Chapter Two : The Wish
Chapter Two, The Wish
It had been eleven years since that night.
Eleven years ago my parents and family and friends were murdered.
The locals like to call the tradegy red night because when the police arrived they couldn't walk anywhere without stepping in blood.
I was the only survivor but people don't know that. They think I died too along with my parents.
Even if they never found my body.
The only reason I survived was because of my guardian angel, my blue wolf.
Her saved me that night and raised me from then on out as his daughter.
Most people can't see him though, the only way he was able to stay here and take care of me was to possess a small part of my brain.
We talk alot in my head and sometimes he'll jump out of me and show himself.
He looks like any normal wolf at first glance except for the fact he's blue with blue flames coming off of him.
That's the not normal part well, everything about our relationship was not normal.
But he's been my best friend for eleven years and my adoptive dad.
He really means a lot to me.
And today's my birthday! Yep today I will be turning officially fifteen.
I'm so excited!
I'm gonna go buy a birthday cake and eat it in my cave in the forest alone.
Wow. That took a depressing turn.
I won't be completely alone though. I have him but...
I've been thinking lately how my birthday would've been if my mom and dad were still here.
What would they have done for me?
I barely remember them. Most of my memories of that time have faded away.
I sighed.
But I know I'll never know now. They're gone and I just have to accept that.
But I can't and it's killing me!
I walked down the sidewalk towards the gocery store.
I wonder if they have any good cakes.
I went inside and went straight to the bakery section.
Then I saw it.
That's my cake. It's blue with black roses on it and has happy birthday written on the front. I love it.
"Do you think it's nice, dad? " I whispered.
"Yes it's cool." he said in my head.
I chuckled.
My dad always failed when it came to trying to talk cool. I'm just glad that no one else can hear him so I wouldn't get embarrassed.
I paid for the cake and took it with me to my home.
My home meaning my little cave in the woods where I live.
It's small but suprizinlying homey.
I have an old mattress in the corner and a small coffee table in the middle. My bookshelf is in the other corner. I have a few lawn chairs lying around too.
All my furniture I got from either junk yards or when people moved out around the town.
All my money I earned from either finding it on the ground or from my babysitting jobs.
Dad used to find me animals and bring them to me and feed me that way when I couldn't work.
I set the cake down on the coffee table and plumped myself down on my mattress.
"Hey dad can I see you?"
"Of course."
I felt the pulling sensation as he jumped out of me and landed beside me.
I snuggled up to him and hugged him.
"Dad? "
"Yes? "
"Can you tell me about my real parents?"
"Your dad was very brave and your mother was very kind."
Ugh. He says that every time.
"Why do you always say that? "
"Because it's true."
I sighed.
"I know. It's just lately I've been wanting to know more about them. I only have a few memories of them from when I was a child. I know you said you always watched us then so you have to know more."
"I'll tell you more another time."
He always says that too.
I jumped up off the mattress and went to go sit on one of the lawn chairs next to the coffee table.
I opened up the cake box and lit the candles on the cake with the blue flames I've been able to control since forever.
"What are you gonna wish for?"
"I can't tell you or it won't come true!"
"Tell me and I'll make it come true."
I closed my eyes and blew out the candles.
"I wished that one day I'll be able to see my parents again."
He laughed.
"That's a hard one but if it's what you really want I'll find a way to give it to you."
"Really? How!"
"I'll find a way, I promise. Just for you."
I hugged him.
"I love you."
"I love you too Yuki."
I then ate some of my cake and left the rest outside for the animals to eat.
I laid down on my mattress again and started to go to sleep when my dad nuged my arm.
"What is it?"
"If I do find a way for you to meet your parents again I think you should know some things first."
"What things? "
"You wanted to know more about your parents? You'll have to know about them if you're going to find them."
"Really! You'll tell me!"
"Yes. But first I need to tell you something about me."
"What about you?"
"I'm actually your grandfather."
"What! How did- What?"
"Your grandmother was human. Her name was Yuri. "
"You fell in love with my grandmother?"
"Yes I did. She accepted me for who I was and taught me about the world just like you. You are very much like her."
"We had two sons together - twins. Your dad and your uncle. I remember the night they were born. I had been trying to possess a body to go see them but every living vessel I touched died."
I shivered.
"Your grandmother was a strong woman. She did her best to protect our sons. Everybody wanted to kill her at the time though. "
"Why? "
"Because of me."
"Why you? You're the most kindest person I've ever met."
"I didn't use to be that way Yuki. I was evil. Deep down in my heart I'm still evil."
"But you've always been so kind to me and my grandmother couldn't have fallen in love with you if she didn't see it! You're a good person!"
"I'm not even a person, Yuki!"
"Then what are you!"
"I'm a demon! The father of all demons, Satan."
I choked on my own breath for a second.
"But-But you couldn't be. "
"I am. And you are the granddaughter of Satan."
"I-I am?"
"Yes. That's why you have the blue flames like me. It's why you heal faster than other people. It's why you see the fairies as you call them. You are part demon."
"T-This is a lot to take in."
"I know Yuki. I know. Just promise me you won't hate me now? "
I started to cry. "I could never hate you. You've been my everything for the past eleven years."
"Yuki, you're full name is Yuki Okumura. Remember it, okay?"
"Yuki I also have one last confession to tell you."
"And what is it?"
He hesitated then sucked in his breath.
"I am the start of the red night
I gasped. My hands were shaking.
I couldn't breathe.
No, not him. He could've have.
I felt like the world was crashing on my shoulders.
"No, no it couldn't have been you!"
"No! You're lying! Tell me the truth! "
"I just did. "
"Why? "
"I was foolish at the time. I thought what I was doing was the best. I can tell you now, I'm so sorry. You are the reason I've changed from that old me. You make me human, Yuki. I know I can never do anything to make up for what I did but I thought maybe taking care of you was a start. That's why I want to give you, your wish. I want you to get to know your parents and to maybe try to save them from me. "
"That's proof right there. "
"Proof of what?"
"That you've changed and that you truly love me."
I hugged him.
I just couldn't be angry at him. What he did was absolutely horrible but I know he's changed. He loves me and I love him.
"Thank you for telling me." I said and then nodded off to sleep soaking in all the information he gave me.
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