothes and made a complete model of Osaki castle." Like a good sport, Karasuma pulled them up and fixed his tie. " This is why we drill you, so you could hit the guy but also learn protection. Just do what I say and the faster you'll become assassin's." I shake my head, I was one and this lesson was boring.
We bow when he finished telling us this wasn't recess and dismissed us. I walked beside Nagisa as usual with my arms crossed and bored look on my face. Really, but I was actually capturing all of Karsuma's moves mentally, he leaves his right side of his rib's open, if I was faster and if fighting with said man, then I could take him down there and pin him down by his left arm, close enough to breaking it off. If I were to fight him, I would go with that chance. I blink back to reality when something flick my forehead and I grumbled and turn to glare at the culprit only to see my other friend who was suspended for the last month for almost harming a teacher. The second person I trust here at all too; Karma Akabane. " Karma.."
" Hey Mirai, How was your trip from dreamland?" Karma ask as I grin a bit at him, pulling him into a hug, a tight one making him chuckle and I let him go, he peeks over my shoulder and smiles more. " Ah, this must be the Koro-sensei I've been hearing about." He leaves out of my hold as he walked towards Koro-sensei while holding a pink milk box.
" Did you know he was coming?" Nagisa asked as I glanced at him. " Did you?" He shakes his head as we both return to stare at him approaching Koro-sensei. " It makes sense, I mean, Karma is someone equally matched with you and Koro-sensei doesn't know that Karma is well... karma." Nagisa states as Koro-sensei welcomes him into the class but also scolds him for missing most of the morning. Karma plays it off and even offers him a handshake, the second Koro-sensei's tentacle touches Karma's seemingly innocent hand, it explodes which shocked most of the kids, as it did to Koro-sensei. Karma throws the milk at the teacher who catches it but also dodges Karma's attack with the knife.
' Of course they would bring Karma back early, they knew he was troublesome and a bit of a mischief maker so they thought bringing back Karma early from suspension was a good idea.' I mused as Koro-sensei zipped back a bit from the redhaired boy. ' He'll have a good chance of killing him..'
" Oh boy, you sure are fast. Heh." Karma says, he was clearly amused with the teachers actions. " Who would've thought that these knifes actually works? I just cut one into strips and tapped them on all over my hand, pretty elementary stuff chief." Karma commented. " Can't believe it took that to capture you by surprise. But good jump, even if you looked like an moron while doing so." Karma began walking forwards, hands in his pocket. " What? You scared of me?"
It was no surprise to me, He was Karma Akabane. He taunted teachers, students, anyone with any authority because it was fun to him. He tried taunting me but it never did any good sense the taunts were too big for his bite, it amused me, his actions amused me greatly. " Why so shock? This is Karma." I said as I looked at nagisa's shock look on his face. " He's dangerously good."
" I.. I know.. but he's the second person to hurt Koro-sensei, it's just so amazing.." I bit my lower lip when he said that, of course. Karma disappeared on us and Nagisa still thinks he is amazing, I felt a bit jealous but then it melted away as he mocked Koro-sensei. koro-sensei's face turns bright red in anger at the mocking.
" Hey, Nagisa, Mirai?" Kayano called while walking towards us, " What kind of person is this Karma person?" She questioned and Nagisa went over on how we met Karma in first and second year of school and even mentioned about his violence rep.
" Yeah, even so, he's most likely to win this game." I said glancing at her then back at Karma. " He's all weapons and violence but also driven bloodlust with him too." He's gifted but that gift can only take you so far in the game. After the little show, we headed back inside for class, Karma's seat was in the back of my row. Everything settled and quiet as we worked but it seems that Karma's stunt made Koro-Sensei numbed.
" What is he doing?" A classmate whispered.
" I don't know, punching the wall?" Another replies quietly.
" Looks like karma really touched a nerve."
I rolled my eyes and focused on my notes, scribbling them down neatly. Of course, Karma caught him off guard but also how karma maneuvered him on the first day here as a student, he feels... down.
" Alright! Enough, can you not do that?!" A female student exclaims loudly and he stops immediately, the quiz resumes but I finished early so I was doing notes.
" Quiet!" I turn towards the direction that Koro-Sensei was pointing at and of course it was at Karma. " You two, if you don't quiet down for the test, I will assume that you are cheating!" He scolded Terasaka and Karma. But Karma only smirks, " Fine, I already finish so I'm just going to finish off this gelato." He hums out amused as he pulled out a link Italian delicacy.
" No eating in c- Wait! I just bought that from Italy yesterday!" Koro-Sensei shouts in horror.
" Huh? Oh, sorry, I found it chillin' in the faculty lounge." Karma apologizes falsely as he licked the tip of the ice cream.
" A sorry will not due young man! I flew through the coldest atmosphere to keep that delicious treat from melting!" Koro-Sensei informed and I just shake my head, Karma is just baiting him over there or to make him angry.
" Yeah? So, what are you gonna do about?" Karma takes another lick of it, with a smirk. " Hit me?"
Koro sensei's face turn red in annoyance and anger, " No, of course not. I'll simply get what's rest of it, thank you very much." He walks towards the back but stops when one of his yellow feet exploded. Did he just anger him to get the ice cream away from you, Karma? He was so angry he didn't noticed the BB's that Karma laid out. Nice one.
Koro-Sensei hurried back when Karma shot at him with the Anti-BB gun. " Hehe, wow, that's twice in one day teach!" Karma says happily as he stood up and walked towards the Sensei with the gun still raised. " Ya know I'm still going to continue this right? Class will be interrupted, grades will slip but let's be straight up. If you want this to stop, you can just kill me or anybody else in this class." Karma thrusted the gelato into the teachers clothes like a knife, " You just gotta stop trying to be our teacher and gives us a taste of your ugly side."
" Just accept that I'm the one going to kill you!"
Karma slips passed him casually, " Here's my test by the way, easy-pease." He slips through the door with a smile, " Later teach, lets play again tomorrow."
Karma doesn't care, he'll use whatever it takes to kill him. Karma has never killed anyone so this is his opportunity to do so but he wants to play with Koro-Sensei before savoring the kill....
" Nagisa." I called to the bluehaired male, bag over my shoulder, " Let's walk home yeah?"he nods happily, " Of course, you don't mind Sugino comes along?" I shake my head, he doesn't bother me but he is a bit freaked out of me. " Alright then."
We all departed down the mountain, they were talking about class and sports or assassination moves while I walked beside Nagisa silently while observing around us. Look a bird. A car. A sushi stand.
" See ya Nagisa, Uh, Mirai!" The baseball player departs from us to his station and we waited for ours. " Aren't you happy that Karma is back?" Nagisa asked me and I turn to him and shrug. " I guess? He has been away from us since last year. But he started distancing himself..." I sighed out, one day we were all friends hanging out until karma just stopped. He just stopped trying to be friends with us. I never knew why.
" Look it's that freak scum kid and Nagisa. Tch, a bunch of blowhards." I perked up to a conversation behind us, my fist clenched as I stood beside Nagisa. " Didn't you hear? That crazy kid Akebane is in their class now."
" Sick! Really? I would've killed myself long time ago if I was in that class!" I quickly turn to put them in their places but a glass bottle shattered above them. They squeak in fear to see Karma holding the end of a broken bottle with a cheery smile on his face. " Really now? I could help with that." They both leave fearfully away from Karma and karma smiles before throwing the bottle over his shoulder.
" Bunch Of wussies, didn't expect them to do anything at all." Karma says as he walked towards us, my fist undid and I watched him. He never changed, same red hair and rusty color eyes. Nothing.
" Hey, Mirai, Nagisa." He greeted us, " Hey."
" Mind if I pick your brains for a sec?" He asked and Nagisa agrees while we walked towards the platform of ours. " So, do you guys take notes at all on him?" He asked and Nagisa nods his head, " Sorta."
" Does he have any other nicknames than octopus?"
" Kinda, every-time he grades he does draw himself as an octopus from a game but he does have octopus like mannerisms too... he likes to bury himself in the sand.." I answered instead as we walked. " I think he loves it."
" Yeah, it's like a personal avatar for himself." Nagisa commented and we stopped, the train was coming in a few minutes.
" That's good, this is going to be freaking amazing." Karma says suddenly, he's up to no good as usual.
" I know that look, you're cooking something up aren't you? Something devious." Nagisa commented, we both knew that look karma would get on his face when he gots something up his sleeve.
" You better believe it! I finally get to end s freaking teacher! I was all in it for the monster slayer but this, ending a teachers life... this will be beautiful!" He says happily just as our train passed him by making his hair darken the look in his eyes like we were speaking to an actual devil from hell. " I've been dreaming of this since my teacher went up and died!"
" When was it the last time you went to therapy?" I asked bluntly and his face falls a bit. " You're Sick."
" No , you."
——- NEXT DAY ——-
" Very Charming." I said when Karma quickly stabbed the octopus on Koro-Sensei's desk. " Still disgusting."
" Good morning children!" Koro-Sensei greeted us from the door way, " Whats with the long faces?" He asked before noticing their stared were at his desk and turns. " Ah."
" Sorry, my mistake, I thought that was you." Karma apologized, " Do you want me to get rid of it?"
" Yes, you should." Sensei sighs as he picks it up and began walking towards Karma to hand it off. Another trap, he just wants Koro-Sensei to come closer so he could stab at him or shoot at him. Typical.
Just as Koro-sensei gotten close to Karma, he left and his tentacles turned into yellow drills when he came back but also holding the missile that he took from the army. " Observe if you will, karma my boy. The verticality of these tentacles and the fire power of this missile yonked from the air force!" He says happily as some fire came out of the end making some girls squeal at the action. I turned my head towards the yellow teacher to watch him in action, Karma was gonna get wrecked hard.
" If you think I'm going to let the new kid get away with murder, then your mistaken," Koro-sensei says as he began to make some type of food while lecturing Karma. He was going to use the squid so probably make Takoyaki since I could recognize the many things he had in his grasp. My stomach growls a tiny bit as he made it before stuffing one in Karma's parted mouth making him cough just a bit and spit it out. What a waste..
" Don't you know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day? Your complexation tells me that you haven't ate anything. So please, help yourself to some Takoyaki, I insist." Koro-sensei says as he offered Karma another one but Karma flushed a bit in embarrassment and I see a tentacle coming towards me, I leaned back and my eyes widen to see it was one of the Takoyaki balls that Koro-sensei had made. I plucked it off and slowly ate it, I almost moaned at the taste. Everything was so right! Perfect!
" You see? I'm a giver . I take care of things; Hungry students, would be assassins, troubled teens. Every attempt on my life gives me an opportunity to play my part so by all means, keep at it.~" Koro-sensei states confidently and proceeded to eat the Takoyaki balls with ease. " By the end of the day, if your body isn't filled with health and knowledge then I haven't done my job at all." He waves his tentacles around a bit as he said that, he was happy and confident that he was the one to break karma first.
This was a challenged that Koro-sensei and Karma would both take on today.
The first attempt was in second period which was math. I worked on the problems but had little troubles with, Koro-sensei had his back to use. I see the movement from the corner of my eye and see Karma pulling out the anti-bullet gun to shoot but Koro-sensei must've seen it too because he took it with ease while he kept writing. " Karma, it takes an anti-bullet far too long to reach me." Koro-sensei scolds as he held the gun and Nail supplies? " I had time on my hands too, I hope you don't mind me prettying up your nails either." I see the nails and they were drawings of Takoyaki and a squid. I chuckled a bit making Nagisa turned to me with a confused face. He never really heard me laugh at all but it funny.
Four period rolled on and it was Home-Ick so lots of cooking. I was on Nagisa's team per usual with my grey apron on and matching bandana to keep hairs out of the food. We were making some sweet sauce for cakes as we hear Karma offering an idea to another classmate about starting over, we looked up to see Karma in a very pink and frilly apron and red bandana. I felt my shoulders shake a bit as Karma yanked off the headpiece annoyed. " Are you okay, Mirai?" Nagisa asked and I turn to him nodding vigorously. Karma in an apron! Hah!
fifth came on soon after, English lit.. We read a poetry book silently as Koro-sensei read to us too. An easy assignment until suddenly Koro-sensei flashed from his spot, I turned around knowing where he was. Back with Karma again. " And the red frog having failed again was making itself back, I was getting bored with it.." I didn't listened as Koro-sensei was brushing his hair and Karma was shock, the look on his face loud and clear. He's shock, this teacher was scaring him and even worst besting him at the same time, his dream of killing this teacher was never gonna come true.
Lunch soon hits and Nagisa yanked me along with him to follow Karma outside. I held our bento boxes as we walked, " We really should eat soon, Karma is probably sulking and biting his nail somewhere." I stated as I walked after him, bored look on my face, Lately Nagisa was all over Karma and I held a sense of jealousy about it. He was never all over me like this, even when I left for missions on vacations. We spotted him sitting on a branch, it was firm enough but never really chose to sit on it.
" This is why we do It together, Karma, just stop aiming at him and work with us." Nagisa says, silently praying he'll listened to him. " You can have the sneakiest and best plan in the world but If Koro-sensei has his eye on you than you can forget it. He isn't like other teachers." Nagisa was blunt with the fact that Karma can't beat Koro-sensei, with any plan. I agreed too.
" Other teachers, huh?"
I knew Karma couldn't trust other teachers or any teachers, he once trusted one but that ended up with him being kicked out for the last two months on a school suspension. The teacher lied with standing by him and that kinda broke Karma's psych a bit. Someone who claimed to believe in him lied, he couldn't trust. Some way, I feel bad for him but it doesn't really ex- Am I falling?
I phase out of my daydreaming and gasped at realization that I was indeed, falling but with Karma. The bentos out of my hand and Karma holding my shirt as we fell, he held the gun out in the other. " WHAT THE HELL MAN!" I snapped as we began to fall towards the ground. " WHY'D YOU TAKE ME WITH YOU!"
" TO SHOW YOU HOW FUN IT IS TO DRAG YOU DOWN WITH ME AND TO STOP YOU FROM DAYDREAMING!" Karma laughs out sadistically as we began to fall down, lower and closer to the ground. I closed my eyes and waited for impact, praying that my soul world go to heaven even if the things I've done will reject me out of the gates of god and down to hell. I tensed up as I felt tree leaves touch my skin, I'm sorry Nagisa.
" Remarkable!" We were caught with ease and I bounced a bit, Karma laying under me as we hit something soft and very sticky. " A splendid and well thought out assassination attempt." Koro-sensei praised and I opened my eyes and gasped out in relief. We were safe, " I am docking points off for taking a captive with you but everything else seems spot on. Full marks."
I try to get up but his tentacles kept me there and I groan, my lunch was ruined by Karma and his antics. " I knew I couldn't pluck your body out of air in fear of crushing it at full speed but if I slowed down then I would've been shot down by yourself." He says as he peeks at us from one of the holes. " What a sticky situation?" Karma moves below me and I sigh, " Karma, we're stuck thanks to you and your bright ideas." Karma growls as he looked at our teacher who kept his large smile. " Can't shoot me now, can you? HAHAHAHAHA!" he moved near me and laughs, I lunched at him and he squeals before moving back to his original spot, I wasn't gonna bite him much.
" As a reference for the future, my students will never die on much watch, ever. Take it to heart for next time you try to jump. Mirai?" I try to look over at him but I was stuck. " As long as I am here to teach you, I will take care of you." I stiffed at the words, I thought I was gonna die without telling my love for Nagisa and not be here when he needed me. That thought scared me. I feel Karma relax under me and I sighed a bit, " Can we go to class now? I'm hungry." He untangled us from his web and brought us up to the classroom level of the mountain, Nagisa stood there with the bento boxes and a look of relief came over him.
" Guys!" He sighs out rushing towards us, I expected him to question us or something but he shuffled into my arms making me freeze a bit and my eyes widen as he puled back. " Thank god." He hands me my bento and Karma his, " How can you guys be so calm?" Nagisa asked, I was panicking inside.
" No big, that was my best bet, and Mirai was just extra leverage." I glared at him as I opened my bento eating a bit aggressively with the Rice balls I made. " What, don't give me that look."
" Ah. I had an entire health regiment for you, I wouldn't believe someone like you would be a total push over." Koro-sensei teased as he held up many self-care items in his yellow tentacles, even a cat type headband. Karma stood up, doing a neck slicing sign, " No biggie teach, I'm still gonna try it my all." Koro-sensei turns red with a circle. " That's right, never give up. It seems my tender love and care has paid off.
" Yeah yeah, come on guys. Let's go in, after school I can treat us." Karma says as he walked passed Koro-sensei with his purse, again. I sigh but kept eating, Nagisa walking behind me as we followed them to the classroom.
" I'm gonna kill him, one of these days.." I sighed out as Nagisa finally walks beside me as I ate quickly. " He was right, I did daydream a lot.."
" You're not gonna kill him. And you do, but that's just you. I do always wonder what you dream of anyway.." Nagisa says as he walked beside me. You, being married to you and living old with you in our beautiful home ..and donuts..
" Food. Donuts." I hear Nagisa laugh a bit and I smiled a bit when he did, it was cute! " I was scared, if I have to be honest, I was gonna die and lose you...and my life." I quickly saved myself from adding my life. " I didn't see my life flash before my eyes either.."
" I'm sorry, I didn't even think that Karma was gonna pull that.." Nagisa apologized and I shake my head, It wasn't his fault. I should've been more prepared, I was already an assassin.
" How about next time, if I fall, you'll fall with me." I offered the idea with a smile.
" Deal."
--------------------------------- 5 hours later------------------------
I smacked the heck out of Karma with my bag after school before being offered to eat out with him and Nagisa. It was a nice Soba restraint we went to, we talked and teased each other feeling the gold ol' days before walking home. I moved to open my door but it was unlocked, fear course through my body first and then Anger. Who dared to break in my home? I open the door slowly and slip my shoes off, opening the little closet that was next to my door to pull out a gun. A small pistol with loaded ammo. I hear the tv going off and I lean against the wall. It was cocked and ready, Breathing in and out.
I flipped around to enter with the gun raised high to shoot until I noticed who sat on my couch. She was eating potato chips and had cans of beer on the small wooden table I owned.
" Big sis?"
" There you are! Can you do me a favor and get me another bag of unsalted chips?"
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