Christmas Special Bonus Chapter #1 : Good Memory
Okay guys, this is just a sweet little chapter I wrote about Yuki remembering Christmas with her grandfather - the blue wolf when she was ten.
I'll have one bonus chapter today for Christmas Eve and one bonus chapter tomorrow on Christmas Day.
The two chapters are the same chapter split into two parts.
Enjoy and Merry Christmas!
- bluelion2
(Yuki's pov)
I swept the floor - well, it's actually a cave - frantically.
I had to finish my chores by the time he got home.
Or he'd make me do more.
I feel like he's working me to death!
I put my broom to the side and sat down on one of my lawn chairs.
It's Christmas Eve today.
It's supposed to be snowing outside but no!
It's warm and sunny!
It doesn't even feel cold a bit.
I remembered the date from checking Mrs. Iragashi's calendar at the gocery store today.
She's a kind lady who bags the groceries at one of the cash registers.
She's always so nice to me.
Like a mother....
I started to feel tears.
This happens every year around this time.
I see all the other kids walking down the sidewalk with their parents or playing in the park with their parents watching them, making sure they're safe.
It makes me so jealous.
I wish I had that.
I have my blue wolf and I wouldn't give him for the world but....
Well, I wish mom and dad were still here.
I heard the familiar pit pat of his paws at the front of the cave and immediately got up and began sweeping again.
"Yuki? " he asked.
I tucked some hair behind my ear neverously.
"Yes? "
"What are you doing? "
"Cleaning. "
"Didn't I say you didn't have to do your chores today? "
I dropped the broom and blushed.
"I think I sorta forgot.... " I said covering my face.
"You don't have to be embarrassed. "
I stomped my foot down.
"Too late! " I said.
I sat down once more on my mattress and sighed.
"I've been working my but off all day for nothing.... " I said.
"Hmm. " was all he said.
"Hmm! That's all you can say! My life is ending! My future is ruined! The apocalypse has begun! " I shouted.
He sighed.
"You and your dramatising... " he said.
"It's Christmas Eve. " I said solemnly.
I looked over to see him fidgeting around.
"What's going on? " I asked concerned.
"Oh, nothing.... "
I sat up.
"Nope. Tell me the truth. Something's up. "
"Well.... "
"What already! "
"I.... I couldn't think of a present for you... "
I can tell he's lying.
He always gets fidgety around any holiday.
I wonder why.
But this time, I'll let his lie slide.
He clearly isn't going to tell me so I might as well take his mind off whatever he's thinking about.
"I'll take any present you give me. " I said with a smile.
"Can you be more specific? "
"Uggh okay, I want..... "
I thought about it for a second.
"A good memory. " I said.
"That's not very specific either... " he said.
"I'm not good at thinking about what I want for Christmas. I've never been. You know that. "
"Well.... "
Then he slipped out.
I wonder where he went?
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