Ch 19
Okay, I lied when I said that the one and only point of view change would be with Chloe. This chapter you will get to see everyone's point of view while they make their statements. This is mainly because I kind of want to stretch this story out longer because I’m so attached to it. So with that, enjoy the chapter!
“Hello, please, have a seat.” the officer before me motioned to the chair. I pulled it back to sit in it. The chair screeched against the metal flooring startling me a bit and I quickly sat in it.
“So, your name is Alya Césaire, correct?”
“Yes.” I nodded.
“And you’ve been missing for about a year?”
“That’s right, I was recently reunited with my family yesterday. We wanted to catch up before coming here and today they wanted to help me transition into a sense of normalcy by letting me walk around with my friends. We had agreed that we’d be coming here this afternoon.”
“When did you leave your house with your friends.”
“Around, seven thirty I’d say.”
“Okay, who were you with?”
“My friends, Marinette, Chloe, Nino, and Adrien.”
“But, Adrien was in the hospital until just under 2 hours ago.” I felt panic well up at that. I forgot, he was there at the time as a ghost, but they didn’t know that.
“Oh, yes, well, I mentioned him because we split up. Marinette and Chloe had yet to visit him and Nino and I thought it would be best that I’m reintroduced to the city and that we meet up at the library.”
“Where did you visit before you came to the library?”
“Nowhere really, we just walked around taking in the view.”
“When you entered the library, what did you see?”
“I saw the library destroyed, the librarian on the ground, and Chloe holding up a book in defence.”
“You said Marinette was with Chloe, what was she doing?”
“Um, well, she was being manipulated by T-Tomao? Sorry, her name escapes me.” my legs started to feel unsteady and I felt short of breath bringing light headedness.
“That’s alright. Could you tell me how she was being manipulated?”
“Well, she, the woman indicated something about being her aunt and I- it looked like she was telling her these things to join her and things like ‘she will be happy finally’. I’m unsure, but Marinette looked conflicted, but not in a good way.”
“What would you define as a good conflicted feeling?”
“Oh, I guess, a good way would be seeming to have a somewhat solid idea of what your choice might be but still tethering on the edge. Marinette looked like she was tearing herself apart on the inside. Normally, it’s easy-ish to weigh the pros and cons, not this time.”
“Interesting.” the officer nodded. “What happened next?”
“Well, Helped Marinette hide before he ran to meet Adrien, me and Chloe fought against her.”
“Was she attacking you?”
My breath hitched in my throat. “We wanted to distract her from the others and she had already harmed the librarian. We didn’t hurt her, but she did manage to do something to Chloe's ribs and later burned Marinette's face.”
“Mhm, and where did she get the fire?”
“I- I didn’t see, I was away helping Chloe and mr. Fu, the librarian. That's when we called the police.”
They listened intensely to my words, thinking a bit. “Alright, thank you for your time, we have your phone number if we have any more questions.”
I just barely made it out the door before I vomited in the can just outside. That was nerve racking.
“You too?” I turned to see Chloe holding out a stick of gum as she chewed on one herself. I accepted it.
“So how did yours go?” I asked, sitting down next to her. Her eyes widened for a moment.
“Madame Bourgeois.” the Detective nodded at the chair asking me to sit. I complied.
“You don’t mind me asking a few questions do you?”
“Not at all.” I sit up straight, taking care of my composure.
“Tell me of today's events if you’d please.”
I nodded. “Well, I got up in my room at around 6 in the morning I’d say. Marinette and Nino were there. Marinette was already on the balcony and Me and Nino woke up and excited to meet her. We had a plan for today and got ready before meeting Alya.”
“And Alya, she’s been missing up until recently?”
“Mhm, and why did you all decide to meet up so soon?”
“We missed seeing each other of course.”
“Huh, okay then, continue with the day's events.”
“We agreed to split up for a bit. Me and Marinette wanted to visit our friend Adrien in the hospital. You see, he was in a coma and we wanted to try talking to him. I think Marinette was able to get through to him because he literally woke up at her words. Like, no hesitation.”
“And what did she say?”
“I- don’t know, I left them so they could have some privacy.”
“Okay.” they motioned for me to continue.
“At that time, Adrien’s father had arrived which was odd because the entire time he was in the hospital, his father hadn’t visited him once.” I took a breath. “Anyways, we left and Marinette wanted to go to the library so we informed the others. When we got there, it was a disaster. Sundely, I turned to Marinette and she looked to be in absolute terror at the woman in the center of the room. The librarian was beaten on the floor and Marinette talked with the lady. The lady mentioned terrible things, telling Marinette to give up or something and threatened to hurt her or us. I picked up a book to attack her because she's not hurting any of us on my watch.”
“Did she say how she’d hurt you?”
“No…” I trailed off suddenly thinking back, trying to remember if she did or didn’t. “I don’t think so.”
“Oh- okay then. Um well, then Nino and Alya arrived, Nino hid Marinette and me and Alya attacked. She injured me in the ribs but I think it's just bruised. Alya was alright and I called the cops as S- the lady went to Marinette.”
“What were about to say before you changed to ‘lady’?”
“O-oh, um.” I felt bile rise in my throat. “I was about to call her an unladylike word. S-sorry.”
“It’s alright, is there any more to the story?”
“Yes, she burned Marineete, I only saw the aftermath, I mainly just rushed to Emily who is my mother figure who's been missing for a few years.”
“Ah, could you tell me about that.”
“There’s not much, but she was with the others. Sorry I don’t know much.”
“That’s alright, I think that will be all. We’ll contact you if we have any more questions.”
“Thank you.” I gulped rushing out the door. I couldn’t hold down the feeling anymore and ran to the bathroom.
Once I got through the puke, I splashed some water on my face and dried my face. I had to redo my makeup but it was fine. I just needed to take some deep breaths. I exited and went into the waiting room. I popped some gum in my mouth to get rid of the awful taste.
That's when Alya entered. She tried to steady her breathing for a moment before she hurled into the nearest garbage can.
“You too?” I asked, holding out a stick of gum. She nodded, accepting it.
“So how did yours go?” My eyes widened, looking away.
“Good.” I squeaked. “Your’s?”
“You just saw.” something caught her attention. “Oh, hey, there's Nino. Nino! How did yours go?”
“So, your name is Nino Lahiffe?”
“That’s right.”
“Walk me through today's events.”
“Okay, well, I woke up, Me and Marinette were staying with Chloe, we were studying. Marinette was already awake and talking on the balcony.”
“With who?”
“Agreste?” I nodded. “But he was in a coma.”
“Right!” I mentaly kicked myself. “Sorry, what I meant is that she was talking with him. Like, she was working on her confidence so when he woke up she could confesse. They like each other, they just don’t know how to express it.”
“Ah, thank you for the clarification.
“No problem.”
“Okay, continue with the day.”
“Right, so, we had plans to meet up with Alya. She had been missing for about a year and just got back so we wanted to help her adjust. Me and Alya walked around town while Marinette and Chloe got on a bus to visit Adrien.”
“Why did you split up?”
“I just said, Marinette and Chloe wanted to visit Adrien but Alya wanted to see the city so we agreed to meet up elsewhere.”
“And where was the meeting plan?”
“Well, we didn’t really have one, but we knew that if we can’t contact each other on one, it would be Chloe’s hotel.”
“Okay, continue with the story.”
“Well, we were walking around when Chloe and Marinette shot me a text saying they would be at the library and that Adrien was awake.”
“Could I see the text?” I shrugged and showed him my phone. “What does it mean when they said ‘it worked’?”
I started to panic realizing the text’s choice of words, thanks Chloe. “Well, We thought that Marinette's talking might wake him up or help, and it did.”
“Mhm, okay, continue.”
“We made it to the hotel and mr. Fu was on the ground, and Chloe and Marinette were looking terrified at the woman in the center of the room. She looked ready to attack Marinette so I tackled her to the ground. She asked me to bring her to the staff only room so I did and then ran out to meet Adrien as Chloe and Alya fought with the woman. Me and Adrien went to Marinette and I don’t know what happened but the lady caught up. There was a woman, Adrien's mom Emily in the room too and she was knocked into the wall.”
“How did she get there?”
“I don’t know, I just know this is the first time anyone’s seen her in years. Anyways, the lady backed Marinette into a wall and burned her face. Clhoe and Alya came and told us the had called the police. And that's it.”
The officer prossed that for a moment. “Thank you, we’ll let you know if we have any more questions, have a nice day.”
“You too.” I left the room, into the lobby where I saw Alya and Chloe talking. Adrien was entering the next room next to mine.
“Nino! How did yours go?” Alya waved me over.
“It went really good! Why are you both pale?”
“Nevermind that, did you see Adrien yet?”
“Yeah, he just started his. I wonder how it’s going.”
I walked into the dim room.
“Hello mr. Agreste, please, have a seat.
“Thank you.” I took it.
“So, you’ve just woken up from your coma, that’s correct?”
“And what's the first thing you remember?”
“Seeing Marinette, Chloe entered the room shortly after and then came a nurse.”
“What did the nurse want?”
“Well, my dad was here and she wanted the girls out of the room.”
“What did you and your dad talk about?”
“We talked about the modeling business and he told me I’m really behind on my shoots. He had me leave the hospital early because it’s bad for our company's image.” the detective nodded along.
“And after that?”
“Once my dad left, there were a few tests they had to do before I could leave. Once in the car, I got a text from nino saying that we were all meeting at the library. I got there and Nino needed my help with something.
“What was it?” I started to think about what to say, I don’t think they want to hear about how we stole a body.
“Well, Marinette was in trouble. When we got to her, My mom was there, she had been missing for years. There was a woman, an old friend of my mom’s who was fighting Alya and Chloe in the other room. She attacked Marinette and burned her face. Marinette got away and the police came.”
“She was an old friend of your mom? How do you know?”
“Well, they always met up at that exact library to read together, one day she left to read with her friend and never came back home.”
“Ah, is there anything else?”
“Not that I know of.
“Then I think that’s all the questions I have for you, we’ll contact you if we have anymore. Have a good day.” I nodded and left, my mom exited at the same time.
“How did it go?”
“Hello mrs. Agreste.”
“You’ve been missing for about 5 years, am I correct?”
I thought about it. “I believe so, to be honest however, all the years blended together at some point.”
“Okay, well, can you tell us what happened during the time you were missing and why you might have disappeared.”
“Well, my friend, Tomoe Tsuruig, and I like to read together. One day, she didn’t seem like herself so I thought reading would cheer her up. She attempted to strangle me and I felt unconuse. I woke up in an unfamiliar place with little memory. I tried to leave but I couldn’t find the exit much less use it. Today, I managed to find my way to the library again and I entered. I felt like I needed to and I found Marinette, I’ve known her for a while and she’s Tomoe’s niece.
I comforted her as her aunt attacked us. I was pushed into a wall as Marinette was burned. Not moments after, Alya and Chloe came saying they called the police. Chloe’s like a daughter to me and immediately swooped me up into a hug.”
“Okay, after?”
“I met up with my son Adrien and caught up with him and now where here.”
The officer nodded. “And where were you held captive? How did you survive?”
“I- well, I was on the far outskirts of France, I ate and drank what I could I guess.” I answered, hoping that they didn’t detect my lie.
“Hm, okay, thank you, we’ll let you know if we have any more questions, have a good day.” I felt at the same time as my son from his room.
“How did it go?” he asked.
“You don’t worry about that, let's go find your friends and check up on Marinette. You all go ahead, they’re going to want a time for when Marinette gives her statement.”
No point of view:
Emily went and scheduled a time for Marinette to come in and the rest went to check on their friend.
“How is she?” Alya asked the nurse.
“She’ll be alright, she can go home, just have her rub this on her burn every 6 hours.” the doctor held out an ointment. “We also examined her and saw she has cuts all along her arm, she’s really drained of blood. We cleaned and rebandaged them.”
“Thank you.” Chloe took the bottle. “Can she leave yet?”
“There's some paperwork needed, other than that, yes. Also, do you guys know of her black veins?”
“Pardon?” Alya asked, she, Adrien and Nino seemed to be in concerned confusion.
“Yes, they are tattoos, don't worry about them.” Chloe stepped in.
“Oh, okay? So, the paperwork then?”
“I’ve got it.” Emily approached us from behind and accepted the clipboard. “Here you go.” she handed it back after a few minutes as Adrien picked up Marinette from the table.
They all left and made their way to Chloe’s hotel, the now usually meeting place. Marinette woke up along the way.
“Where are we?”
This was by far, my favorite to write, it was so cool and I enjoyed sharing each of their points of views during the fight. I hope you liked this chapter as much as I did and I hope that you had a great day!
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